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amber r shaffer

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Everything posted by amber r shaffer

  1. I was at the Air and Space Museum yesterday and when I got home was reading about some of the newest data ( I think that a pair of telescopes that have been dealing in the invisible spectrum are making a good deal of new data that doesn't fit in with some theories that have been at least challenging or impossible to fit in to a tidy box. I'm pretty sure that a major almost accepted theory of the big bang doesn't work because on of its attributes is that it will slow down and instead they measured the speeding up of galaxies and thats space stuff. In the news was something that I thought that outside of Back to the Future when at the end the guy comes back with a Mr. Fusion hooked to his car. That was not something that had been achieved as far as I knew. Instead, not only has it been achieved but replicated and the fact that the United States DOE seems to use it's funding of research to forms of energy that will only mask a very serious issue of not only climate change but dwindling resources and I can't imagine how all of these happening would not push us in to some huge war with another country that wants the same things that we do.t is I think in the same way that new forms of energy moved this country and that would really show how influential the oil electric gas and coal industries are to political campaigns in both parties. There is a cold fusion product that was built but these two Italian scientists and they showed this machine off to a group of scientists who along with media was able to confirm that the product used an imput initially of 400 kw and were able to produce an output exceeding 12,000kw. The pair claim that the product is going to be ready for sale at about $100 dollars in 6 months or less. I would think that if true and I do believe it is this technolgy would bring our world in to a new age. Sorry for the long post about things that I just found out about but as far as I know you could have known about all of these things for a long time. Peace
  2. Suppose that you are on vacation with two of your coworkers. Now it's time to relax and knowing that you and your coworkers are going to be stuck up at the space station ( you are all astronauts) for the week following your trip south. So you decide to go out and find the beach that the hotel had told you was a great place to get some sun. Now as the three of you are walking through the heavy brush you encounter a native tribe that proceed to take you and both of your coworkers hostage. The three of you are them blindfolded and are told to sit down. After being seated in an equilateral triangle your captors remove all blindfolds and this is what you are told. The hats you are wearing each contain either a green or a red dot and can be in any combination. now when we turn your caps over I want any of you that see a green dot to raise his or her hand. The natives tell you that when one of you know what the color is of the dot painted on your own forehead you are to give the tribal leader the answer and if wrong all of you will be killed and sold as meat (the tribe is a hungry group of cannibals) and the rest will be used for souvenirs. So all three hats are turned to reveal that all three men have a green dot on their hats. At the same time all three of you raise your hand. You begin to feel the weight that comes with being in charge though thinking back it had been difficult to get them to think of you as the "leader" since when you received the assignment at NASA you were a kid phenom and getting a full scholarship to MIT at 15 and barely out of puberty. Over time though you had earned their respect and the three of you had become best friends. Now as you sit facing the other two you raise your hand and tell the leader that you know that you have a green dot on your forehead. Now the reason that you know that is......? This is a good riddle and I think it took me like at least a day or more to figure it out. Good Luck!
  3. Picture where ( though there is no actual beginning) space itself is tightly wound in to a coil. It begins to unfurll once it has reached a point where it can no longer coil. This is space that is begining to appear and uncurl in an opposing direction to the initial coiling. , Imagine you take a rubber band and stretch it, it will stretch not very much at first because the rubber is so dense but as it stretches out begins to move faster as it becomes less dense. This would lead to a point at which the band would become so stretched out that the rate at which it could expand would deteriorate and then the building up of energy would cause it to snap back. Then the process starts again. Space and time being a result of the energy created during the process ( explained below.)As before in this analogy a rubber band is winding up around itself. The rubber band will reach a point where it has coiled up and is now a short and compact rubber coil. The band then whips around in the opposite direction of the coil( in this phase a small amount of energy is created and used to create the initial push the energized matter uses to initiate this reaction. As for space, it is created only as the product of the movement of the energized matter and time. with the space and time being created in relation to one another and energized matter being created through the push and pull of the dark and light matter against each other. Expansion of space and time occurs in relationship to the amount of energized matter which is being created This is not a constant process. The early Universe I propose indicates that the unwinding of the coil moves space and time at increasing speed as energized matter is created. Though the time and space would initially move at a almost constant rate the energized matter would increase the rate at which the space uncoils and time would slow down and as it is being created will continue to increase the speed at which the energized matter moves through space. Along this process there are many changes to the rate at which space is travelling due to the increase of dark energy that is created from the pushing of matter against dark matter and the pulling of dark matter against matter. These changes to the rate of speed are due to the changing space the mass the energized dark and light matter occupy while this also changes the length of time that passes. There becomes a point at which the amount of energy being stored between matter and dark matter is reached and this is the point at which the amount of stored energy is released in a single event . At this point the space would shrink and coil around itself and time would pass faster than the speed of light causing the Universe to almost entirely disappear. Though this would only last for as long as it would take to use the space to contract to its shortest state. The result is that we live in a universe which appears to be speeding up at its most outer regions and depending on a variety of factors may appear to move slower or faster in other regions. With the eventual result being the whole process spiraling in and then out and then in again. Eternal and Never ending.<br style="text-indent: 0px !important; ">This is just a series of events that I am going to post as a hypothesis of a series of thoughts that crossed my mind could ? be responsible for the presence of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. I was reading some articles about the race to find out what these things are and so I figured I would try to leave my own idea on the website. I know that as an actual scientist you may blow holes all over this but I am just someone interested in learning about science and I especially enjoy learning about the Universe. So I'm just curious what you think? <br style="text-indent: 0px !important; ">Thank You, <br style="text-indent: 0px !important; ">Amber Shaffer11611 Drumcastle TerraceGermantown, MD 20876 301-775-5821
  4. I don't at all. I was just reading some articles on the existence of dark matter and dark energy. I am in no way saying that it is correct. I just used the info about recent data that is showing that instead of slowing the rate of the universe expanding is speeding up and then well I just came up with the rest?
  5. ! Moderator Note moved http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/54256-hypothesis-on-space-and-time/
  6. ! Moderator Note moved http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/54256-hypothesis-on-space-and-time/
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