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  1. The sad thing is, $153 is like nothing book-wise. I was looking up some of the books I'll be buying for pre-med next year.. A book for 1 semester will be well over $200, and that's buying it USED! I'll need a loan just for my books. Lots of $$$ that this girl has never dealt with before:eek: What do you mean public domain? I guess they do use it in med schools, right?
  2. Darn, I was hoping there was more anatomy on the MCAT, Biology is my specialty compared to Chemistry. Luckily my college offers an MCAT workshop. I'm going to attend that as soon as they'll let me- I might be the only freshman there:D
  3. $153! They may even update it again before I get to med school. Luckily I found it at my local library under referance books (I'll have to sit there and read it:-) ) Bluenoise, what was your major? I'll be majoring in biology next year as a pre-med when I start college and I'm trying to put together my schedule and pick all the best courses for med school.
  4. Nevermind, I found my answers! Here's a good link for those interested in Gray's Anatomy. Read the Spotlight Reviews at the very bottom of the page http://www.amazon.com/Grays-Anatomy-Descriptive-Surgical-Henry/dp/0914294083
  5. Does anyone know if DVDs on how to teach yourself Algebra and Calculus really work? I'm looking into buying DVDs to teach myself calculus, even though I am on a budget. Do DVDs work?
  6. Hey all, I was wondering for anyone in here that's studied medicine, do med schools actually use the book Gray's Anatomy by Henry Gray?? I was thinking of buying a copy because someone (who does not have med school expierience) told me that is what students read in med school. But when I read that it was written by Henry Gray in 1918, I thought, do they still use that book? And if they do use it, is it the same 1918 copy or a new copy (what is the newest copy?)? Thanks
  7. Simple enough to remember, Thanks!
  8. What is the basic difference between the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum?
  9. Does anyone know the basic differences between the male and female muscular system? I thought that, besides the size of muscles, the muscular system was basically the same. But then I was going to buy an anatomy chart of the muscle system and I noticed that they offered either the Muscular System of the Female Muscular System. What's the big difference they could be referring to?
  10. mcal6

    Basic Elements?

    Thanks guys.. I highlighted them. What's the best way to memorize the basic elements and their symbols? Should I read over them, repeat them, or write them out? Thanks
  11. Hi everyone, I'm new to chemistry and I'll be taking a course in which I know that I am going to have to memorize the numbers and symbols to the basic elements. Can anyone give me a list of just the basic elements (or most common)? I would really appreciate it. Thanks:cool: P.S. I have a list of all the known elements and their symbols, but I'm not sure which ones are the most common elements.
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