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Everything posted by Sailt2

  1. Now we can see clearly why funding education is so low. We are treated like stupid fools. Worst, if we think deeper about why this "hood wink" by the government might happen. Any science teacher, architect, structural engineer, welder & metalegist would know that structural steel will not be weakened to even near failure by burning jet fuel, it does not burn hot enough. Even if the buildings burned for week (or untill the fuel was consumed), the structural steel core/spline would still be standing. If you obseerve the smelting of steel. you will not be able to miss the key factor on making steel melt ... time time time!!!! Visit a welding shop and ask to observe (with safeety glasses) steel being welded. Better yet visit a steel manufacturing plant making structural steel shapes. You will see "red hot" steel bring rolled into various sizes and shapes They are bright red but still not hot enough to melt. It takes considerable time to heat up steel and then it does not burn. Concrete which was pulverized into the dust to small enogh particals to be breathed in by firefighters, is "fire proofing", 4 inches is rated by UL as 4 hour fire protection. The building construction type was "fireproof", the sprinklers were to exstinguish burning contents, not the structure. To virtually instantly melt structural steel is impossible. If it could be meakened or melted by jet fuel, how could it be used to power the jet engines, they would just melt and puddle on the tarmat. If you watched a welder heatup steel to weld, you would realize it would take thousands of welders weeks to cut through the largest, thickest steel columns. The towers imploded at one floor per second. Uniform explosions were visible at each floor on the many videos. Yes. It can be truefully said that the planes hitting the buildings caused the collapse, however, jet fuel did not cause the buildings to implode. The fire triggered the built in implosion system. If you can accept that, the next logical question is WHEN??? The logical anser is - when it was built in 1973 or there abouts. Then WHY? The only answer that allows me to sleep at night is that it was built in as a safety system. If the building(s) ever were subject to toppling, in addition to all the people inside, thousands of other humans would be killed who were in the path of the toppling would also be killed. Sooo bringing the building down was a humanitarian act. And, the question WHO installed the computer controlled implosion system. The only source for thermite then was the military. Speculation that the system was installed to fake a cause to start a war is not supported by this writer. The BIG LIE is undertandable to prevent panic. The truth could cause manny many many highrise buildings to become vacant for public fear. further, the real estate interest would be devestated. Who else, I can't imagine that the computer system that controlled the implosion was not given approval by the Mayor and the President.
  2. Now we can see clearly why funding education is so low. We are treated like stupid fools. Worst, if we think deeper about why this "hood wink" by the government might happen. Any science teacher, architect, structural engineer, welder & metalegist would know that structural steel will not be weakened to even near failure by burning jet fuel, it does not burn hot enough. Even if the buildings burned for week (or untill the fuel was consumed), the structural steel core/spline would still be standing. If you obseerve the smelting of steel. you will not be able to miss the key factor on making steel melt ... time time time!!!! Visit a welding shop and ask to observe (with safeety glasses) steel being welded. Better yet visit a steel manufacturing plant making structural steel shapes. You will see "red hot" steel bring rolled into various sizes and shapes They are bright red but still not hot enough to melt. It takes considerable time to heat up steel and then it does not burn. Concrete which was pulverized into the dust to small enogh particals to be breathed in by firefighters, is "fire proofing", 4 inches is rated by UL as 4 hour fire protection. The building construction type was "fireproof", the sprinklers were to exstinguish burning contents, not the structure. To virtually instantly melt structural steel is impossible. If it could be meakened or melted by jet fuel, how could it be used to power the jet engines, they would just melt and puddle on the tarmat. If you watched a welder heatup steel to weld, you would realize it would take thousands of welders weeks to cut through the largest, thickest steel columns. The towers imploded at one floor per second. Uniform explosions were visible at each floor on the many videos. Yes. It can be truefully said that the planes hitting the buildings caused the collapse, however, jet fuel did not cause the buildings to implode. The fire triggered the built in implosion system. If you can accept that, the next logical question is WHEN??? The logical anser is - when it was built in 1973 or there abouts. Then WHY? The only answer that allows me to sleep at night is that it was built in as a safety system. If the building(s) ever were subject to toppling, in addition to all the people inside, thousands of other humans would be killed who were in the path of the toppling would also be killed. Sooo bringing the building down was a humanitarian act. And, the question WHO installed the computer controlled implosion system. The only source for thermite then was the military. Speculation that the system was installed to fake a cause to start a war is not supported by this writer. The BIG LIE is undertandable to prevent panic. The truth could cause manny many many highrise buildings to become vacant for public fear. further, the real estate interest would be devestated. Who else, I can't imagine that the computer system that controlled the implosion was not given approval by the Mayor and the President.
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