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Chandrakanth's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Dear DH, Please answer. Some of the question even NASA does not have answer. If you have answer please let me know. I know that we are living in the world where Vatican has treated Galileo as prisoner. I strongly feel that we, human beings are the slaves of the known and it is the known that is preventing us from mastering the unknown. Note: If you are interested to attend the international media conference with your all critiques; you are most welcome. Every question will be given answer on the spot itself in front of the media. i will address through video conference. If i cannot answer any question connected with the science of the cosmos and 'Theory of Everything’ then i will consider myself as useless for nothing. I am getting ready to give justice to the scientists like Galileo and Copernicus. Chandra with spiritual compassion of Truth
  2. Now, the present academic system has closed all the doors for the emerging scientists. Even though science knows that most of the scientists like Wright Brothers who invented flight, Richard Trevithick, who invented the first steam-powered vehicle are all emerged outside the academic system; why the present education system is not permitting such scientific people and inventions to emerge? We must know that most of the excellent scientists who gave new devices to humanity were poor in mathematics but not in invention. They showed their stunning aptitude of innovation without depending on dogma mathematics. Even Werner Heisenberg did the same. When the quantum mechanics was in its peak, Heisenberg emerged with uncertainty principle and shocked, but also helped the quantum mechanics to grow in a right direction. But science has given importance to the uncertainty principle without knowing the philosophical and the spiritual command of Werner Heisenberg. Do a soul searching! It is evident that some of the forces are internally afraid of true scientific renaissance in the world. Particularly, they are afraid of honest and unselfish research work, but why? All over the world, it was so well planned through the academic system to block the emergence of a true scientific force, but why? In the 16th century, nature had started generating scientific flood of inventions and discoveries where scientists remained far more popular than others. But after the French Revolution some of the extreme forces who started controlling the root of capital realized that the flood of the scientific inventions is dangerous for the growth of their capital. They become conscious that slowly the inventions will become disadvantageous for their material existence. So, by introducing the stereotype academic lock-up they have developed a clever plan to block all the roads for the emerging scientists to keep them out of the mainstream. In this process, they realized that if the carrier oriented people enter the mainstream of science they will be successful to stop the flood of scientific inventions. They materially grasped that a true scientist is basically unselfish and honest in heart and so a scientist who is not a slave of name, fame, money, position or meaningless patent can do any spiritual wonder in this world. They can even introduce a device to generate “free-fuel” and “free-power” to the world. This is the true history of the present education system and the tragedy of science. Now, once more the universal space-time is getting ready to generate a flood of scientific inventions and discoveries. Our work is also a part of that forthcoming scientific flood. So, as a first step our foundation is to work as an energy source for such emerging scientists. One of the major missions of our work is also to develop a unified medical science with the spirit of universal oneness. Now, all over the world there are hundreds of medical systems that have locked the science of medicines under the predetermined sensations of profit motive. But locking the medical science under the ‘Make money Philosophy’ is a spiritual crime. According to the ancient Vedic scriptures medical professionals must have one and the only spirit to heal the patient, not grab money. No God has given any right to human beings to make money by exploiting others’ health condition. Now, there is a need to free the medical science from the greedy sensation of profit motive and the man made egoistic lock-up of all forms of national and international boundaries to develop a true science of medicines. Our mission will work with the eternal cause to liberate the science of medicines from the man made finite boundaries to develop one integrated, unified and elegant medical system with the spirit of universal oneness. As we know, China gave birth to Acupuncture. Japan gave birth to Acupressure. India gave birth to Ayurveda. Germany gave birth to Homeopathy. Britain gave birth to Allopathy. Apart from all these medical systems there are electropathy, psychopathy, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy and so many other natural tribal medicine systems in every remote corner of the world which we call as naturotherapy. For jaundice, there is a wonderful cure in Indian naturotherapy, which will take only a week’s time to heal the patient and once after healing it will never repeat in lifetime. When such medicine exists for jaundice it is the universal duty of the medical science to see that not a single jaundice patient in any remote corner of the world should die or suffer from any side effects. This spiritual motto should become the fundamentals of medical science, not the egoistic sensation of boundary or the make money philosophy. It is our spiritual duty to develop this immortal quality in the medical science. But now, all over the world allopathy is generating hatred towards ayurveda and other medical systems. Ayurveda is generating hatred against allopathy and other medical systems. Acupuncture