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Everything posted by geordief

  1. How to wash your hands and apparently hot water is an optional extra according to a new (small)study. http://news.rutgers.edu/research-news/handwashing-cool-water-effective-hot-removing-germs/20170529#.WTAKkfnyuM8 http://www.bbc.com/news/health-40118539
  2. Did you mean to write "if we find another universe it's ipso facto part of ours" rather than "if we find another universe it's ipso facto not part of ours" ?
  3. Yes I never hear this obvious(ly correct) point being put forward. Once we find another universe it immediately becomes a part of "our" universe ,no matter how bizarre. Even the universe of ideas I take to be a subset of the universe (although which way round that is I can't say)
  4. Subject to contradiction or correction it is the spacetime model which is warped(I think the word "curved" may be preferred) -not some "physical" entity called "spacetime" . The model allows one to predict events -it fails to do so in certain situations such as "singularities" (eg in black holes). Space (in the model) seems to me to be a 3D subset of 4D spacetime but I am not entirely clear about this (or how useful a concept it is if true)
  5. Sadly you are trying to educate a dolt. I do appreciate your, and others' efforts though(I am also finding the Nature of Light and the Quantum Mechanics split off threads fascinating). Your question "What validity does the concept of causation have ?" is food for thought, with the immediate (perhaps erroneous) assumption that it may be a macro phenomenon and the second thought that it may be a question without an immediate application (the 3rd that I have just misunderstood). I don't know enough about oscillatory systems to be able to properly address your points and to understand how they seemingly fit into the melding of cause and effect (if that is what you were saying) Do you have a particular elucidating example for your point "The same set of circumstances can lead to different effect if repeated. That is one cause can have multiple effects." ?
  6. Can the concept of a "unit of causation" have any validity or usefulness? It would ,in my head represent the smallest (or at least identical) mathematical interval between a causative/effected pair of "events" I did a search for the term and found only one instance of it being used https://books.google.ie/books?id=_fSmBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA58&lpg=PA58&dq=%22unit+of+causation%22&source=bl&ots=WBDPp6x2ID&sig=mPn1IFoIJJIPLFWaR8QB2mA1lXo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjexZ2gnP7TAhVsIMAKHbmhC9QQ6AEIJTAA#v=onepage&q=%22unit%20of%20causation%22&f=false I don't think I would be able to read /follow that (or whether it would be interesting reading) EDIT: actually it does look interesting (but still very hard for me)
  7. Some people speculating the White House Stain was set up with false intelligence. Would be funny if true. Even the smartest can stumble "It's HIGHLY likely that #Trump was set up by the USIC. And he took the bait, hook-line-and-sinker." https://twitter.com/DrDenaGrayson
  8. Plenty there for a layman.
  9. Thanks. I will have to look into (ie learn about) oscillators.Can they under certain conditions operate for an infinite length of time or does the system (as I suppose it must) eventually decay?
  10. I don't understand**. You think feedback might not be just an oscillatory to and fro following a one way street in space and time under certain conditions? ** that is not a high bench mark Any of these papers that are accessible to a lay level of understanding?
  11. Common sense tells us this is a one way street. Are there any sensible theories as to regions in time or space where this might not be true?If so are there any theoretical tests (thought experiments?) that might allow one to show this one way or the other. I am not suggesting that such a " reversal of causation" could be in any way possible but wonder if anything has been said on the subject as I have not really read much about the subject
  12. That is what Mossad does -"finds out".Indirectly if necessary.As a one off perhaps not but a pattern is harder to conceal.
  13. Bound to have found out.Even worse if they just suspected it.
  14. For America's own sake it will have to consciously-and with great difficulty- tone down the schadenfraude if this goes all the way. Even If Trump gets what he seems to me to deserve things could get even worse in his wake. This has been coming a long while . Substitute Trump's "America First" for "America united" (if only to a respectable degree) and he may have had a point. I have little hope for this as things seem to be worsening at the moment although it will be helpful if the immediate or medium term outcome is clear cut (and that an adult is put in charge of the toughest job on the planet) Will there also be a temptation to use Putin as a scapegoat for America's own problems?
  15. It is impossible to refute and to back up. Trump is now warning Comey against "leaking to the media". He is allowed to rubbish Comey and Comey cannot defend himself if Trump is lying on details? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39899542
  16. Is that a kind of prebiotic? I heard there were a few foods that were prebiotics.Artichokes,from memory for example.
  17. Is DT's refusal to engage with facts a reworking of the old propaganda line that a lie repeated often enough will be accepted as a truth? If so does he do this consciously ? He also seems to have presidential immunity from blatantly and explicitly refusing to answer a question when it suits him
  18. I think this recent one might cover that territory.... http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/101133-during-inflation-how-did-spacetime-push-particles/page-2?hl=inflation
  19. Well is this expansion driven by any energetic process? I don't mean in an ongoing way but at the outset. I think inflation is supposed to have preceded expansion so I am asking about inflation. Are inflation and expansion the same process in essence or are they actually different beasts? Did inflation "merge" into expansion?
  20. But if the Universe is a set of events (in the spacetime sense , I suppose) is any event more central in any meaningful way than any other? Events "nearer" the BB?
  21. So is that what they are talking about when they say the Cosmic Microwave Background is almost completely homogeneous? There are tiny asymmetries but as a pattern it is symmetric?
  22. Yes i see that (forgot that I knew it since it is so second nature now) . But ,if we we view the Universe as it has developed since the time around the BB are there parts of it that are "closer" to that "region" than others? Are there parts that are "further away "? I can see that spacially that makes no sense to ask but can it be asked in terms of spacetime? Are there any parts of the Universe that are in any sense "closer" to the centre of the Universe (the "BB" ) than others? Could there be any objects that are "trapped" in the Big Bang event in a similar way to how they could be in a Black Hole and so ,in a sense are "forever young"? Does that imply that an asymettrical global expansion is impossible ?
  23. Has there been observational verification that this expansion/recession has the same properties when viewed from whatever point in the universe? We only have the Solar system to make direct measurements but it seems to be accepted that "everywhere is the centre". Is that down to experimental observation? Or is it a theory that stands up so far?
  24. No I wasn't questioning that . I was wondering if it might have its own intrinsic"speed limit" (or "rate limit" ) entirely separate to the speed limit of GR. Naively it seems more fundamental than the GR speed limit. (maybe "fundamental" implies a hierarchy that does not exist)
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