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Everything posted by geordief

  1. The gravitational wave's signal that was received (from the first BH merger)was described at the time as being amazingly accurate. Does that imply that the interior structure of the Black Holes involved was well understood ? Or just that the precision of the signal received was close enough to what was predicted to discount any other possible interpretations?
  2. Okay but we do not actually have a location for them to know where to look ,do we? ...Is it entirely ruled out as a possibility? All the energy externally produced **just goes into gravitational waves? There is nothing else that could be produced ? ** if that is a correct description
  3. Does a binary black hole merger have an em signal? Might this latest observation bring closer capturing a binary black hole merger using that em or optical signal?
  4. Eventually one of these neutron mergers will be massive enough to turn into a black hole. Might that be observed and what would it tell us?
  5. Does that bring pinpointing the location of black hole mergers any closer?
  6. https://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.stack.imgur.com%2FiGT6a.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fphysics.stackexchange.com%2Fquestions%2F3009%2Fhow-exactly-does-curved-space-time-describe-the-force-of-gravity&docid=FNB641e0gGK45M&tbnid=PbJ8EF-vi9eU2M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjXuuC9t_LWAhVSaFAKHfP5CksQMwg2KBAwEA..i&w=600&h=458&hl=en&bih=769&biw=1600&q=earth curved space&ved=0ahUKEwjXuuC9t_LWAhVSaFAKHfP5CksQMwg2KBAwEA&iact=mrc&uact=8 These grid lines are shown as curved around the massive object that is the Earth. I appreciate that they are an attempt to show 4D and so this picture is non representative (very incomplete) on that account but I want to ask specifically what observer could have drawn those lines? Someone far removed from Earth's gravity? That is how such an observer would draw a "straight line" in the vicinity of the Earth? An observer on the Earth would draw different "straight lines"? Correct?
  7. Is it just space being sucked in or space and its contents?
  8. Didn't the OP suggest the flow would speed up as it approached the Earth owing to the space available being less and so sped up like water rapids. Is space being pulled into space? A strange idea
  9. Yes ,the twin paradox (as an example) does invite one to mistakenly imagine that the outgoing twin is actually experiencing some kind of a "slow time" . You feel you have done so well in the first place by reluctantly accepting that clocks can counter intuitively run slower in certain circumstances and imagine that things surely can't really be so mundane as that time passes in exactly the same way for all observers regardless of where they happen to be or what is happening to them (1 second per second as it is described perhaps simplistically) . Ca we also blame our subjective experience of time for this misunderstanding? The way time is supposed to slow down when we are in great danger ,like falling off a cliff.... Are there any examples to give where paradoxes occur if time did not (as we intuitively believe) slow down but was an absolute feature of our experience... any "reductio ad absurdum" scenarios based on that premise?
  10. I am fascinated that the time dilation in a gravitational well would be due to the work involved in placing it there (if I understood that right) . Is there a link where this is explained ? (not that I expect to be able to understand it for now)
  11. We had the same question. And we got two answers from Janus and Swansont. I am going to try and digest them now....
  12. Is there any connection at all between the time effects of being higher or lower in a gravitational well and any (or no?) time effect caused by acceleration per se? There seems to be a close connection between gravity and acceleration in GR (the equivalence principle) but the former does have time effects and I am not sure if the latter does except for the fact that relative motion is involved.
  13. It is reasonable to want to know motives in cases like these and to be dissatisfied when no motives are apparent (I am surprised but can accept what you say that many similar attacks have no known motive). That is human nature (and also important for preventative measures,surely). It does not imply any suspicious actions within the actual investigation.
  14. You are right. I missed that.I hadn't thought their behaviour was unusual and don't know why it may have come across like that. Was it one of my earlier posts, Ten Oz? btw "I understand what this post is implying?" doesn't parse as it stands,does it?
  15. Is there any time interval associated with virtual particles? Otherwise what is the shortest theoretical (layman's terminology, I think) interval between two well defined events or occurrences that might be used as a basis for measuring time
  16. Unusually the police(in their press conference) seemed to be avowing an almost complete lack of progress as to motive and were appealing to any witnesses . I feel a picture has to emerge at some point but quite clearly it would be wrong of the police to show their hand too soon.
  17. geordief

    For Theresa

    From gravitas to grave-itas.
  18. I wonder if Cap'n Refsmmat might be a heart surgeon in real life
  19. Studiot explained to me how to delete frames if that is the problem. It involves using the back delete key (you have to click into the box first)
  20. Is it spot the difference?Are there any opinions as to whether the universe itself might be a perpetual motion machine if some assumptions were made?
  21. I was also assuming that this mass was all the universe contained.... Could not the radiation interact with itself so that some would be directed back in the direction it originated from- or is a 180 degree turn impossible? Would some of the initial radiation take place at the centre of the body and interact with the outer part of the body (if,say it was a ball)? Are we allowed to treat distances as only spatial for such a small mass ?
  22. Really slow for the past 10 minutes.
  23. Is that because of the small ratio of the total mass to the forces holding it together and moving it apart? If it was a larger body then it would be curved?
  24. Quoting Ten Oz @ scherado, geordief's post is on topic. While it using the words "gun laws in USA" as a whole the post questions motives and justifications behind the laws as means of challanging the larger mentality of gun owners. It is nuanced but on topic as it tips its hat to a possible motive. Perhaps you should read the post geordief was responding to and then the post of theirs you qouted again with an eye towards subtext. Yes ,perhaps it was on topic after all as per the mod's above and earlier comments ,which I had misremembered (hope I am allowed to quote mods' warnings-I was unable to link to it or refer to it by a post number). Even so Gun Laws do merit their own thread as each of these atrocities may not lead to clear discussion in the immediate aftermath.(forgetting them is not helpful either,of course)
  25. Would the body have a rotational momentum? Could it not have one? Where would any measurements be taken? From the original centre of the body? The scenario seems to ressemble a Big Bang but must surely be lacking/different in many ways. As soon as the body starts to radiate would it also start to re radiate back inwardly ?
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