Assumption is the word of the day here. By the way, posting websites will not get you anywhere I could literally find 1000 websites supporting that it was a hoax, just as easily as I could find ones that support that it wasn't. I am done. It seems to me a lot of these things you guys are saying are assumptions. Things people have told you or that you have heard. "They did this, this way" and "and this was irrelevant because of this" and so on. Obviously no one's mind is going to be changed but seriously think logically about it. Yes there are scientific counters to many of the hoax claims, but if you think about it couldn't that be the case for really any problem. The "hoax claims" were claims made based on the time-period, the material brought back from the moon, and obviously the photos taken. Not just by any old people either. These included college professors/researchers/etc as I mentioned. So the "hoax claims" were presented scientifically, but to no surprise countered by the same means. But you see, that is where "assumption" comes into play. They look at the "hoax claims" and then say "Well this was done this way, so scratch that out", and "The flag itself is moving from physical contact and is not effected by the air" and so on. But do we actually know how things went down. NO. I mean there just happened to be no stars, the flag just happened to have been moving long after "physical contact" and it was not the wind, the lunar lander happened to make almost absolutely no dent amongst the ground because of the "gravity and slowness of descending", the shadows happened to be in the wrong direction because of at that specific time the planet happened to be bla bla bla...See what I mean? Yeah scientifically you can explain it, but its improbable and logically doubtful that all would occur. Although yes I must admit that does not mean it could not happen. Still all the same, doubtful.