is generating hatred against allopathy, acupressure and other medical systems. Acupressure is generating hatred against the acupuncture and other medical systems. Naturotherapy is also not out of this language of hatred. All over the world, this has become the ugly quality of the present medical professionals. But hereafter, we must consider this type behaviour pattern of any medical professional as a medical crime. Our duty is not to hear their language of hatred, but to understand the true motto of their money making greediness. Our duty is to free the medical science from the language of hatred. Medical science must follow the language of universal love, not the universal hatred. To elevate the science of medicines into the universal height of social justice, soon, we intend to call the international conference of the different medical systems in India as a first spiritual step to unify the science of medicines as one integrated unit. We strongly feel that this is one and the only spiritual gift we can give to Hippocrates, the father of the medical science. Example of our scientific foolishness The entire scientific world knows that brain and spinal cord constitute the central nervous system. The brain contains some 50 billions nerve cells, or neurons. Each neuron is linked to thousands of others. Tiny electrical signals pass through this vast network, carrying human thoughts and memories. Nerve signals also come into the brain from nerves all over the body, and go out from the brain to the muscles. A nerve signal is a tiny pulse of electricity that travels very fast, almost 100 meters per second along a nerve cell. When there is electricity flow in every human body do we need earthing or not? Why have we disconnected ourselves from earthing? When there is tension in mind earthing is a must. Otherwise we may witness brain haemorrhage. Even the computer cannot properly function without earthing. Then what about a human being? The shoe that we wear, the roads that we build, the house where we live, and the tall buildings that we construct… everywhere we have insulated ourselves from earthing. What development we have done in this world when we cannot understand the minute law of earthing? Our sincere call to the world is to end this illusive journey. Now, there is an immediate need to do a soul searching. We need a new beginning to raise the world unto the infinite height of the absolute science. We must realize that inventions are an outcome of unselfish people’s selfless mind. Let us elevate the world into a new height by digesting the true value of science. Let us usher in a new legend of renaissance in the world. Without violating the natural laws of cosmic creation, let us re-construct the world into an innovative height, so that at least the future generations can enjoy the true glory and the infinite happiness of life. Note: Nowadays, there is a danger that Quantum Mechanics may be imprisoned in the laboratories. It must realize that all laboratories exist under the domain of the compressive pressure of the spinning atmosphere, where the result of collision will be different from the collision in the infinite space. Testing particle collision in laboratory cannot give the same result in the infinite space, where the space-time interaction will be different from the laboratory limitations. Though most recent discoveries of Quantum Mechanics are limited to laboratory experiments, the visions of Maxwell, Feynman, Yang-Mills, Heisenberg and other scientists have travelled beyond the domain of the laboratories.
  3. Today, everybody knows that natural satellites, planets, stars etc. are moving elliptically in space. But even in the 21st century science has failed to answer “Why it is moving elliptically?” Why? Science knows very well that the movements of the air pressure in the atmosphere are connected with the energy movements of the Polar Regions. But why it is connected with the Polar Regions? Which energetic force from the Polar Region is controlling the movements of the air pressure in the atmosphere? Why the science cannot answer all these questions even in the 21st century? The question is: if gravity pulls the atmosphere towards the earth's surface then how do the movements of the air molecules are connected with the energy movements of the Polar Regions? Science must answer these fundamental questions. It is the duty of the scientists to answer without resorting to assumptions. Science knows that during winter there will be vortex in the northern and southern hemispheres. They witnessed it and named it as the “Polar Vortex”, but why the vortex emerges during winter? What is the energy secret connected with these two vortexes? If there is no permanent vortex in the northern and southern hemispheres; how it can emerge and disappear only in winter? Present science does not have answer! Why? What is the true secret connected with the high and low tides of the ocean? Is it not connected with the energy movements of the Polar Vortexes? Why we are using ‘moon’s gravity’ to shield our inability to answer the energy secret connected with the high and low tides of the ocean? Science knows about the ‘Aurora’ occurrence in the Polar Region, but what is the root cause of the Aurora? Why it occurs? Which energy gives birth to Aurora? Why can’t we answer all these simple questions of nature? Present science knows that every planet has magnetosphere, but why the science does not have answer about the energy secret connected with the very birth of the magnetosphere even after several so called deep scientific observations? How many of us know that gravity, big-bang and black-holes are not proven theory? Why the science is not mentioning it in the school books and providing scientific foundation for children to invent the answer? The text book of Physics, page 338-339, The National Science Foundation of America says, “Centrifugal force was imagined by Newton to adjust planetary dynamics