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About ryan

  • Birthday August 30

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  • College Major/Degree
    Computer Science.
  • Biography
    I like pie.
  • Occupation
    Computer Technician.


  • Demi-God

ryan's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Do you know if this is an actual qoute? I found it in a Hunter s Thompson book but cannot find any other proff if it exists

  2. "There is some shit I won't eat - unless they pay me to eat it on TV in prime time." -Walt Disney
  3. In the movie Pi, a character proposes that the Hebrew language consists entirely of mathmatics. If you've seen the movie you can stop reading the remainder of this paragraph. He gives us an example of how words are related: When the number of letters in the word for "mother"(4) is added with the number of letters in "father" (5) you get nine, which is the number of letters in the word for children. I haven't seen the movie in a few months so I don't remember if he gave any more examples. However, this same character also tells that he is searching for the true name of their god.....which they only know the number of letters in. (And I also can't remember.) Does anyone know if this is true? Is the Hebrew language really based on numbers, and if so, can you give some other examples?
  4. Linux kicks the ass of any windows OS. I work at PC-repair type place where we sell these old Compaq 4184's. These machines are horrible - 20MB RAM, 177Mhz, 3GB HD...So anyway, I got bored and slapped the latest version of SuSE on it. That would happen to be another lovely "flavor" of Linux. It ran great. We sell the machines with Win95'. They run like shit. I rest my case. In case you don't understand: Modern Linux OS > Old Windows OS
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