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Everything posted by alexander01

  1. Hello, hope I am in the right forum. I need information resp. literature recommendations on the mixability of micronutrients in raw powder form (plus helper-substances). To explain: I have to take a whole lot of different vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids. I get them either as raw powder or as in capsule from companies like "Solgar". Because I cant swallow capsules etc, I have to open all of them up, mix them in water and drink it. What I really want to do is a make a whole batch of premixed powders each packed in small plastic bags, so that I dont have to go through the procedure every day, but just open a plastic bag into water. From what I have heard, there are some micronutrients one cant mix with others because they either need stabilising helper substances and/or affect each other in a "bad" way, so that you cant actually store them together for a few weeks? Looking for all sorts of infos, can also be scientific websites or books. Thanks! Alexander
  2. [corrected version, A.] okaaaay..... I guess there is no way around it then. Can you check if I got this right? Take Thiaminehydrochlorid, i.e. Vitamine B1 - HCL Chemical formula is: C12H17N4OS+Cl-.HCl According to my calculations, the total compound weighs: 337,2722 g/mol The HCl part weighs: 36,4609 g/mol So the actual Thiamine / Vitamin B1 weighs: 300.8113 Therefore: (300.8113 / 337,2722) * 100 = 89,19 Which means, there is an actual amount of 89,19 % Vitamin B1 in VitaminB1-HCl. Is that correct? I havent done chemistry calculations in over 20 years!
  3. Hello, I am looking for some kind of online table or conversion tool that shows the elemental percentage of chemical compounds such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids. As I am not a biochemist, I do hope to have formulated the question understandably. Let me give a few examples: 1. How much elemental magnesium is in magnesiumcitrate dihydrate? 2. How much actual Vitamin B1 / Thiamine is in thiamine hydrochloride? 3. How much actual/elemental zinc is in zincsulphate monohydrate? So what I need is a table or tool that will show me actual "content" of all sorts of vitamin, mineral, trace element and amino acid compounds. Appreciate all infos! A.
  4. Hello. Perhaps someone can help or point in the right direction, I am lost and am not a studied biochemist... and have googled for hours without any real success: I am trying to figure out a way to help/stimulate the body recycle NADH to NAD+ with the help of micronutrient supplementation (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and so forth). The aim would be to get a proper NADH/NAD+ ratio resp. to decrease a high NADH-level due to a lot of NAD+ being used up by increased enzymatic processes, with or without having supplemented with an NAD+ precursor. Anyone have any ideas? Appreciate any info! Alexander
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