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Everything posted by researcher1

  1. researcher1


    Hello, I have a question. I need to know what does likelihood mean and what is the relation between it and chi-squared. I know they are almost inverse of each other, such that maximum likelihood is equal to minimum chi-squared, but I want to know what does exactly mean a 3-dimensional likelihood graph. Can someone explain it for me?
  2. Thanks for your friendly advice.
  3. I wanted to solve this problem myself. Thanks anyway.
  4. That's right. Thanks a lot!
  5. thanks ajb, but I've read it and more papers like it, but they haven't siad it clearly.
  6. Hello! I have a question. We know TEGR is obtained when we choose f(T) = T. I think it means this case is identical with f® = R, i.e. we obtain the same friedmann equations in both models. Also, we know that if we want to study a \Lambda CDM model in f® theory the Lagrangian density is something like R - 2*\Lambda. I need to know is there a similar Lagrangian density for \Lambda CDM model in f(T) gravity or not. I think it has a form like T-2*\Lambda. Am I wrong?
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