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electric charge oscillating in gravitational field
SyedAmeen replied to abskebabs's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
jan.25.2007 The scenario of dropping a charge particle into a hole equal to length of the diameter of earth is absurd,because: A charge particle ,is matter and interacts with MASS around. But you can imagine a Neutrino entering north pole of the earth and seiving out from south pole unhindered.That happens.Also recent reports of heavy neutrinos Oscillations were observed. My ignorons quantum field theory,which assumes existence of omnipresent faster than velocity of light particles or entities,describes PHOTON is not one particle,but an ENTANGLED QUANTUM STATE.The real nature and origin of Photon remained ELUSIVE to Einstein et.al. But Entanglement indicates ,when ever a CHARGE particle is liberated or freed,instantaneously the ignorons(faster than C particles,which are omnipresent in the universe)form a union,this Entanglement is our real photon. Thus PHOTON = ignoron + e- (charge particle) The entanglement produces a compromised momentum which is the wave length or frequency observed of a photon. The energy momentum induced tensors become operative to make a wave-particle phenomenon,that is our known photon.The ignorons ,being faster than C,could be simply WAVE-FIELD,and encountering liberated Charge,this wave-field engulfs it and keeps moving on,due to energy induced momentum tensors action. This Dr.Syed Ameen 's new theory is slowly getting accepted with non Relativity Cult scientist,because it had first time shown the real origin and nature of photon as an entangled quantum state of two particle system,contrary to Einstein's misleading arguement for photon and nothing can move faster than C?! Dr.Syed Ameen (Ph.D.) view my blog for list of links about ignoron quantumfield: http://www.myspace.com/syedameen http://mywebpage.netscape.com/drsyedameen1/index.html -
jan.25.2007 Did you read about the Heavy Neutrinos.The Oscillations of these heavy neutrinos? neutrino e-,neutrino muon,neutrino tau That is what ignorons(assumped faster than c particles ,entanglement creates.)with cosmic entities.But the frequency of charge +ignorons could still be immeasureable,that is what neutrinos are.The ennergy induced momentum tensors results forced forced fermion to boson transformation,which is th real PHOTON. Here Quantum Field Theory is facing a renewed interest in rediscovery of photon.So the Wave function faces new approach. Dr.syed Ameen (Ph.D.) see links listed in myspace.com view blog,click http://www.myspace.com/syedameen
JAN.25.2007 In spectroscopy you get : 1)Absorption Spectroscopy 2)Emmission Spectroscopy In Absorption Spectroscopy,a light is sent thru a MONOCHROMETER,which produces the spectral color photons ,then a filter selects one color wave length,you select .This beam of monochromatic wavelength is now ready to perform the experiment. Now the system you are studying(molecular ,Atomic,or reaction media)have the Quantum Energy states,which in atoms are electronic energy levels,in molecules the active site is CHROMOPHORE. If you shine a U.V.,or Visible wavwe length selected from chromator out put beam,on say metal copper surface,that operation will produce a emmission of energy at different wave length than absorbing or reflecting wave length. You figure out from E = mc2,and E= nhv, and hv = c/lamda(the wave length) which energy levels are absorbing which wave length or frequency and which frequency will be emmitted. The experiment involves a light source(a tungstun lamp,or hydrogen lamp,or some other light sources),then light is focussed onto the slit ,passes thru grating,which produces like spectrum of prism,the dispersion of all rainbow colors,when the beam with these color is out ,you insert a color filter(visible or U.V. or I.R.)and get the wave length you desire based on which energy level you want to study,if it is copper,seach Atomic energy levels of Cu. I think this lets you start search for key words in this to make your project. Dr.Syed Ameen (Ph.D.) http://www.myspace.com/syedameen
jan.23.2007 This talk is out dated.This was how light was seen,and relativity was promoted. But Einstein and others in his era did not know the REAL NATURE and ORIGIN of PHOTON. Now my research and other supporting works showing that a PHOTON is not one particle but an ENTANGLE QUANTUM STATE of two particle system.There are faster than velocity of light particles or entities,called IGNORONS.They do not interact with matter but show specific affinity to liberated charge particles,like e-.When ignorons encounter freed charge particle,entangled quantum States is born.This is our so called PHOTON, The mechanism involves: a forged forced fermion to boson transformation. So light is now an entirely different thing than what was seen by Uncle Einstein et.al. It is a wave field of ignoron into which charge particle ,like e- ,lodges. see: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/drsyedameen1/index.html links listed in viewing my Blog at: http://www.myspace.com/syedameen
jan.23.2007 If photon is a two particle entangled quantum state (ignoron quantum field theory),it becomes an entirely different scenario. Photon = ignoron + e- Where ignorons is a faster than velocity of light particle or entity,omnipresent in the universe Ignoron wave(Field) and e- charge is particle.An approach to design experiments of Oscillation study is possibility
jan.23.2007 Dr.Syed Ameen's "SCIENTIFICATION THEORY",is already dealing with science Philosophy.It has introduced the concept of "MEASURE OF REALITY",AND BASED ON LAWS OF NATURE AS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. See links listed in viewing my blog at: http://www.myspace.com/syedameen
