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Everything posted by weknowthewor

  1. it increases the speed, more no. of features, greater shortcuts, great compatibility, etc...
  2. some factors affecting the size r gravitational force, temperature, amount of water, presence of ozone layer, etc..
  3. yaa some of them r datashets.com, motorola.com, electronicsforyou.com, funwithelectronics.com, etc..
  4. u can go for master in sciences, master in biomedical engineering the 4 future u can plan for phd studies.
  5. u can go to kingston or cambridge university in london or oxford(new branch) in united states.
  6. as u know sunlight has 7 basic colours and many colours can b formed using these, viewing sun from different angles result in deflection of light causing different hues created, try out this. take 4 torches, wrap it with different color geletane paper, then try out different combinations
  7. if determinant of a matrix is root of 1, the matrix has a inverse
  8. ES 991 of the famous casio company. u will need 10 days just 2 understand the features
  9. using the process of electrolysis, if u use solution of patassium sulphate, sodium gets collected at -ve electrode as clorine reacts with patassium 2 form KCL
  10. for this u study how the radar works. due 2 chemical reaction u will get the chemical composition of that substance.
  11. actually, laser projection will increase the amount of heat rediated which may decrease product life and then more heat sinks!!!
  12. what is the need of all this?? grow more trees as they absorb heat, reduce air conditioners, refrigerators, they release chlorofluorocarbons depleting the ozone layer thus increasing atmospheric temperature. according 2 ur question, for reflection of sunlight, think how much mirrors will u need??, and is it economically feasable, another way is 2 use solar energy 4 our applications and also heat energy has so many applications...
  13. check the nasa's website(nasa.com), they have succeeded on this project, also having battery and solar operated cars just 4 people intrested like u.
  14. just press the switch, then have a timer circuit(ic 555 timer), put to 5 seconds or whatever needed you will find ur ckt working as per ur wish
  15. dielectric medium, vacuum, cotton, fibre cloth can do it but not better than air
  16. According to Indian shastras, the universe is infinite but in the shape of a person standing with his feet a foot wide.... I read a book and it is really interesting...
  17. My friends vacations are approaching... He is a great lover of this science... He wants to see the sky using a telescope. Where can I find one... and his budget is approx. $50 . What will be the best option and where can we buy one. Any website?
  18. I don't accept that sun is loosing mass and if so where it is going
  19. Please see this if helpful to you.
  20. I just came across "Computation in the brain". Please do visit it explains some points of our relation.
  21. Can I know how many hrs sleep is required for a 18yr old then a 8 yr old child having 8-10 hrs of sleep? Thanks.
  22. For me Akram Vignan. The science of self realization.. Do visit it.. I liked a lot
  23. Thanks for info..
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