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Everything posted by Neko-Shell

  1. I'd uh, like to fix what I said about cub art earlier, *ahem* I find the SEXUAL cub art depraved, when it's drawn in a cute, child friendly way, then it's okay. >_>;; ahem, anyways. As Dak said, it doesn't harm anyone to look at/draw the stuff, however, you can't expect to NOT be judged. Sorry if I seem a little "stupid" in what I said on here, but it just pisses me off how when a bad group of furries(Not even sure they're into it for anything other than the justification of their kinks), us GOOD ones get judged as well. ; It's not fair, for one, and it's only gonna make us get even more defensive and uptight about this stuff. But sadly, nothing will change the whole "kink allowance" thing going on in this fandom, as long as people have the ability to think and do things for themselves, so I guess the best thing to do is either only stick with the good ones(at least 10%, keywords at least, of us are good, the rest are.. Hell, you know for yourselves right?), or just stay away from us completely, I suppose. Just be glad some of us are mated/celibate. XD
  2. I saw that poll on FurAffinity. ~_~ I didn't vote for either side, because frankly, "cub art" is just depraved to me, it's just another form of "loli" art, I'll admit. "Um, there are a number of zoophiles associated with the furry fandom, and I know this from direct experience.", Okay, yes, there are, but there's a lot of GOOD furs out there, so you can't judge everyone of us for someone else's "likes", even if they're disgusting. "Look, I know how this works; I've seen this arguement before. I know the furry community as a whole is excessively defensive, and will tirelessly fight percieved insults to the fandom, especially on the issue of sexuality. But in those fights, you hamstring yourselves by pretending there isn't a problem, that there isn't a *sizable* number of furs openly engaging in some really ****ed up stuff when all you have to do is scan VCL to see that's true.", Can you blame us for being defensive? I've seen some of the harassment that goes on first hand, and it's not funny, people expect us to "play fair" when we discuss the sexuality thing, but let's face it; You start calling someone gay or stupid or whatever they can muster up and giving out threats(granted, they can't/probably won't deliver on them, but still), you're of course gonna see us get defensive. Some of us don't pretend there's no problem with what others do/draw/say, because some of us still actually get disgusted by some of this stuff. The whole "fursuit yiffing" thing ain't that weird, trust me, and never will be, and zoophilia, well, okay, you have me there. "The problem is that the furry fandom is exceptionally accepting of any and all kinks/perversions/whatever, and those voices and their art tend to be loud and visible, which means that non-furs are likely to see stuff that freaks them out, leading to a bad impression. You can't simply deny that stuff is out there. The best you can do is note that not all furs are in it for sex, and even those that are, not all are terrifyingly kinky.", Okay, yeah, maybe we do accept too many kinks, but you gotta understand, these people have minds of their own, which are, sadly, VERY open, add in free will, and, well.. I don't have to say, do I? And as for the art? It's a way of expressing one's self.... Most of it, some just do it for the hell of it. And if what some of us do freaks people out, then why the HELL are they looking at the stuff in the first place? They need something to rant about on somethingawful? And also, why would you go poking around the adult rated art on VCL? Do you enjoy studying us or something? x.o; there's pg stuffs too..
  3. First off, I'm part of the "Furry Fandom" myself, and I have to say, it's not as bad as you think. Most of us are actually nice, fun loving caring people, not sex-crazed(uh, okay, we get horny like normal people, but most of us can keep it at a tolerable level)freaks. There's nothing genetic about "furry-ism", some of us do it simply for fun, some of us get into it because we need a place to belong, or simply for the hell of it and not actually care about it(you'll most likely meet some nice people along the way of it though). And for that "beastality" thing, first of all, we're ROLE-PLAYING, unless one of us goes outside of the fantasy thing and actually ****s horses and foxes, you shouldn't be quick to say anything like that. -.- It pisses me OFF that some people that I'm starting to see are trying to give us a bad name. I got something to say to you guys; You're weird just like we are. You've got your likes that some of us think is stupid/wrong/illogical, so you can't really dis us. If you see one of us ACTUALLY acting like a beaver IRL building a dam made out of sticks, okay, let 'em have it. -- And no, I don't have "species identity disorder", I can tell where the lines are between fantasy and reality, and I'm pretty sure half of my other furry friends do too, and we may take it a little too far sometimes, but we still manage to draw the line some where. "Being a furry (and donning a costume) is a way a socially-repressed person can go out into the world (including, and often especially, sexually) protected. They can act out, and be acted upon, without getting hurt and without hurting others.", Wrong on the last part, kudos for the first part(well, not for all of us anyways, but there's quite a few socially repressed people in the "fandom"), we're animals with human traits, right? We have the ability to hurt, and be hurt as well, we're not gods, we can't get away with anything bad, we have to deal with consequences, and hurt, just like you guys IRL. "you see them all the time at sci-fi conventions. They are a truly strange lot. I have no idea why they pretend to be animals, but I have a feeling it's just an excuse to do weird sexual things." <-- Only the idiots do that. Us who actually like to be in touch with the animal we feel closely related to are, apparently, sensible(call me an idiot or whatever you want, i have no experience in psychology, just calling it how I see it), but, to see some of these people's reactions to "furries" just overwhelms me with laughter. If you wanna call us gay in a number of ways, don't say it behind our backs while recording a video of your "findings" XD It just makes you look like a ******* retard. -END end rant
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