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Everything posted by geordief

  1. Had any more thoughts along those lines? Or anyone else?
  2. So you are a pacifist ? (So is Putin.He believes in pacifying entire populations,including his own if necessary)
  3. Striking whilst the irons of propaganda are hot? (Maybe appealing to America's MAGA constituency ?) Sadly the rules of imperialism say if you can't defend it you don't own it.
  4. The exchange you referenced above suggests that 7 spots seems too few to do adaptive optics I wonder how they got around that or are they saying that it only seemed too few but was adequate in reality? Are those mirrors super flexible (and strong) so that the local distortions are spread evenly through the material?
  5. How much of the cat can be dead and the cat can still be said to be alive? (Wouldn't it be interesting if deadness and aliveness could actually be modeled as an on/off quantum state ?-if that makes sense)
  6. Does the cat (any system) also interact with itself ? So you would have to seal off (compartmentalise) every part of itself with every other part of itself before you could even consider isolating it from its external environment. Is any system not already its own environment?
  7. Heard them saying on CNN that Germany is now the weakest link but that it would probably do the right thing if push came to shove.
  8. Can it do that effectively? Last I heard was that Germany imported 40% of it's natural gas from Putinistan. Can it overcome this dependency? Can the USA be of any use? This problem has been in the pipeline for years now .Is there a plan B?
  9. That is very encouraging. Actually I notice this tendency on myself where I look for authoritative sources to confirm my existing wishes. I cannot verify all my beliefs/stances personally and so I sketch out a path forward and look for abler minds to confirm me in my path So I don't go down the social media rabbit hole where voices are indistinguishable either side or another of any argument but make my own way along hoping not to fall into potholes along the way. I know from experience that apparently mentally sane people can have farcical beliefs.A good friend of the family who used to visit us confided in us (aged 5 and 10) that she was the Q of England (she was off her medication). And another ,my neighbour in the flat persuaded me to post a letter for her to the Justice Minister because she was "being tracked by foreign spies." The police duly turned up a few weeks later to seriously investigate her very well written story(she ,meanwhile had been taken by her family back to the mental institution) There are more stories I am sure most of us could tell a few.
  10. Today I worked out how individual birds flying in a flock can appear to the eye as a unified organism. It has always seemed mysterious to me even as it was explained that each individual was just interacting with its nearest neighbour. The explanation I have decided on is that they all share this same movement algorithm and so they all share in the dynamic group structure Mystery solved for me.
  11. Have just finished Delia Owens" Where the Crawdads Sing" Found the dialogue very stilted but the setting (the Carolina marshland in the 50s and 60s) was quite absorbing and the subject matter very worthwhile. The author is a scientist.(zoology)
  12. I was kicked out of Canada (at the US border)for admitting I had taken cannabis in the past . Think there was a form ,but this was a very long time in the past.... Actually this happened quite a few times in different countries for different reasons and I always felt no real grievance as I didn't feel entitled to enter(mind you I was very surprised with the Canada incident as I am a UK citizen but learned a lesson then that it was not a partly owned subsidiary of Blighty)
  13. What might those provocations look like?Might there be "friendly" casualties?
  14. Are false flag operations the same as agent provocateur actions? Are they ,if these reports are correct trying to escalate tensions whilst maintaining deniabiity?
  15. Can you find that thread? I searched your quote (in quotes) and just came up with an earlier reminiscence of yours of AJB's contribution. Does "Geometry is the field" apply because in GR all geometry is entirely local? And spacetime is the set of all local geometries?
  16. When I said my takeaway (from various earlier discussions) was that it was wrong to think that a field was a physical object I was only saying that that interpretation seemed most persuasive to me I didn't mean to suggest that I had weighed the evidence personally as that would be well beyond my competence.
  17. I have heard differing descriptions or definitions of a "gravitational field" and my takeaway is that it is wrong to think of it as a physical object Rather I have been assured it (like any field) is just a set of measurements in space and time . I am not sure ,given that definition it can be said to mediate a force between two massive bodies (if that was what you were saying)
  18. Apparently** practically all cases in Ireland are now Omicron. Seems to me Delta will go the way of the earlier variants. **no source just something I read on social media.
  19. Can a baby step be taken?Can it be shown that the smallest imaginable system can arise out of some more fundamental process? In a deterministic ,reproducible way... (Not sure what I am asking,but we agree surely that the links between an individual quark and the movement of the left ear of a giraffe are impossible to show in practice and perhaps in principle) I think the idea I think someone may have brought up.of replacing spacetime distances with other forms of correlation sounds very interesting (exciting?)
  20. Is this a bit analogous to chaos theory where systems are deterministic in principle but not in practice? And ,as someone said above does it make more sense to view emergence as being an phenomenon of perception? (If that is the case there may never be a satisfactory answer because understanding our own nature** is subject to the law of diminishing returns.) Are all transactions in macro systems mediated according to laws of quantum mechanics but perceived according to the models we make to understand them? **are we first and foremost creatures that seek to learn?
  21. I think I have heard that ,insofar as this now seems to be more of a disease of the upper airways than the lungs themselves that younger ("very young",was it?) people are more liable to more serious illness on that account. Perhaps that ,if true would be relevant?
  22. Does the suspected great underreporting of cases mean that the overall ratio of hospitalizations to cases could be actually lower than what it appears from the raw statistics? If so that would indicate an intrinsically less virulent disease ? (esp as it seems to be accepted that it is less effective at attaching to the cells in the lungs themselves) Or was there similar underreporting in earlier wages as well?
  23. " Physicists Observe Incredible 'Quantum Tornados' Formed From Ultra-Cold Atoms" https://www.sciencealert.com/ultracold-atoms-form-tiny-tornadoes-as-classic-physics-gives-way-to-quantum-behavior and https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04170-2 (Sorry about the formatting) Thought it might be interesting if anyone wanted to comment on what looks quite spectacular to this untrained eye
  24. So the Sunshield has been deployed? Thst sounds good
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