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Everything posted by dydx

  1. dydx


    Thank you very much! That answers my question and more. I was also theorizing about the different colors in the morning and sunset. It's more fun than just looking for the answer straight out. But I thought it was the variation of the angular interaction with the ozone layer more than the atmosphere itself. But I guess you're right, there is a significant bigger amount of volume in the atmosphere interacting with sun light than the ozone. But in the end I think you'll have to consider both for mathematical purposes.
  2. dydx


    So that means when I aim it at the atmosphere it's being reflected? And does it also mean it travels faster in a vacuum?
  3. dydx


    So, i currently understand that it is best described as waves traveling through space. What i can't visualize mentally yet is how these waves travel from one atom to the next. What are the physics involved in these interactions? The other day i was observing light source from my flash light, an 90 lumines one. I stuck it to my belly and several body parts and noticed how a small portion of the skin was lit with a reddish color. I figured it came from the numerous blood cells in it. But the light could only interact with a limited amount of skin, so i concluded it has to have some sort of "friction" reducing the travel distance until it was zero. Any help?
  4. Hello World ! Wow that actually became useful for once.
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