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Everything posted by kenobi85

  1. Filling that line just like water filling up a drain without spilling out? Wow, what a trick. Anyway, i'm not sure whether my idea is workable or not. i suggest that the line is drawn by some organic solvents(with ionic property) such as carboxylic acid(vinegar), butter(if u want a solid), or probably alcohol.
  2. Hi, I was doing experiment of extracting out plasmid DNA from E.Coli. I'm wondering why do we need to centrifuge the bacteria pallet at 4 degree celcius initially and at room temperature at near end of the experiment. My deduction is that at 4 degree celcius, all the enzymes present will stop its activity. This cool temperature will also prevent overheating of rotor. Can someone clarify this for me? Is there another conditions that tell us what temperature we should use for centrifugation? Thanks in advance for anyone who replies this message.
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