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About quantumdream

  • Birthday 02/26/1959

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Arlington, VA
  • Interests
    Physics, website, humanity
  • College Major/Degree
    Yale/GWU/GMU Physics MS
  • Occupation
    Volunteer at park, nursing home, 800- health line


  • Quark

quantumdream's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. You're kidding about the coriolis effect, aren't you? This isn't a sphere! Keep it simple, smartie.
  2. aman, I think you have the general idea. Can any of you now do the physics to "derive the equation that describes the dynamics of the unfurling roll?"
  3. A roll of supple paper of thickness x, wound tightly and initially of radius R>>x, has its free end attached so that when released it unwinds downward by gravity. Derive the equation that describes the dynamics of the unfurling roll, and determine its point of maximum velocity.
  4. The parameters I gave define the observable universe, whose age and dimensions closely outline current hydrogen populated intergalactic space.
  5. The parameters I gave define the observable universe, whose age, dimensions and temperature closely outline current hydrogen populated intergalactic space.
  6. One more time, Brush up on your random walk!
  7. I should have said "void of baryonic matter" (not to consider neutrinos, other WIMPs, or exotic particles). By classical, I mean non-virtual as well. The percentage of hydrogen decaying in intergalactic space is negligible for this problem.
  8. When was the last time that the Earth's atmophere (even a few atoms of it) decayed into energy? Proton (hydrogen ion) halflife is greater than 1000 times the age of the universe!
  9. Some day, in order to stop hallucinating, you may have to take pharmaceuticals for life.
  10. Yes, averaged over the given age and radius.
  11. Radical, my guess is more on the scale of ~centimeter or ~meter.
  12. In a statistically mechanical intergalactic space with (noninteracting) hydrogen atoms of average density 10^-5 atom/cm^3, with age 10^17 seconds, radius 10^28 cm, and temperature 3 K, what is the maximum radius void of matter to have existed given those spacetime parameters? That is, create a random walk model to describe the maximal absolute void volume that classical intergalactic spacetime has ever allowed.
  13. We all have a different phase relative to the actual atoms, which does not affect their dual (me-atom) expectation value, but does that of the triadic path you-me-atom. Much like a dual slit experiment with communicating observers for slits, and a laboratory>>lambda source.
  14. Motive - to show a correlation between physical phenomena and intuition ("eventual expectations") internal historically to observers (and manifest to a degree greater than that provided by the scientific method).
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