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  1. I am a better person because of science, I have many learning tools for my hobby but one that has really taken me is watching the different science shows on TV in HD. I have had to come to the sad conclusion as many others have that I will never get the opportunity to venture out into the Universe looking for anomalies. Although I find this fact saddening, I am pretty thrilled with watching a program visually more astonishing than I would have ever been able to see it through my own eyes. I am as addicted to shows about our solar system as I am about string theory and different interpretations of multiple universes. I have but my imagination and my big screen and all the shows I have had the pleasure of seeing have been in High Def and have been incredible. I got my HDTV a long time ago when they were first coming out and then after I started working for Dish Network, I was able to learn and take full advantage of all the abilities of this amazing technology. At first I was enthralled by my HD receiver and later by the opportunity to get all my HD free which saved me quite a bit but more so ensured that I would be watching Into the Wormhole from a much more realistic approach than ever before. So as I observe my imagination's rendition of the many universes that shower the void with fascination I am also just as excited to turn on my TV to National Geographic or The Science Channel and participate in the awe of the visual creations of high definition graphic media.
  2. ameyer13


    I have been enthralled with the programming on the Science Channel! I have been stuck on Through the Wormhole and How the Universe Works. Both programs offer a great learning aspect but are also presented by alluring hosts. I am one of the lucky ones, I get my programming in HD through Dish Network and watch the graphic illustrations of Jupiter's storms and Saturn's moons in amazing color. I have worked for Dish for a while and as soon as they came out with HD I was on top of it; more recently they came out with free HD programming with "HD Free For Life". I was one of the ones who saw up front what am amazing exploration of sight this technology would uncover. I have found Titan's ice crystal volcanoes to defy my mind as it looks so unbelievable shooting into the cosmos from below the surface of the moon. This programming would not be the same without the presence of HD and if you are as addicted to Universal learning as I am, then I suggest trying it in HD.
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