jan.23.2007 Dr.Syed Ameen's "SCIENTIFICATION THEORY",is already dealing with scine Philosophy.It has introduced the concept of "MEASURE OF REALITY",AND BASED ON LAWS OF NATURE AS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. See links listed in viewing my blog at: http://www.myspace.com/syedameen
jan.23.2007 UNCERTAINTY PROBLEM: The uncertainty and wave particle duality are inter-related. Heisenberger's and Einsteins's era,the real nature and origin of Photon was elusive.But now research had different interpretation.A photon is not one particle,but an ENTANGLED QUANTUM STATE.The faster than velocity of light particles or entities,represent Wave(Field)while a charge like e- represents particle.The photon is a two particle entangled Quantum state.So faster than c field (wave)into which particle(e-) or charge lodges become photon. Photon = ignorons + charge That is where uncertainty comes in and duality resides. Now it is possible to observe OSCILLATIONS of faster than light particles,like heavey neutrinos Oscillations,and attosecond laser pules interacting with electrons to result Oscillations. This provides opportunity to look Uncertainty and duality with a differet perspective. My ignorons quantum field theory is pointing that possibility. see links listed in view of my blog at: http://www.myspace.com/syedameen http://mywebpage.netscape.com/drsyedameen1/index.html _________________________________________________
_______________________________ jan.23.2007 Recent experiments in attosecond Laser pulses interacting with electron field by Hansch brought Nobel prize.There is Oscillations due to that. My own theory: IGNORONS QUANTUM FIELD THEORY,had described the Rediscovery of photon deals with REAL NATURE AND ORIGIN of photon,which were elusive to Einstein et.al. The new research shows tha photons is noy one particle but a two particle system.Igonorons are faster than velocity of light and omnipresent. When ignorons encounter ny freed charge particle ,an ENTANGLEMENT occurs ,thus an new entangled quantum state is created. The mechanism is a forged forced fermion to boson transformation. The recent neutrino experiments showed heavy neutrinos.That validates Ignoron quantum field theory. Photon = liberated Charge particle + ignoron The magnetic fields of faster than C and charge(e-) Oscillate The Ignoron quantum field is analogous to WAVE (Field)and e- (charge)is particle.The entanglement is particle embedded in this ignorons field.This is what is Wave -particle DUALITY principle. see my blog an click listed links for more detail at: http://www.myspace.com/syedameen http://mywebpage.netscape.com/drsyedameen1/index.html
jan.23.2007 Oh,Ya!Really?!
jan.19.2007 IGNORONS QUANTUM FIELD THEORY This theory deals with the faster than velovity of light particles,and describes the real true Nature and Origin of photon.Ignoron,are named for faster than c entities and assumed be omnipresent.They do not interact with usual matter,but show specific affinity to freed or liberated charge particle .When charged particle is encountered by ignorons,this union creates an ENTANGLED QUANTUM STATE of two particle system,which is in actuallity known as PHOTON,the electromagnetic radiation. The mechanism is a phenomenon resulting from a "forged forced fermion to BOSON transformation.This entangled quantum state ,is also responsible for imposing an energy momentumtensors induced "LEVITATION EFFECTS",which makes the photon appear MASSLESS.This is due to the specific coupling of the magnetic fields of charge(like e-)and ignorons.The spin of this entangled state(the photon = 1)due to spin 1/2 of ignoron + spin 1/2 of charge. The real nature and origin of Photon remained elusive to Einstein and scientists of that era. Feynman and Schwinger's works and sum-over paths remained unexplained since there are "VIRTUAL PARTICLES",which were left over for their very fast transient property.But Ignoron quantum field brings forth the real nature and origin of photon,assuming the existence of faster than velocity of light particles or entities.It also explains the mechanisms of many pheonomena,for example lightening in the skies etc. The recent discovery of heavier NEUTRINOS showed the existence of OSCILLATIONS .The neutrinos were also elusive entities for long time.This discovery of heavy neutrinos are explained by ignorons quantum field theory,as the three kind of lepton(fermion),the electron,muon and tau ,when encountered by omnipresnt ignorons,produce instantaneous entangled Quantum states.That is what gives birth to heavier neutrino,with masses.Ignorons theory predicts these Oscillations of heavier neutrinos are analogous to entanglements with electron neutrino,muon neutrino,and tau neutrino. Ignorons quantum field theory is completely compatiable with Maxwell's Electrodynamics. Remember the special theory of relativity has'nt been proved in reality,only twisted interpretation emerge with equations which have many such solutions.Even Dirac's relativistic approach is questionable. On this ignorons theory a paper was submitt in 2003 SPIES International Conference,in San Jose.Then many postings appeared in discussion forum of http://www.superstringtheory.com For more links see: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/drsyedameen1/index.html http://www.geocities.com/photonrediscovery/ignorons.html http://www.geocities.com/syedameen2006/index.html http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nonlinearopticsquantumdynamic http://groups.yahoo.com/group/quantumdynamicsnonlinearoptic http://www.worldcrossing.com/