within gravitational law. There is no existence of any such real force in Astrodynamics.” and The Scientific American, monthly Science Magazine (March 1981), says, in page 127, "Centrifugal force is fictitious force having no real existence. Newton compelled to create this force to frame planetary dynamic within his law of universal gravitation." But how many of us know it? Astronomers have discovered that all galaxies are rushing away from one another, but cannot explain why galaxies are rushing away from one another without any force attached to it. Present science knows that the Sun’s outer atmosphere (the corona) is hotter than 10,00,000° C while the visible surface of the sun has a temperature of only 6,000° C, but why all the existing cosmological equations are not capable to answer these questions? It is evident that the temperature of the ‘Corona’ is connected with some other energy source, not with the temperature of the sun. But why the science has failed to identify that energy source? Science must do a soul searching! It should answer the fundamentals. It is the duty of the science to answer ‘Whys’ first! Otherwise, we are giving birth to another dogmatic philosophy, not to science. According to the declaration of NASA, after 26 years of its launch, 'Voyager -1' spacecraft is very near the outer limit of the solar system. When it was launched in 1977, NASA had declared that 'Voyager -1' was only meant to survive five years in space. But what is the energy secret of the immensely extended life span of the spacecraft 'Voyager -1'? NASA does not have a scientific explanation. Why? Science knows that everything in this universe is made up of sub-atomic particles, so there must be one simple underlying principle that governs everything from the minute sub-atomic particle to vast cosmos. We are happy to forward that scientific secret in our forthcoming book, NUCLEUS OF THE ABSOLUTE. It introduces the reader deep into the unknown depths of the nucleus and explore the inner root of the underlying energy source that governs the universe. Soon, we intend to make a multimedia presentation with the 3D graphics to the international media about this fascinating Truth. We will give a preview presentation that explores the scientific root of the ‘Grand Unified Forces of Nature’ and its eternal relativity with the ‘Super Spinning Motion of the Universe’. This multimedia presentation will come in the form of DVD with the 3D graphics as a soul searching lamp for the further scientific inventions and discoveries. After the presentation, we will officially forward a new hypothesis to the scientific centres across the world. As we know, the science has proved several equations related with the terrestrial and celestial dynamics, and Quantum Mechanics, but there is no single proven equation related to Newton's law of gravity. NASA and European Space Agency have spent trillions of dollars to search for the gravitational waves. Nineteenth century science says that if there is a force, waves must exist. Scientists have theorized about graviton, the gravitational particle, for years, but have been frustrated in their attempts to find a consistent quantum theory for it. Ironically, the geo-centric paradigm of Ptolemy itself is the invisible philosophical root for the gravity-centric paradigm. The former seems to have taken shelter in the unconscious mind of Newton and continued its journey. Gravity-centric theory is just an advanced form of geo-centric theory where we have not considered the thermonuclear wonders of the universal repulsive force and its relativity with the super spinning motion of the cosmos as the fundamental. Frederic Engels says, "The whole theory of gravitation rests on the saying that attraction is the essence of matter. This is necessarily false. Where there is attraction, it must be compensated by repulsion. A theory of gravity based on mere attraction is not only inadequate, but also one sided. In fact, sufficient phenomenon occurs that demonstrate this in advance”. Long ago, Aristotle had rejected the definition of space as void. He said that empty space is impossibility. After manifold observations and experiments, the space science has also reached the same conclusion. The omnipresent character of electricity and magnetism in the infinite space has stunned the modern scientific world. In the infinite space, when the repulsive forces of two spinning objects collide, it works like an electric generator with a powerful electromagnetic circuit system. Modern science, however, has thoroughly misunderstood the electromagnetic behaviour pattern resulting from the interface of the repulsive forces. It has erroneously attributed electromagnetism as the outcome of a magnetic field of particular planet or star. At the present juncture, it is impossible to continue any decisive scientific journey without understanding the inner most character of universal repulsive force and its law of equilibrium. From the inner core of human mind, atomic nuclei, matter, earth, stellar family, galaxy, cluster of galaxies to super clusters, everywhere, the force of repulsion is the driving power. But the modern science has not identified the thermo-nuclear wonders of repulsion and its association with human intelligence, nature and the entire universe. It has failed to discover the immense power of universal repulsive force and its strength related to every mechanical, physical and chemical motion, expansion and transformation in the infinite space. In the last century, numerous scientists have spent their energy to define the falsification of orthodox science in their quest to prove the erroneous concept of gravitational attraction. Now there is a need to free the human mind from this falsification and its dogmatic yoke. It is very easy to simplify the scientific understanding of the human mind, nature and the entire universe with the commanding truth of universal repulsive force and its law of equilibrium.
