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  1. It's so cool that you say that, because I'm a psych/neuroscience nut. I watch human behaviors all the time and have definitely noticed that there is some kind of correlation between star signs and behaviors. Most likely it's because people read about their sign and then sort of subconsciously adopt behaviors based on what they read about their sign, like you've mentioned, however I like to think that it's a combination of both earth science and psychological perception. Our bodies are made of of millions of molecules and atoms that have electrical charges....is it possible that perhaps depending on what time of the year you were born those electrical charges do different things when the earth is closer or further away from other celestial bodies or when the earth is in a specific position on its axis? It sounds a little farfetched I know....but it could be possible right? One might argue that perhaps we are so insignificant compared to the masses of celestial bodies and their interactions, but I dont think that's accuarate. We are made up of the stuff of the universe....oxygen, nitrogen, carbon - a crap ton of elements. Who is to say that we can't be affected by something like that? Did you know that there are a lot of studies going on right now in neuro research on mental disorders where they will place a magnet or shoot an electrical impulse into certain parts of the brain that can change the way a person behaves? The magnets are the most interesting part, because our earth is basically one big magnet. We lie and thrive and a big magnet...why can't it influence the way we go about our daily lives? Check it out: http://web.mit.edu/n...al-control-0330 and http://news.discover...n-morality.html
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