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the outsider

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Everything posted by the outsider

  1. Thanks everyone. I appreciate the help. EOF
  2. Thank you. Rigid situations sometimes call for shady actions. I'm indeed afraid that this decision will haunt me and that's pretty much why i am here. What are you basing your statement upon btw? Have you known anybody who has regretted it? What kind of people were they? My decision is viable to change. I decided myself but under continuous pressure from "family" which didn't really give a damn about me until they heard i'm giving up on academia altogether I'd like to analyze the decision and get reputable input. And honestly i'm scared the wrong choice will severely impact my life and all my goals, dreams and ideas will come to naught. I've talked to some people I know and the consensus was to go my own way (no *degree*). It's the same people who offered me jobs or contacts for one before. Mostly people ~<30, working in computer fields themselves, (pentesters, sysadmins, programmers, etc), many finished colleges, but also many _have not_ and they are leading fairly decent lives financially, socially and culturally. They have a loathing for education though and most of their opinions come based on *my appearance* and not on realia ("I know you. I'm sure you'll do well") Thanks. The issue here is not money (if i can get a decent job without a degree). My work already pays well and i pretty much don't spend my earnings, but it's not the kind of things i'd like to see myself doing in 10 years. Lack of growth opportunities. I'd like to aim for top positions and generally satisfy my need for feeling of importance and meaningful life. Also there is a fairly long list of successful college dropouts and I wonder if i can well match them in persistence, creativity and luck. Anyhow, I appreciate all your input folks.
  3. Hi Forumers, >*Don't really expect an answer but merely an alternative path of thought* I've got expelled from universities twice already, and contrary to my family's wishes decided to give up on higher education altogether and try to work my way up without a degree. Spring semester just began and my father is coercing me (offering to pay tuition) to enroll in a _community college_ and pretty much give it a fresh start. He expects an answer by *today*. I've made up my mind already. I've many job options. I started working as a freelance programmer/website designer and a waiter at night and considering i don't have almost any expenses at the present time living with my uncle (left home years ago, haven't seen my parents ever since but talk to them on regular basis) i calculated i can put off around $50K a year and invest it after a a few years, hoping it multiplies manifold. My dream is to work as a scientist which requires university _degrees_ but i am well comfortable working with computers - my second passion. I don't know which way I should go. The whole situation brought me a neurosis. I go from crying to anger/frustration episodes where i walk around the house holding my head and telling myself aloud what a fucked up idiot i am to cause this whole situation like this in the first place. I fear my inner want to go both ways is splitting my mental integrity and making me insane. And then Robert Frost's poem comes to my mind about the road less traveled by and i feel like it's the way i should go. What do you guys think? Thanks ps: Posted on other forums as well. so far -> 5 for go get degree b/ it's a standard irregardless of career.. 1 go own way; doesn't work go back to school. ps2: inb4 what I did: expulsion grounds were 'hacking' & trespassing.
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