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Everything posted by etxmama

  1. What you described sounds like dots and patches of light, He see's actual "pictures" ie: field of tigers walking around... and it's one image after the next as you described. The images are very clear and 'real-like'???
  2. My husband asked me last night, what I 'see' whenever I close my eyes. I told him 'nothing.' I asked him 'why' what do you see. He said he see's passing images or 'picture shows' as he really calls them, and they just pass by every few seconds. He said he thought everyone seen them. I told him NO, we don't. I asked him how long this has been going on he said 'always.' I asked him what he was seeing now...he said a field of tigers just walking around, then a few seconds later he said he was walking through a crowd of people..I asked him what they were wearing he said just normal clothes..then he seen what he described as a chandelier of sorts then something else after that and so on. I asked him if he can see these images when he closes his eyes during the day, not just before going to sleep. he said he see's these 'picture shows' WHENEVER he closes his eyes, he could be at work or walking or anything. I googled this and I ran into a term called 'hypnos agogeus' which is the time in between being awake and sleep..like right before you fall asleep. But this does not describe what my husband sees.
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