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jon kuder

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Everything posted by jon kuder

  1. Hi, I am curious if there is any correlation between the rate of half lives within the meterials that a cell is comprised of and the life span of that cell. (dead = inanimate). One would think such a thing might give evidence that conciousness exists in all matter, due to the prominent possibility that organisms require material to maintain an equalibrium of half-lives. Sorry if I have asked any arbitrary questions. I don't know very much about what I am asking. -Jon Kuder
  2. I have heard, and know, that morality formed on the same principles on which christianity or any religion formed on; the affermation of meaning by creating a construct that upholds human nature. We, as animals evolved to fear disease. when the first microorganisms were faced with death they entered into the process of natural selection; the organisms that chose to, or survived out of natural proximity(due to a non-balancing or coexisting ecosystem) to other preditorial or dangerous organisms, survived. Thus, the term and actuality that is morality has been the upholding statement of an ideal; essentially creating a polar spectrum by which it becomes convienient to use to assert a judgement, and therefor rationalizing the organisms. For the sake of concluding my example, I should state that disease's manifest moral opposition is apparent in the fear of rape. It is the fear of genetic mutations. The fear of killing for pleasure is probably a sociological method to afferm ones self worth. It is depressing yet interesting to note then, that an Ideal cannot exist without subordinates. I have not yet found one thing that is self relivant truth. That is to say, I have not yet found one thing that is not good because everything else is bad, but is good because it simply is good. I will not digress.
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