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geordief last won the day on February 25

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  1. That is just weird.(being polite)
  2. Have you misunderstood what the post you quoted was saying? I felt it was criticizing Trump's greedy eyes and likening his approach to that of Russia.
  3. I think we need the OP to give us their own definition.(I usually ignore an OP if they don't field questions on their topic)
  4. To repeat an earlier question ,what does the OP understand as "middle class"? Obvious not the billionaire class and obviously not those who cannot afford to put away any savings So a subset of those in between? What subset (subsets)? Edit: Who are the liberals?(if we are allowed to ask stupid questions)
  5. 80 .They bring him onto Anderson Cooper from time to time. He is entertaining(and compos mentis) Here is his piece in NYT from last month https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/02/opinion/democrats-donald-trump-economy.html
  6. I see James Carville was just saying that the Dems should "play possum" as the "Repubs" are imploding in real time . (I thought he was being sarcastic but no he meant it) They do have to be careful not to provide the regime with an excuse to cancel elections . I wonder how much support they can lose and still remain in power. (For those of us non Americans I wonder if we actually care)
  7. The bag is with thee Blessed art thou who filter the allergens And blessed is the fruit sucked up in your attachment.
  8. Which it do be!
  9. "It was me whom they buried" or "It was I who(m?) they buried"? (Not disagreeing with you,though) That quote observing the swift changing of the language within a (then) presumanly short lifetime is so surprising when it feels that it should be a phenomenon much more typical of our fast moving information age. Plus ça change and all that.
  10. Mark Knopfler has written a song about this It is called Why Aye,Man? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KrwSDX95wCs (not one of my favourites) It feels strange when you question something I assume all native english speakers and readers just assume is part of the natural fabric of the language . ( these days I sometimes don't bother to correct myself when I write "i" instead of "I' but it feels very sloppy)
  11. https://www.thesaurus.com/e/grammar/whycapitali/#:~:text=For a long time%2C it,is intended to stand alone. " Reasons why I is always capitalized Hard to believe, but there were no rules for capitalization until the 1700s. For a long time, it was common to mix lowercase and capital letters within a word, the latter used to add emphasis. Historians now attribute the capitalization of I as a result of two factors: The lowercase i is difficult to read: By capitalizing I, it makes it more clear that the letter is intended to stand alone. An uppercase I symbolizes importance of the writer: The I has retained the capitalization because it also gives added weight to this pronoun used to describe the individual writer. Some languages do capitalize different pronouns,"
  12. Does Ben Macdui** count.? I was stranded up there in the fog overnight with another 17 yr old friend in a small tent which wetted our clothes /sleeping blanket when we unavoidably touched the sides. The morning came and we walked down into the fog which cleared aftrr 5 minutes absolutely fortunately and undeservedly. ** next highest in Scotland after Ben Nevis
  13. Must be where I heard it.
  14. He's not laughing now.(great delivery that man) I liked Brendan Grace too.
  15. I heard that Google is moving its HQ to Cripplecreep Avenue.
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