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Everything posted by geordief

  1. I wonder where the analogy breaks down. Or is the question so trivial and pointless that an analogy can cover it seamlessly?
  2. Can we also talk about "my determinism in your RF and "your determinism in my RF"?(following the analogy)
  3. How would that differ from free will being an illusion? I mean,anyone other than the subject of the experience can judge the claim of others to free will as unjustified . The subject of the claim is the only person who finds that claim appealing. Others will say they agree (that everyone has free will) but this is based on grounds of "well I feel I have free will so you must also have free will because we are so similar " But they could turn that around and say "because I judge you not to have free will ,then I can deduce that neither do I ** ,because we are so similar" **against my innate feeling
  4. When it comes to sanctions,will Putin's game be to wait for Biden's term to end and then make apparent concessions in the hope of getting Trump back in office. I understand he has the coffers to tide Russia over for a few years .
  5. Am just wondering what might be the contribution of the Maxwell Demon scenario to this question Can one have any kind of a will without information and is that information of an external nature? Would that give the lie to any concept of a free standing (absolutist) "will" ?
  6. Good points but you should apologise for your outburst earlier.Your language and intent was deplorable.
  7. The Russians and the Germans in recent history have bulldozed their neighbours in this way Both have lived to regret their short term gains The populations they trampled over did not forget and to this day Germany is vulnerable to rebukes from the likes of Greece when they need an easy scapegoat Russia is storing up resentment and scorn over the coming generations, especially as it does not have the wherewithal to have an uncontested empire like the British once did It feels to me that the people around Putin are not free to speak their minds even if they realize that Russia is going down the wrong path ( "wrong" in the sense of "against its own interests")
  8. Is it too early to begin to wonder who the Russians will try to get to collaborate with them the areas they take? I remember back in 68 when one of my classmates was defending the invasion of Czechoslovakia.(don't recall his arguments)
  9. We should not get down into the gutter with Putin and wish ill of his family. I think those of Putin's ilk turn upon those they consider should be on their side Maybe some pity for the people of Russia.
  10. We have seen Trump's pitch on the Russian move into Ukraine. "Isn't Putin smart?But I am pally with him and together we will come to an arrangement that suits the two of us and shithouses like Ukraine will do as they are told when I am elected" A fair paraphrase? How likely that he will gain (enough) support for his Make Trump and Putin Great Again project ?
  11. A bit of an exaggeration He would just be negotiating with Russia over upgrading the embassies and coordinating military and intelligence cooperation He might even send his political opponents on assignments in NoroRussia so as to put manners on them
  12. I hope your universal translator has double speak installed ,(apparently Ukraine is part of Russia) Has Putin a chance of turning Ukraine into a satellite state of Russia in the immediate or medium term?
  13. I believe you.I have just been listening to some John Fahey guitar performances on German TV back in the day.He certainly created his own version.
  14. Does it have to be either or? And what if we create our own reality?
  15. Quite an eye opener "Ministry of Truth" indeed. Did Lewis Carol inspire Orwell or was he just reading from the Totalitarian playbook?
  16. Are those nuggets of order the bits of grit in the oyster shell around which the orderings that characterize living systems might form? (life being "pearl"of ordered existence in the cosmic oceans of disorder could be a pleasant way of looking at it) Brings to mind Will Shakespear's "sceptered isle" lines. That Ramsey theorem sounds like a formalized Shakespeare -Monkey Typewriter theorem to me.
  17. I used to busk in the early 70s too.I got arrested for it and was lucky not to get assaulted when my pretense of not speaking the language became transparent. The people who made good money were those who were genuinely good artists but also those passers by who had the initiative to offer to enthusiastically pass the hat around for the musicians.
  18. Here is a link that gives am over view of the product (mostly Yamaha products aparently) https://uk.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/ac_guitars/ta_series/index.html https://www.hyvibeguitar.com/ I am curious to know how the actuators (two small speakers fitted to the inside of the back of the guitar) affect the way the sounding board resonates. Is there some kind of constructive interference involved? Is there also physical amplification? Would most of the power in the vibrations of the sounding board come from the battery feeding the actuators or from the movements of the strings? You can buy these guitars with this system prefitted or you can (perhaps illadvisedly )get it fitted to any acoustic guitar you have a mind to
  19. Whilst true imo (though some would dispute and point out that Hitler's goose was cooked when he attacked USA) is there any reason to suppose that the liberation of Europe(not much of a liberation for Easter Europe btw) was not just a by product of Russia's success in defending itself? What is ikely undeniable is that Russia suffered as much as any other country at the hands of the Nazis even if it may have inflicted a comparable level of suffering on its own and other peoples after the war.
  20. I had in mind the moral high ground it had as a defender of the principle of free and fair elections.(and acceptance of the result) Critically wounded by the obeisance of the Republican party to the Big Lie and its tolerance of the thuggish politics of the last so called President .
  21. If Trump succeeds in intimidating his way back into power (Jan 6 type of events outside courtrooms?) we may end up seeing the US as the bully in the years to come. Even if he does not ,measures to prevent this may achieve a similar result.
  22. I am waiting (ie hoping)for a reply from Markus in the first instance I really only gave that reply out of courtesy to dimreepr who wanted to know " why do you ask?" I am sure Markus (and joigus) would have more educated ideas on the subject than myself (if they have any)
  23. That is common behaviour in the animal kingdom.Here we call it brinkmanship. It is a rational behaviour and can reap dividends but it is risky for sure. I suppose Putin may feel he is taking the lesser risk as he is in his back yard and the other Europeans depend for their security largely on the US which has vacated the moral high ground and also faces an existential threat at home these days.
  24. I was discussing entropy on another forum and I mentioned to another poster there that Markus had addressed this point recently. I quoted Markus' post there in that other forum (Markus used to be admin there once upon a time) and noticed that he had left his own question hanging. 3 weeks have passed and perhaps more could be said on the relationship between living processes and the behaviour of entropy I think @joigus also said he might reflect on it
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