  4. Quote from Caver Mead Rigidness of Math and the metaphysical beauty of Einstein "When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter. ... Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended ... thus the concept of particles cannot play a fundamental part, ... and can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or energy density are particularly high." (Albert Einstein, Metaphysics of Relativity, 1950) Some of the important declarations of Stephen Hawking from the book, “STEPHEN HAWKING — Quest for a Theory of Everything” In the Cockcroft Lecture Room here, on April 29, 1980, scientists and university dignitaries gathered in steep tiers of seats, facing a two-story wall of chalkboard and slide screen. The title of the lecture was a question: “Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?” and Hawking startled his listeners by announcing that he thought it was. It was typical Hawking audacity to begin this distinguished professorship by predicting the end of his own field. He said he thought there was a good chance the so-called Theory of Everything would be found before the close of the century, leaving little for theoretical physicists like himself to do. (Reference from introduction page 10-11) We and everything we know about (and much we do not know) are in the thick of the play. If there is Theory of Everything, we and everything in the universe must be obeying its principles, even while we try to discover what they are. (Reference from chapter 2, page 1) Imagine you have never seen our universe. Is there a set of rules so complete that by studying them you could discover exactly what our universe is like? Could you read through those rules in a lifetime? Many physicists believe it would take you much less time than that. They think the rule of book is short and that it contains a set of fairly simple principles, perhaps even just one principle that lies behind everything that has happened, is happening, and ever will happen in our universe. Stephen Hawking says that set of rules—that Theory of Everything—may be within our reach. (Reference from chapter 2, page 13) “if somebody find the Theory of Everything, what then? According to Hawking, doing physics after that would be like mountaineering after Mount Everest has been conquered. However, Hawking has also said that for humanity as a whole it would be only the beginning, because although the a Theory of Everything would tell us how the universe works and why it is the way it is, it won’t tell us why it exist at all.” (Reference from chapter 10, page 160)
  5. Abstract: The following article 'Cosmic Powerhouse of Einstein and Grand Unified Theory', reveals Einstein's most famous scientific equation, E = mc2, and explicates the inner puzzles of Einstein's state of mind. Particularly, it focuses on Einstein's postulations connected with his own theory, 'cosmological constant'. Even though Einstein was very near to the immeasurable scientific ocean of relativity, he created a block to further discovery and understanding with his assumptions of a 'static universe' connected with the 'cosmological constant', hindering the science of cosmology from proving wonders after wonders like E = mc2. This article explores the human limitations of the static way of thinking and reveals the perpetual scientific need of grand unification of the particle motion and the science of the cosmos. The article then progresses toward the practicability of the grand unification of quantum mechanics and the space-time Truth of cosmology, ending with the declaration 'Wave/particle Duality vs. Wave-particle Integrity' as a soul searching lamp of 'Grand Unification'. (Note: This article is an extract from the ninth chapter of my forthcoming book, Nucleus of the Absolute.) Cosmic Powerhouse of Einstein and Grand Unified Theory "How EINSTEIN Arrived at E = MC2" http://www.stresscure.com/hrn/einstein.html Out Popped E=MC2!! In 1905, Einstein published his argument, including his conclusion that E=MC2, in a three-page paper entitled "Does The Inertia Of A Body Depend On It's Energy Content?" The paper had no footnotes and not one single reference to support it. The scientific establishment went absolutely bonkers. "Who does this Einstein think he is? How dare he contradict the fundamental principles of Newtonian physics? Where is his scientific evidence? What are his credentials for making such an assertion? This is preposterous....we can't allow people just to say things like this without proof! How dare he...this idea should be given no credence at all!" What was Einstein's response? How did he deal with all the negative criticism coming his way? His response was simple and direct. Basically, he told the scientific community... Check it out--you'll see that it's true! As it turned out, Einstein was right. Twenty years later, when the technology became available to put Einstein's assumption to a rigorous scientific test, his theory was validated. Eventually, the whole world had to agree that Einstein's original "hunch" was correct. The truth (at least as far as we know it today) eventually won out, although it took a long, long time before it was fully embraced. [/i] Was the inclusion of the cosmological constant Einstein's "biggest blunder"? http://super.colorado.edu/~michaele/Lambda/blund.htm When Einstein introduced the cosmological constant in his theory of general relativity he did so because he was guided by the paradigm of the day that the universe was static (i.e. neither contracting nor expanding.) The cosmological constant provided a way of balancing the gravitational contraction caused by matter. It was latter discovered by Edwin Hubble that other galaxies appear to be receding away from us, that the universe was actually expanding. When Einstein heard and fully