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Everything posted by QuIcKPoInT

  1. My big bang theory will be hard to understand but i will tell you anyway the theory is that; from nothing we can create something by using vibrations, heat, cold and static if you have an unlimited amount of space, you can almost do anything (even if there is nothing to use) what i am trying to say is that you can use the expansion of nothing to create small vibrations everything is made of vibrations: inside the atom we see protons, neutrons and electrons but what we don't see is whats inside a neutron or a proton... a proton is actually made up of small bands of vibrations someone once said that all things are always moving (or vibrating) back to the big bang theory, we now understand that by using the extreme forces of an unlimited space we can also create hot and cold spots by vibrations that are caused by the expansion of nothing! STATIC. static is created by vibrations too, so if we can create protons, neutrons and electrons by vibrations then we can create the ATOM... but.. even if you create one atom then it still wouldn't create what we are now but.. we have unlimited amount of space here guys... we can actually create bigger atoms than the ones we know of right now, in fact, we can create atoms that are so powerful, that the atom itself is too unstable to get any bigger... and BOOM! THE BLACK HOLE THEORY it starts off as believing that the black hole isnt exactly a hole but instead it appears as a black ball, sucking all matter into the core or the centre of the black hole this allows us to come up with more ideas on what black holes can do and what they really are My Theory is that all matter that enters a black hole "or ball" it compresses into an extremely small size (close to an atom) and they just keep compressing matter and more matter and more matter, sadly its just gonna do that to a point that i have had no thought about until i just wrote this sentence XD. nope, i was wrong you still cant create something from nothing but i had a few ideas XD
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