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  1. A bit background information... This psychic lives on the other side of the world where American laws do not apply. He randomly stopped by my family's house because he felt that it was haunted by one of too many ghosts and volunteered to exorcise them. My family was mostly skeptical, but they agreed to an exorcism just to humor him and get rid of him ASAP. It was during this exorcism that even the most skeptical of my family witnessed strange things. One thing led to another, and he became a trusted family psychic. And to be honest, I'm not 100% convinced that there's no such thing as the supernatural either. As examples: 1. I'm still DEATHLY afraid of all things ghosts. On a normal day I don't even think about it and I can come up with 101 rational explanations for any weird thing that happens before my eyes, but if I were to spend the night on a cemetery my mind would be playing tricks on me the whole night long and I'd probably go bonkers by sunrise. I guess in theory I don't believe in ghosts, but in practice not so much. 2. The first time I heard about this psychic, I already tried to "test" him. Someone in my family told him that I was a nonbeliever and requested that he made some predictions about me. So he asked for my name, meditated on it and came up with something that more or less described my situation at the time. He got ONE thing wrong, though, so I'm still holding that mistake over his head.
  2. What are some things to say to a psychic to essentially "trap" him into saying the wrong thing? I know this sounds petty and everything, but there's this psychic who's been saying things about me to my family that have changed their views on me. I didn't bother arguing because I knew they'd somehow filter out everything I say in favor of what the psychic has said, but my family said something to me last night that ticked me off so much that I just have to do something about this psychic dude. EDIT: After re-reading the forum description, I just realized that I may have posted this in the wrong forum. Don't hold it against me?
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