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Everything posted by geordief

  1. And unfairly so ,perhaps. The German people were Nazism's first victims and Nazism could have happened anywhere. Anti Germanism is surely as disgraceful as any xenophobia but Germany is understandably reluctant to play "leading roles" now. (and to attract support perhaps)
  2. Still don't get it. I wrote (since amended) IS/UK instead of US/UK. Did that throw you? I am suggesting the relationship between the US and the UK may be about to be damaged as he seems to be "throwing his weight around" in the UK's direction and the UK is rather sensitive on that issue (either being a poodle or being "independent") The creature Farage is a figure of fun and antipathy that Trump seems to think he is entitled to foist upon the country-or at least to "get his own back" and put manners on the Brits. Yes rather interesting.
  3. Not quite sure what you mean.
  4. I see Trump is today perhaps destabilizing the US/UK relationship by his attempt to get one of his supporters into the ambassador role in Washington . Straws in the wind? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-38064664
  5. Have we taken our eyes off the ball as we come to terms with our repulsive new overlords? It seems to me that we may be in for a reallocation of zones of influence (and the political regimes ) in each zone. Francois Filllon vs Marine LePen is looking like the runoff for the French Presidential election coming up soon . I think both these candidates share the view that sanctions against Russia should be dropped. If this comes to pass and Trump 's USA is added to the pack then does this bring about some kind of a stable(ish) realignment of power in the world? Russia will reestablish its "near Russia" zone ,the USA will retreat and allow China to expand its zone of influence in the South China Sea (and Africa?) This may happen very quickly and Trump will just be a small player as everyone is carried along as events unfurl. Is this a likely scenario? Will the hideous political regimes in all 3 zones of influence be "baked in" and will democracy in Europe survive?
  6. thanks for sharing
  7. I think "to hell with collateral damage" might be the cornerstone of his policy. I can't imagine what he might flesh it out with. I have about .1% confidence in his strategy when it is revealed. Hopefully this will open his "supporters'" eyes to their busted flush but sadly we may have to wait for this to become evident EDIT :I forgot he is hoping to let the Russians do most of the "work".(the new allies?)
  8. From the other thread I mentioned I think the curvature of the space was perhaps of the order of -17 orders of magnitude (maths is not my strong point) http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/100967-physical-demonstration-of-the-curvature-of-spacetime/ "r_excess = G/c^2 M ie r_excess = 10-11 / 1017 M = 10-28 M The real imperfections of the earth would overwhelm such a tiny fraction - the difference is around one part in ten million million million" post#7 Would this degree of insignificance be in the same ball park to the degree gravity might compress an atom?
  9. I was wondering if it was possible. I did a google search and came up with someone asking the same question http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/9645/is-it-possible-to-compress-an-atom-to-infinite-density My lack of knowledge led me to think it might be possible from some of the content of that page. The reason I was led to ask the question results from a thread I opened very recently http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/100967-physical-demonstration-of-the-curvature-of-spacetime/#entry957482 where I was wondering about how gravity would affect density as a function of distance to or from the centre. Since it seemed to be the case that this did happen , I wondered how far along the chain of make up of matter this compression would prevail. I was not expecting any large compression to be possible (well it was the first time I had even wondered about it as I have extremely little knowledge of the contents or behaviour of atoms) but wonder still if some small compression might be observed before atoms are destroyed ,as they are in stars-and if this compression might also take place at the centre of the Earth.
  10. How does this work.? Is it like squeezing an orange,with the protons and the neutrons as pips? Thanks .(I really know very little about this)
  11. I was interested in your earlier post but I couldn't understand why you thought Feynman's " simplification was not totally 'right' either" as you put it in post#8 I admit my first instinct was to suppose it was a measurement that had actually been done whilst ,in fact this is to be viewed as a "thought experiment" albeit one that is not 100% impossible. But I don't think that was what you were getting at. When imatfaal picked you up on that point in post#12 I thought that I might learn something from your exchange of views but I did not and assumed that the point was "over my head" Your latest post sounds interesting but perhaps the same "over my head" point applies
  12. Thanks . Apologies for going off topic. I don't think this detour goes anywhere further really. .
  13. Can't distance be measured according to different criteria? I mean you could specify that you have to count 1 for the first object 2 for the second encountered and so on . Absurd , but just an example of an alternative method. . Would that be equivalent to a different geometry? If there were 1000001 objects instead of 1000000 could that correspond to a curvature. if the objects making up the surface area were unchanged (or less changed) in number?
