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Everything posted by us2u

  1. Probably not..but will probably miss us anyway,as Earth has existed for billions of years..I don't personally think an asteroid headed this way is too much to worry about....Here is some footage by Reutersw on C.N.N. NEWS Giant asteroid could hit Earth in 2014 Tuesday, September 2, 2003 Posted: 11:38 AM EDT (1538 GMT) Artist's impression of asteroid over Earth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELATED • 2003 QQ47: Earth Impact Risk Summary PopSci.com: Will hobbyists save world from killer asteroids? YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Near Earth Object 2003 QQ47 or Create your own Manage alerts | What is this? LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A giant asteroid is heading for Earth and could hit in 2014, U.S. astronomers have warned British space monitors. But for those fearing Armageddon, don't be alarmed -- the chances of a catastrophic collision are just one in 909,000. Asteroid "2003 QQ47" will be closely monitored over the next two months. Its potential strike date is March 21, 2014, but astronomers say that any risk of impact is likely to decrease as further data is gathered. On impact, it could have the effect of 20 million Hiroshima atomic bombs, a spokesman for the British government's Near Earth Object Information Centre told BBC radio. The Centre issued the warning about the asteroid after the giant rock was first observed in New Mexico by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Program. "The Near Earth Object will be observable from Earth for the next two months and astronomers will continue to track it over this period," said Dr Alan Fitzsimmons, one of the expert team advising the Centre. Asteroids such as 2003 QQ47 are chunks of rock left over from the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Most are kept at a safe distance from the Earth in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. But the gravitational influence of giant planets such as Jupiter can nudge asteroids out of these safe orbits and send them plunging towards Earth.
  2. Hi Jackson...if Earth is threatened by natural disaster, I really do not believe we as men are able to reverse the threat....That said, I guess man will prob'y know or estimate when this could seriously happen...I suppose colonies on moonbase & other planets will be the future of mankind.. And through mans intelligence will learn to adapt & use materials for his progress as we do on this planet..maybe like a sci-fi story only this time not a story but 'fact' living for survival.. I do not mean to sound pessimistic but just looking at probabilities into the future...hopefully our children will inherit this Earth & hand it down to their children for Generations of centuries yet to come.. Now hopefully that is my sheer optimism but none of us will have a clue about Earths near future..I'm too skeptical to believe in paralell universes I think or believe speculation belongs to Romantists,poets & the like! Unfortunately alot of events & life are extremely abhorrent on this planet but I guess that is far outweighed by all the Beautiful things that can & do happen with our planet! But really I believe man has his desire & quest for his own survival & will far outlive this planet Earth...us2u
  3. You are prob'y quite correct Swansont...but never mind starting again is o.k. I see you are an expert in Physics (Total Respect).. I've got really interested in various subjects here some to me seem rather speculative although I guess it's always good to question within reason I guess that's how we learn..which I love learning new sciences to do with Astronomy everyday... I see they think they may have actually found running water on Mars & even maybe primitive Bacterial life-forms...oh well why not...some think that this could challange religion but I just stay open minded I find that way rather than get set into a personel view I don't get involved in heated arguments.. Mind you I guess a lot of life is speculative even with what we thought was hard evidence in time has proved contary..so I believe to be unopiniated maybe easier...so for now I believe in being unassuming...but love Astronomy...us2u
  4. That's really awesome info Jackson cheers fo that... boy you really know what you are talking about....I don't want a pop at eviromentalist, just I was thinking are they correct in getting into a panic or is this warming kind of natural I just thought it seemed like panic mongering!... And maybe there is different evidence for our planets seasons getting hotter?..also I believe our whole universe is expanding so my guess is p' haps we will all freeze eventually... & living on our planet, I guess will be inhabitable for life, as we know it...just my thoughts..us2u
  5. Cheers Atheist..I was interested in that post about over millions of years has our planet gained a considerale amount of mass..I guess if it is correct to be noticeable over millions of years say since the dino days could we be in effect closer to our sun causing Global warming?... And maybe mans chemicals are not the cause...mind you I just don't know so I hope some experts on here can detail...us2u
  6. For some unknown reason to me this forum has said I've never posted well I did say Hi to all yesterday so Hello again...us2u
  7. Just a quick Hello to all..does anyone have any interest in the I.S.S. & Deep Space?...us2u
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