appreciated these observations, he declared that the inclusion of the cosmological constant was his "biggest blunder." Einstein's mistake was not a mathematical one but rather a philosophical one made many times over the history of thought. Einstein held too strongly to the belief that the universe was static and thus was unable to appreciate the power of his theory's predictions of a dynamic universe. His error serves as a lesson to all thinkers, that we should never close our minds to new possibilities, even if the thought of the day is that they are impossible. Imagine how history would have been changed had Copernicus refused to accept his belief that the sun was actually the centre of the solar system, or had Columbus thought he would have fallen off the edge of the Earth. It is hard to know where the next paradigm shift will come from! ===== After powerful exploration of the most famous scientific equation E= mc2, Einstein’s mind started oscillating between two extremes: nature’s spectacular theory of relativity; and, his own uncertain conclusion associated with the static universe. In General Relativity, Einstein assumed that space-time becomes curved in response to the effects of matter and this curvature in turn affects the behaviour of matter. But Einstein assumed the behaviour pattern of space-time curvature in the surroundings of every matter by subtracting the super spinning motion. Nevertheless, when we subtract super spinning motion, naturally we will give importance to the illusory assumptions of the mind and will travel apart from the zone of Truth. First, we must know that from minute sub-atomic particles to vast cosmos, everything is spinning and every spinning motion must generate curvature in space-time. After Edwin Hubble’s discovery, though Einstein then rejected his own theory of static universe, his theory had not completely vanished from his unconscious mind. The vacuum created by the rejected theory had unknowingly taken root in Einstein’s mental cabinet, thwarting his journey to master the relative principles of the infinite universe. Space-time curvature is a natural outcome of the super spinning motion where the surrounding atmosphere of every particle and object will also spin along with the spinning velocity of the particular object or particle; the earth is not exceptional from this universal phenomenon. Only when we consider that the universe is flat, static or stationary will an illusory picture be generated in our retina where the false assumptions of the mind will dominate the reality and move apart from the natural truth of the cosmos. When our mind is not entirely convinced about the mythological root that exists behind Ptolemy and the theory of ‘static universe’, often we will become slave to our mind’s meaningless assumptions. In this context, naturally ‘known’ will become dominant in our mind and prevent our mental organisms from mastering some of the simple Truths of nature. Instead of witnessing the effects of the super spinning motion, we will witness an illusory curvature in every space-time. If one observes the reality, without any preoccupied mental illusions, then one will realize the universal phenomenon of the spinning atmospheres that has originated from the super spinning motion of the particular particle and object, extending from stars to atoms. The day when science realizes this natural phenomenon of the cosmos the world will witness the axiomatic leap in every field of humanity and will become capable of decoding the underlying secret that governs the universe. Otherwise, science will continue to be paralysed within the zone of illusions and consequent assumptions of the mind where only self-projected discovery can continue, not invention. If Einstein could have freed himself from his assumptions of the ‘static universe’ and the meaningless postulation of gravity, then he could have proven wonders after wonders like E = mc2 in the science of cosmology. Einstein’s greatest blunder is not the theory of cosmological constant, but trying to relate the scientific ocean of relativity with the illusions and assumptions of the static universe and the law of gravity. Einstein’s theory, associated with cosmological relativity, was a newborn baby for Einstein himself where he represented a moving character in the beginning. Slowly, he become slave to the static character and used the word ‘constant’ and ‘static’ instead of using the word ‘dynamic’. Here, Einstein deviated from the immeasurable scientific ocean of relativity and seized himself in the static clutches of the finite mind. Everything in this universe is in a moving and spinning state; there is no static point for any object or particle. In every moving state there will be contraction and expansion, but static behaviour pattern is impossible for both matter and mind since everything represents super spinning motion. If something is above becoming static, the invisible internal motion of that particular object or particle (the weak force) will come out and explode, crossing the threshold of chaos. Finally, this will make every exploded object and particle spin and move inside the magnetic boundary of the particular. This natural phenomenon exists everywhere from the minute sub-atomic particle to vast cosmos. Every form of contracting state represents chaotic behaviour pattern in the first phase. In the meantime, it is the contracting state and its highly volatile behaviour pattern of chaos that explores the way to the particular particle, object or mind resulting in an expanding state necessary to maintain equilibrium between the particular and the universal energy levels. ‘Universe is Dynamic, not static’ is misunderstood to mean that the universe is expanding or will expand forever. There is a myth that Hubble’s universe is