I am a better person because of science, I have many learning tools for my hobby but one that has really taken me is watching the different science shows on TV in HD. I have had to come to the sad conclusion as many others have that I will never get the opportunity to venture out into the Universe looking for anomalies. Although I find this fact saddening, I am pretty thrilled with watching a program visually more astonishing than I would have ever been able to see it through my own eyes. I am as addicted to shows about our solar system as I am about string theory and different interpretations of multiple universes. I have but my imagination and my big screen and all the shows I have had the pleasure of seeing have been in High Def and have been incredible. I got my HDTV a long time ago when they were first coming out and then after I started working for Dish Network, I was able to learn and take full advantage of all the abilities of this amazing technology. At first I was enthralled by my HD receiver and later by the opportunity to get all my HD free which saved me quite a bit but more so ensured that I would be watching Into the Wormhole from a much more realistic approach than ever before. So as I observe my imagination's rendition of the many universes that shower the void with fascination I am also just as excited to turn on my TV to National Geographic or The Science Channel and participate in the awe of the visual creations of high definition graphic media.