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geordief last won the day on March 8 2024

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  1. Does Ben Macdui** count.? I was stranded up there in the fog overnight with another 17 yr old friend in a small tent which wetted our clothes /sleeping blanket when we unavoidably touched the sides. The morning came and we walked down into the fog which cleared aftrr 5 minutes absolutely fortunately and undeservedly. ** next highest in Scotland after Ben Nevis
  2. Must be where I heard it.
  3. He's not laughing now.(great delivery that man) I liked Brendan Grace too.
  4. I heard that Google is moving its HQ to Cripplecreep Avenue.
  5. Can there be a problem with over cooking the white so that it is tough? I have always only paid attention to the yolk and am fairly expert at getting that right(some people like it hard -I like it half and half) but I have vaguely noticed that a "just nicely" set white would be preferable to a tough one but have never bothered trying to facilitate that. And juggling the two is something I doubt I could possibly attempt.
  6. No,on the other forum **discussing this someone (CC) said they can access the site but it is like a ghost town with the odd visitor who don't do anything (CC started an outage post which is still there without other contributions) and that is all there is -but CC can see it. ** scivillage
  7. So this ip address has an extension that includes our site owner's? Does Trump want to acquire the Domain now that he knows Greenland is not ICEland? Incidentally I have the old(2 years defunct) thescienceforum. DOT com site still bookmarked on my phone and I clicked on it today to see how it was doing and I got refreshed to a page (twice as I double checked) which was the login page for my mobile data provider (vodafone). I wondered was it trying to hack my (anybody's ) information in some clever scheme. The owner of that site was a crook I am fairly certain and the porn on it after it "folded" seemed clearly illegal to me.
  8. Are the patterns x , x^2,x^3 all identical or all distinct? Is the pattern in 1,1,1 the same as the pattern in 2,4,8 and 3 ,9, 27? Would you describe them as "patterns"(or a "pattern") ?
  9. Exchem is on an iphone( which I have never used) Maybe it is simpler to just change the format from jpeg to gif? I think that resizes it automatically (downwards and by quite a lot)
  10. Well I was watching Josh Rogin on CNN (with Abbey Phillip ?)last night saying that the Muslim voters who he spoke to and who "withheld" their votes from Harris knew well that Trump would be worse but that this was designed to pressure the Dems in the longer term. (think that is what he was saying)
  11. 4:different but are we considering it from pov of enforcing censorship of ideas or of the practical consequences of the two different actions? Tienanmen censorship is potentially redeemable but the censorship to enforce climate denialism carries consequences that in all likelihood cannot be undone. Censorship is not a tool that should never be in the locker but its overuse shines a light into our darker side (most recently I was reminded of the book burning in pre war Germany -and the acquiescence of much of the public in the spectacle) I wonder if Trump will feel emboldened to publicly reveal a hero worship for "AH" as his mind deteriorates further.
  12. Don't think I can have used a deep fat fryer more than once or twice ever. The woman in the flat above me left her unattended young daughter in charge once of her's and I seem to remember the fire brigade was called out and my own appartment directly below was flooded. I cut potatoes smallish and put them in the oven normally but if they are taking too long I pull them out and fry them with a lid in the frying pan (on the gas cooker) I don't normally put garlic on them but I normally throw on some nutmeg ever since I saw some French person doing it (it is a routine with me now but I am sure there are better ways)
  13. Use just enough oil to brown the potatoes ,then when they are done or almost done throw the crushed garlic on top of them(maybe with a little extra butter) and mix them around with a metal spatula for a minute or so ,enough to steam the garlic or to brown some of it if wished(depending on the heat underneath) (Do you dry your potatoes before frying them ?-they brown better and stick less to the pan especially if you don't use a non stick pan.Or are you using a Deep Fat (Chinese?) fryer?)
  14. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/17/science/dark-oxygen-research/index.html "Andrew Sweetman, a professor at the UK’s Scottish Association for Marine Science who was behind the find, is embarking on a three-year project to investigate the production of “dark” oxygen further" 2.2 million pounds doesn't sound like a lot of money..... They seem to have found other regions where oxygen is found(freshwater and in a mine) and apparently bacteria are involved in the freshwater production of oxygen which was not so deep as that observed at the ocean bed with the nodules ) They are talking about rigs with sensors going down some 11 kilometres.
  15. If you are sure there are no obvious cracks then could it be a hairline crack? Maybe along where a vertical side meets the floor or one of the other edges? (that is where mine is)
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