expanding; Hubble discovered that particular individual entities within the universe are expanding, not the whole universe. If any individual entity is expanding or contracting, we cannot come to a conclusion that the universe is expanding or contracting as a whole. The universe is not a separate entity to expand or contract. Every individual entity in the universe will contract or expand based on the need of the particular space-time, but it does not mean that universe will go on expanding or contracting. Universe is a living and moving unit within space-time as a whole, not in particular. It is filled with different entities such as the magnetospheres of the sub-atomic particles, atoms, matters, natural satellites, planets, stellar systems, galaxies, cluster of galaxies, super clusters, etc. When all entities in the universe are in active spinning motion, a static universe is impossible. This applies not only for the universe, but even to human mind where the static behaviour pattern is impossible. There will be motion whether negative or positive, order or disorder, contraction or expansion, destruction or construction, attachment or detachment. Even time cannot exist without motion. If the mind or matter is immobilized or becomes static, there will be destruction; yet every destruction results in construction. Thus, destruction and construction, order and disorder, contraction and expansion, attachment and detachment are momentary and appropriate. The everlasting Truth is that everything is dynamic and in motion, not static. In other words, there will be destruction only to the individual consciousness, matter and systems (stellar families, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, super clusters), not to the collective unconsciousness or the universe. As human beings, we are tuned with the individual consciousness; in every perceived destruction, disorder, contraction or detachment, the wonders of resulting construction are not visible or perceptible for us. The Grand Unified Truth In the entire universe, ‘Super Spinning Motion’ is the underlying source for the existence of all forms of macroscopic and microscopic objects and particles. The grand unified forces of nature are omnipresent, but not omnipotent; the omnipotent force is the ‘super spinning motion’. What we see as the fundamental force today has also originated from the Super spinning: the law Eternal. The repulsive force of the spinning atmosphere originated from the super spinning motion of the particular particle, object, planet, star, stellar system, galaxy, cluster of galaxies and super clusters should generate spiral motion similar to super strings since it is an result of the super spinning motion. Quantum scientists identified the spiral motion similar to super strings that exist in the surroundings of every particle and named it ‘wave/particle duality’. Meanwhile, the science of cosmology identified the same duality and named it ‘space-time curvature'. The perception of ‘wave/particle duality’ and ‘space-time curvature’ explores the basic behaviour patterns that exist within the environment of every moving and spinning particle and system. In turn, this exposes their possible magnetic boundaries extending from stars to atoms and termed ‘magnetosphere’. Therefore, there is no probability for a ‘super string theory’ to unify the quantum mechanics and the science of the cosmos as one integrated unit. Quantum science has identified the ‘curvature’ in the space-time surroundings of every particle and unknowingly unified it with the science of cosmology by developing a method to calculate the ‘wave-particle duality’. Now, there is a need to develop a model to analyse the space-time behaviour patterns of spinning particles and systems in order to unify the science of cosmology and the ground-breaking innovations of quantum mechanics as one integrated unit. Wave/particle Duality vs. Wave-particle Integrity When the science of cosmology and quantum mechanics subtracts the super spinning quality of the particle from the particular particle motion, it seems like wave/particle duality or space-time curvature. When we realizes that super spinning is the underlying source of every particle motion, then we will easily understand that waves or space-time curvatures are the natural outcome of super spinning. In every particle motion, waves or curvature must exist and should move along with the particle since it is the result of the super spinning motion of the particular particle. When a particle changes its position in connection with its spinning and moving velocity, there will be a background effect of waves or curvatures where sometimes we cannot see individual particles, but we can see their waves. This background effect of waves (where a particle is absent) will generate confusion in our minds only when we subtract the underlying source (super spinning) from the particle motion. Waves and space-time curvature are natural characteristics of super spinning that exists and moves along with the particle. After realizing this universal phenomenon of nature that exists from the minute sub-atomic particle to vast cosmos, we cannot term this infinite activity as wave/particle duality because it is not duality; it is integrity. Hereafter, it is the duty of quantum mechanics to observe the science of wave/particle duality as wave-particle integrity; the duality exists only within our minds and not within nature. Sri Krishna says, “All things static and dynamic, conscious and unconscious arise from the interaction of entity and its nature”. For more details read 'Some Fundamental Questions to Science': http://science-community.sciam.com/blog-entry/Chandrakanths-Blog/Fundamental-Questions-Science/570003001msg570005551
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