  14. I was imagining that the radius distance in my NM simulation might be defined differently. If one measured the radius by the amount of individual objects would that change the geometry appropriately. ie 1 object counts as 1 unit of distance along the radius. Any good?
  15. I agree that the lack of co operation became pathological under Obama (from the Republicans) but I felt at the time that there had been bile from the other side towards the Republican under Bush and so they "got their own back" under Obama. They went far too far and I wonder now is the system entirely broken with no co operation possible. If I was a US citizen I don't know that I could advocate co operation with the coming regime which has a distinctly sinister look to it. It is a rock and a hard place.
  16. But ,if you actually ran a simulation along NM (OK?) lines where the constituent bodies would start out identical but would be eventually shaped according to their nearness to the centre of overall mass could we not see an overall shape of the group arise that could be consistent with a non Euclidean geometry? The individual bodies would be squashed (maybe I am wrong on this point) by Newtonian gravity increasingly as they were closer to the centre of mass and this would also alter the distribution of the individual bodies . Could not this distribution (produced entirely by the mm/r^2 formula ) lead to a group distribution that was in conformity (if viewed in an appropriate way) with a non Euclidean geometry? I am fishing because I don't have the skills, so I will drop this idea if if seems implausible.
  17. Something of a straw man? Are both Republican and Democrat parties actually spent forces now ? Has the political division and refusal to co operate over the past decade brought down both parties so that now the political system will have to start from scratch (even if the two parties continue for now as "empty shells"? )
  18. Supporters presumably see this as pragmatism. (all politicians lie ,so why can't they?) Is Trump their "useful idiot" ? Politics is the art of the possible.
  19. He has met the Japanese PM with his daughter seemingly present at the conversation. Have the mental health issues regarding Trump been "shelved"? Is it likely that he has psychological weaknesses such as an inability to face reality and to take responsibility for his positions. Is he going to have to be "babied" through his term and is he so thin skinned that everyone will have to walk on eggshells when dealing with him?
  20. No ,but in the NM, model that would have to be accounted for. I am just interested if the two final results could be somehow compared , The physical shape of the two balls ,I guess but the result would only be of interest if they were identical (or could be tweaked somehow to be so). I think I appreciate that the physical difference in the 2 results would be small but I don't know what order of smallness it would be. Edit: I am not sure that the connection between NM and GR is a mystery anyway Isn't NM supposed to be something of a "special case" of GR ?(I think I was told that before) http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/94702-why-is-newtonian-gravity-so-accurate/
  21. All measurements are 4D perforce except when the observer is equidistant from either end?
  22. Is it not possible to run a simulation of GR and NM (=Newtonian Mechanics?) side by side bottom the "bottom up" ? Each simulation would start with n identical particles and n would increase indefinitely. Would it serve any purpose to compare "results" at various stages or would the curvature be "baked into" GR from the start and NM would just produce a ball of increasing density towards to centre? Since we already know that NM is a less complete theory ,then would this be a waste of (quantum?) computer power?
  23. In Feynman's thought experiment how is he calculating distances (ideally, if the Earth or equivalent body were amenable to precise radius measurement)? Would it be by a laser (neutrino?) beam ? Would these be 3D or 4D measurements ?
  24. Ha ha . Do I get points for naivete ? I realize that Newtonian mechanics falls/has fallen at one or more hurdles but is it out of the question to run a computer simulation where we model the Earth -or any test body as a group of plastic massive bodies that settle into a ball shape under the action of Newtonian gravity? Is it possible to compare the results obtained by such a simulation with that obtained by another that ran a GR algorithm? It that as daunting a project as physical measurement? What about quantum computers ? Would they be up to the task?
  25. I heard that on the BBC.It was said with a knowing world weary smile. I am sure we can "get over it" . After all "trust me" and "I know this folks" ,"this is going to be good"
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