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Everything posted by neo007

  1. neo007


    i'm not sure why he said the "vein closes after the IV treatment so he couldn't use that one again", but i presume it would be better to get the needle in on the other arm, or another part of the anatomy, rather than the vein that he used previously, which probably needs some time to heal.
  2. If there were no egyptians how would you explain tombs of pharaohs, egyptian kings, and ancient burials?
  3. Pyramids on the moon?....where did you get that from? yes, i guess you do have a point by saying aliens do exist, but i was referring to aliens beyond our planet. There may be several ancient paintings and stories,,,but the fact of the matter is,,,there is no solid proof that aliens ever existed,,,whereas it is heavily believed that Egyptians DID exits. You also say that several people to this day get "taken" by extraterrestrial beings, are these sources reliable? Were these people intoxicated when these "events" happened? When it comes down to it, there is no hard evidence validating these events.
  4. How would you suggest that "aliens" made the pyramids?...whose to say that aliens even exist?...there hasn't been any significant findings that has showed that aliens exist, or have existed. Also you would not necessarily have to look from above to form the Orion constellation. It is well known that people such as the Egyptians used sophisticated techniques to help with their everyday life. Now, it is definitely possible that using mathematical calculations, such as trigonometry, to form this Orion constellation.
  5. Its a September-July school year. we only get something like 6 weeks for summer holiday, 2 weeks for christmas, 2 weeks for easter, a week between each of these. So a tolal of 13 weeks holiday during the year. The UK also has one of the lowest number of bank holidays too, which is quite annoying.
  6. neo007

    Car Stuff

    I've always wondered why this happens too. I've never been in an automatic, but i'd go with what blike said. If what jordan said is true then it must have something to do with gravity. When on an incline there must be some sort of locking mechanism that locks the axel in place when enough force is exerted. (this would be an obvious safety mechanism to include in a car). However the tricky part is explaining why the car moves on a level surface? Its a possibility something to do with the momentum of the axel that carries it forward or mayb the sum of several factors. Who knows!
  7. what do you mean by "liberal education requirements"?
  8. can anyone provide me with good links Visual Basic tutorials ? thanks in advance
  9. I know that there are great differences between the UK and US education system, but to go through them all would take too long. In my opinion there are 4 stages of education. The first is primary school which is for 5-11 year olds. The second is secondary school, which some require pupils to sit "11 +" exams to get into. During secondary school, all students take a key stage 3 exam, which compromises of a science paper, maths paper and english paper. Key stage 3 exams normally take place in the 3rd year of secondary school. Then at the age of 16, GCSEs take place. These are quite significant exams, as some universities take this in consideration when you apply. When i took them, which was last year, i took around 10 subjects. Although the GCSEs are important (btw GCSE=General Certificate for Secondary Education), they are not as important as A-Levels. A-levels are split into 2 years. The first year involves sitting the papers for half the subjects. And in the second the rest of the papers are taken. By the time you are 18 most students would have completed or finishing their second year in A-level. This is probably their most important years of their life as determines what university they get into and what course they take, and therefore what job they get, etc. Most courses at university requires minimum grades for entry, for example if you would want to do medicine, you would normally need grades which are better than ABB at A-level. However these days it isn't just the grades that universities look at when students apply. Past work experience, extra curricular activities are also taken into consideration. Well thats about it.....hope its not too long .
  10. so therefore it would produce oxygen and hydrogen gas right?
  11. I know this is basic stuff, but does the electrolysis of water produce oxygen and hydrogen, or hydrogen and OH-. Or are they the same thing?
  12. a=1 and x=1 ,seems to work fine
  13. what is the regular exercise on blood pressure? If the blood pressure decreases, by how much does it normally decrease to for a healthy person
  14. I think I know what you mean, in a way. It is a possibility that your sub concious is being influenced by other things around you, such as when you a in a state of half asleep, half awake. It is known that 10-30 minutes before someone wakes up the brain can pick things up, for example if you were to sleep with the radio on, it is possible that when you wake up, you will remember and be able to recall what was said on the radio or what music was being played. Why this happens i'm not sure, but is probably due to the brain being in a state where it has had enough sleep and is in a state between being asleep and awake. I'm not sure if this is what you meant by "falling through the bed" but thats what i think B)
  15. Yep, Crash, what you said is correct. The egg shell is made out of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and the dilute acid (lets just say hyrdochloric acid, although it doesn't really matter), reacts with the shell to give three products calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water. This is summarised below CaCO3 + 2HCL------>CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
  16. vinegar is acetic acid, its formula is C2H4O2
  17. neo007

    Global Warming

    Well its hard to say, because it is difficult to tell exactly how global warming is affecting us, and what the effects will be, however we can make an assumption from what we know about the atmosphere and climate. Over the last hundred years global temperatures have risen by around 0.5-1.0°F. This may seem very small, but it is large enough for global sea levels to increase about 10 inches. It is known that burning fossil fuels and pollution are major contributors, if something was to be done to reduce the effects of global warming it would be to cut back on fossil fuels, but in order to do this an alternative, sustainable, source of energy needs to be discovered, which i don't think will happen soon. On the other hand records show that during the medieval period global temperatures rose, just like it is doing now, people are arguing that its 'natural' for global temperatures to rise. This may be true but there's a major difference between the two periods; one period of increasing temperatures was due to bruning fossil fuels, the other, wasn't
  18. thanks for the info, but that doesn't really answer my question
  19. how did u get 36th square = 34,359,738,368? i've tried to work it out, but i get something complete different. But i'd like to know how you got 34,359,738,368
  20. Yesterday, i was reading about how electrons have different orbitals, within shells and the shape of the orbitals. I quickly realises that the orbitals took a spherical shape. My question is: What causes the electrons to move in this orbital, and stay in there most of the time? Is it because electrons are though to be spherical themselves? Is it because protons exert a force, possibly an even force, like that of a magnetic field? Or is it something to do with the waves of electrons? Can anyone answer this for me?
  21. I think that the credibility of the bbc has definitely been damaged, one way or another. But i think that many people including myself will still trust the bbc because of their reputation.
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