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Everything posted by neo007

  1. All modern humans have the same genetic pattern as they evolved from the same species. So even if they do come together again, they are "reproducable" because their genetic make-up are the same. Race, gender, climate are not enough for speciation to occur, therefore the genetic code isn't changed a lot, if at all.
  2. cool t-shirt ...i need to get me one of those! lol
  3. Biogas is the gas produced from the fermentation of dead organic matter. Carbon dioxide and methane gas are the main constituents of biogas. Also wouldn't it be possible to use calcium carbonate to remove the CO2?
  4. chloroform acts as a depressent on the central nervous system and leads to respiratory failure (i think)
  5. Not sure how you would do a quantative analysis of the viscosity of oils, but finding the relative viscosity of an oil to others is possible: http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/CCA/CCA2/MAIN/VISCLIQ/CD2R1.HTM http://www.woodrow.org/teachers/chemistry/institutes/1986/exp8.html http://chemmovies.unl.edu/chemistry/smallscale/SS070c.html not sure whether these links help or not
  6. ...that sounds confusing
  7. isn't -2.924 more positive than -3.040 ? just read your reply john
  8. i think this should belong in the 'homework help' section btw did u mean Spirochete?
  9. As i remember homo Erectus were first to use fire, purposefully. Evidence of ash remains has been found around the time that the homo Erectus were alive. Neanderthals, which came after the Erectus, definitely used fire not only for cooking and keeping warm, but probably also for hunting large animals for food.
  10. Sounds like a great idea(strongly agree), which i have thought of myself before. However to actually set up something like this would probably cost a bit of money. There are some pratical issues too, like would someone like fit a device to their shoe?And what would happen when the shoe is thrown away, etc. I think solar enery would be more feasible
  11. something to do with it having a high charge density?
  12. neo007

    Zombie Dogs

    amazing, truly amazing
  13. i get 2.91x10-3 , but not too sure, didn't have time to check working properly
  14. Hope this is correct: (Sorry for the scruffy handwriting) The important part is to know the formula for Ka and how to use it.
  15. DFI NF4 Sli is a mobo that i would recommend. I should be receiving one today actually, i'm building new system. They don't come cheap, but they're the best IMO.
  16. HCL are meant to be strong acids aren't they? As far as i know they are, which means that most of the HCL dissociates into [H+] and [Cl-] ions. But maybe its because the concentration is so low that the pH is relatively high...
  17. The GA-K8NXP-SLI does have PCi-E but i am aware that games such as Doom3 and Halo2 stand no chance on working on an on-board graphics. I was thinking that all motherboards come with on-board graphics as standard.
  18. hmm...strange i thought it did, i mean i'd expect it to have one especially if it come with integrated Audio 7.1
  19. Is the on-board graphics on the latest mobos (i.e. GA-K8NXP-SLI) sufficient to load/install windows xp on a new pc? The reason for asking this is that i'm building a new high spec pc, and i don't really want to wait till i save up enough to buy all the parts in one go, i plan on saving up for a mobo, processor, RAM and HD first, installing an OS(probably winXP) and then adding the necessary such as a good graphics card later. Any help appreciated.
  20. Not really a plant biologist, as i study only human biology, but... fact1: membranes are made out of a phospholipid bi-layer fact2: during mitosis DNA replicates many many times fact3: ATP...phosphate! During mitosis, basically one cell becomes two, thats where fact 1 comes into place. Also mitosis can only occur if DNA can replicate,,,in order to do this...you need many constituents...above all ....phosphates, because without this you wouldn't get the sugar-phosphate backbone in DNA. Thirdly i would think that you would need energy in order to 'drive' mitosis...therefore the more ATP the better. You probably wouldn't be able to explain the relationship between phosphate conc and mitosis with just one theory, as there's a number of different explanations, but most importantly DNA replication. hope what i've said makes sense and helps some of you
  21. when creating a table in access using sql, what is the data type that needs to be declared for tick boxes? I'm aware of yesno, but for that you have to enter 1 or 0 in the table or something of the sort. Any help appreciated
  22. i use this speed test thing...easy to use. http://www.beelinebandwidthtest.com
  23. That sounds plausible, however i also know that Cl- ions are already present in the solution because the same solution was tested with dilute nitric acid and then silver nitrate. The result was that a white precipitate formed. This would indicate that Cl- ions were present in the solution. This would suggest that the Fe3+ has Cl-ligands right? BUT...i also know that the Fe3+ complex undergoes deprotonation. So...would [Fe(H20)3(Cl-)3](3-) seem to be the unknown solution(assuming an octahderal complex exists)?
  24. neo007


    On the other hand i've heard that TFTs tend to develop "black dots" or dead pixels, and probably at the most inconvenient times: just when the warranty runs out.
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