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Everything posted by geordief

  1. Is there a group that has all the dirt on Trump and is holding its hand until they can see that he is acting "responsibly"? ** Is there any evidence that information is being drip fed so as to force him to follow certain lines with the unspoken threat of ousting in one form or another. Has the Russian blackmail threat run its course -a busted flush- and is now replaced by that of a blackmail from within the USA power structure (CIA/FBI plus various political figures -some kind of a cabal) ? **or rather until they have lost hope of him "walking the line" (but what if they are rumbled ?-then they are complicit)
  2. So Congress has to initiate proceedings? It cannot be initiated by ,say a State or a private individual? Don't all cases end up in the Supreme Court if continuously appealed? Are the SC judges not honest professionals and to be relied on, never mind who appointed them?
  3. So Flynn's contacts,that we know of took place when Trump was president elect? If Trump was aware of them and obfuscates about it can he be found guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal act or just obstructing justice?
  4. Nothing to do with the appointments but connected in that the judge was described as an "enemy of the people" on the front page of a newspaper which is presumably well regarded by a substantial number of its readers (not by me ,for sure) Such an attack on the judiciary I cannot personally recall in over half a century and it was very unwelcome . Just to say , the independence of the judiciary is not a given -it has to be appreciated and defended (if it is there in the first place). Judges were a first line of physical attack from terrorists in Ireland ,Germany and Italy in the 70s. Warts and all they are societies' bastion and hopefully be such in the forthcoming American developments .
  5. There were recent attacks on the judiciary in the newspapers as a consequence of the Judges finding that Parliament had to have the final say on Brexit. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/former-attorney-general-condemns-daily-mails-vitriolic-attack-on-brexit-judges-a7462851.html
  6. Did Ten Oz also confuse "preposition" with "premise" perhaps?
  7. So you don't feel that Trump is playing to the "stupid gallery" in a similar way that some people use their "faults" to make a connection with the people (stammers can be seen as appealing and accentuated occasionally) Trump has form,does he not? "I love the uneducated" "I could shoot someone in the street and they would still vote for me" (or words to that effect)
  8. Is he just being clumsy in this instance? Does he have a point but is unable to or cunningly avoiding articulating it clearly ? Does this area of confusion allow him more leeway in (ironically and perhaps disingenuously ) profiting from his own confusion? To explain, he says the courts are not "biased" but are "political". (not terms which are complete opposites) Now there is a point here. The courts are indeed "political" insofar as appointments are political appointments at the highest level (and for good reasons perhaps -could it be otherwise?) We all know about the "separation of powers". Is it a good thing?(I say "yes") and can the three branches be entirely independent or do they have to "rub shoulders" with each other? So Trump uses the word "political" and it sounds like he is saying "judges are crooked" but there is a point about the system that could lend specious respectability to his idea which he may come back to later and claim "that is what he meant". He is never willing to agree that he is wrong or to be pinned down on his assertions (even attacking the 4th estate) and so ,for that reason alone in my eyes is unfit to hold his office. I draw comfort from the fact that his pick for the Supreme Court has come out against his attacks on the judges: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38914598 "Trump attack on judges 'demoralising' says Supreme Court pick" "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." A Lincoln
  9. It is going to take me a (very) long time to "get into and perhaps eventually through " your 2 posts. I will have to first familiarize myself with the notation and symbols since I never really had much experience with set theory(that is what they are ,aren't they?) It is not "boring " but I have to work within my limits- and pace myself.If I take on too much at one go then it will be self defeating. I am beginning to see that perhaps tensors may be a simpler subject than I supposed but it has been forbidden territory for me for several years now and I am going to give myself plenty of time to approach the subject
  10. It will winnow out the naive and harmless. Anyone who wants to evade such a system will. It will also lead to cultural inbreeding. Of course if America's ambition is to be a backwater in the world it sounds like a good policy. In any case the terrorists seem to have won (they got Trump elected and the Americans frightened of their own shadows)
  11. Yes,we have to take into consideration states of mind which are extremely focused. They may be chemically induced also perhaps.
  12. It is a fairly well accepted understanding that is it a deviation from symmetry that can be attractive . Elvis' lop sided smile is given as an example. There is also the idea of the "golden ratio" ....... I think there have been representations of artificially completely symmetrically faces which have been shown to be less attractive than "quirky" faces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_symmetry
  13. I think I have a grounding in them ( that is why I said to Xerxes that I was familiar with some of the concepts in Linear Algebra that I saw when I did a quick search on the term although it seemed daunting otherwise. Dot Products were also known to me)
  14. It is good of you to offer but I am a very slow, unreliable and perhaps obtuse learner. This is the first time I have come across the area "linear algebra" .It does sound interesting and I am familiar with some of the concepts involved. But I would need to devote some time to it I guess for any of its consequences to be beneficial to me. To be honest my main interest in tensors is because I have come across the terminology in regard to general relativity and so I feel it will be beneficial to me to poke my nose in along that "fault line", My understanding of tensors has gone from practically zero to "unfortunately not ....solid" in the last 24 hours so I do not feel too bad about it . Perhaps I can hold you to that explanation some time down the line when I may be better equipped to benefit?
  15. I think we cross posted -or rather I edited while you were posting . Perhaps I said the same thing as you in the second part of my EDIT at the bottom of the post..
  16. It seems to me from my recent entry into this area that a tensor is a mathematical object with direction * and magnitude* that applies to the behaviour (?) of a cell in a manifold that exists over an area of space. These calls are non pointlike regions corresponding to what ,in school level geometry would be points in the Cartesian coordinate system such as (1,0,0) or (7,5,18) just as examples. These cells (and their corresponding tensors) can model physical activity such as different(?) forces acting in particular on the cell(=local region). My question is : (1)"Do these tensors all have to use the same units?" ** (2) Also is my understanding leading up to my question solid? (3)How many tensors can a cell "accommodate" both in theory and practically ? (4) Is there any (close) connection to this earlier thread? http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/101620-intrinsic-curvature/page-1#entry961025 (EDIT) * rather " multiple directions and magnitudes" since I think one tensor combines more than one element ... ** rephrase to (1)"Do all elements of tensors have to use the same units?"
  17. Should I be paying special attention here as regards to your ( earlier but recent ) in a separate question? http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/101620-intrinsic-curvature/page-1#entry961025 Are the two threads connected at this point? (irony intended )
  18. A map of the kinetic energy of a test body in the region of (in this case ) a massive body ? That was my idea for what it was worth. I did google the term to see if there was such a thing as a "kinetic energy field" (and there seems to be) but I know nothing about them apart from that they seem to exist as a concept.
  19. Is there a kinetic energy field which is a "mirror image " of the potential energy field ?
  20. Is this (the part I have bolded) what happens when an ice dancer folds her arms and spins faster as a result?
  21. Anyone have an answer to this? Do all particles ("objects" a better word?) that have interacted remain forever connected in some way -and also in a gravitational way?
  22. Is it more accurate to suggest that the mind can "hop onto " any one of smorgesbord of unconscious streams? There is only one conscious level (am I right?)
  23. Do you mean (should you have written?) "A manifold - for that is what spacetime is - is equipped at every point with a unique set of coordinates that completely describe the position of all events with respect to that point." ?
  24. There can be physical /chemical causes. Addictions may be an example Headaches also make it hard to concentrate.
  25. Non ontologically ,does a moving electron or proton set up a magnetic field and does that field require an environment composed of other EM fields to have effect? Is there such a thing as a diagram of the field set up by one moving "elemental" EM charge (such as an electron or a proton ,I surmize)
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