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Everything posted by foodchain

  1. A paintball gun is not designed to operate using coin. Failure in such devices could be mortal, so I would not mess around with it so much. If you are worried about accelerating a penny I think you could just get simulation software for that. I don’t understand why your class would want students to play around with such in the first place, more so in context of it being a homework assignment. To be honest professionals in such a field don’t even stand in the same room when testing various systems. I know its just a paintball gun but I doubt firing coin was in the original design is all.
  2. Its called the electronic configuration and I think it also ties into the periodic table. You have certain values if you will in which an electron can "occupy". This then leads to a probability of finding the electron I think in that certain orbital. This ties into the Pauli exclusion principle for shell filling or is that the Hund rule. So say you have iron, its electron configuration as cut and pasted from wiki is [Ar] 4s2 3d6. This tells you how many electrons and where they are at and a I think the closest living relative which in this case is argon. I don’t know why its still called an orbital. Lots of QM goes back to Planck and really you have discrete values of energy. So a simple way to look at it is it takes so much energy to eject the first electron, and so fourth. I think this even has a name I just cant remember it. The thing about it is if you could say exactly where an electron was you would have to know both position and momentum at the same time. The electronic configuration and related variables are all products of QM I think. A good example of why QM works is because it could explain random decay and why the electrons did not simply crash into the nucleon. If you go through the electronic configuration for an element it typically leaves you with the reactivity or amount of electrons and element has, or what shell is not filled for instance.
  3. foodchain

    Need Help

    I have to agree, I don’t know how to ask this question very well. Let me try to refine it. I want to study potentials and kinetics of energy in small systems, say microbes, from individual to say a population. I want to study behavior as it relates down to a molecular level, looking at it from what form of energy may be doing what at a particular time, such as a chemical reaction or a constant string of such. So for instance if you had a certain amount of use to a particular aspect of microbial physiology, what is the reaction of the microbe when an environmental effect changes say selective pressure, what happens to the thermodynamics of the microbe. Then the idea is relating this to reproduction, but I want to keep it all on a level of just recording the dynamics of energy in the microbe, regardless of form. My guess is that selective pressure or just destructive interference may play a huge role in homeostasis for instance, but the idea to me is trying to study such from a very reduced platform. Not in terms of even just chemical names, but just values of energy as it relates to potential and kinetic realties of microbial environment physiology/evolution. I mean studies on microbial populations as they mutate for instance to overcome some barrier is neat, but in all reality why in regards to time can such an adaptation occur, giving all possible mutational routes the bacteria could take. Also when it finds one that is fit, energetically I would assume being the prime reason for such and the subsequent bloom of such genes in a giving population. I just have no clue in the most basic sense of what physics I would even be looking to use. I can grasp what chemistry I would want to use, and of course biology, in a very general sense of course.
  4. foodchain

    Need Help

    I guess that’s it? What I am looking for is some basic introduction on potentials and kinetics of energy in a systems way. I thought a tendency of energy to act is via a vacuum? So I was wondering if oscillations became the form of that in some way?
  5. foodchain

    Need Help

    What do oscillations in a vacuum resemble or do they exist? I was just wondering about that in application to say chemistry experiments. Could you apply such?
  6. I dont understand it either, all you have to do to cheat that if its to guard something somehow is to highlight the text field with your mouse.
  7. Would it be possible to basically make an energy production system for say civil use that runs for a certain period of time with a guaranteed performance utilizing a linear combinations of energy production. For instance the first step might be an extremely low powered one, and each step basically initiates the next until you reach a cyclic point from which constant energy for civil consumption is generated. I know it might make it sound like you need better and better efficiency but that should always be I think a priority anyway in design. I was thinking aggregation of such a system could allow for easier maintenance, and of course changes to such technology. Its not only that but I think it would also segregate data into more easily digestible chunks for the advancement of such and of course controlling environmental effects. The interface to human aspect I think would also become more prominent if say every twenty or so years of use a new contract for use must be obtained which requires new industry standards to be emplaced again for performance and environmental impact.
  8. I think space junk is going to become more and more a problem in time as such is already showing. This posses a serious threat to modern astronauts. I was actually quite amazed to learn that not to long ago really computer technology on a space shuttle was not so much about performance at all but really just dependability. I think it was green text only screens and stuff. With that being said this device would consist of a lot of material I would assume, so that alone to me again in the context of space junk is really an issue I think. I don’t remember the number giving but a speck of paint in space can punch through a lot of material or something like that. I like using the idea of integrated stuff, such as using say bacteria for a step in an otherwise electromechanical device for such sci fi stuff. Bacteria that can react to toxic waste or even nuclear waste might actually be able to provide some sort of realistic and safe remediation for existing problems and maybe even certain production levels. I know some species of bacteria have made homes in such environments, that alone is enough for me to think its possible.
  9. I think France gets about 70% of its energy from national nuclear facilities right? So I guess its possible to integrate such technology into modern society but just like with fossil fuel consumption the environmental risk is nearly insane. I don’t understand why energy has to have just one form for human consumption, and I would think that diversification would only lend to durability in times of uncertainty.
  10. Right, I can understand the DNA/RNA bit. I think you could easily just say it was simply a proteome like mass that did not react to natural selection until inheritance of some form became established, the reality though is using inheritance for the only definition of life via DNA/RNA is why such statements fall to the wayside. Everything is gene centric in view, its crappy I think if you happen to hold theoretical ideas. I guess it sounds like a logical goal really, but I just don’t understand giving evolution in the first place why to make the view so narrow, even just using carbon-hydrogen bonding its hardly like we know all the possibilities.
  11. Well here is a weird question. Say you have a trophic system. The bottom of that is microbes. So is the microbe sort of like the plug in for a power socket which in turn powers genetics for instance? I know its a weird way of wording it but if autotrophs simply died out the rest of evolved life on earth would follow simply because of evolution. So thermodynamics would seem important but that all implies energy/matter stuff over time, not that in some instant the organic soup was just right out of the blue with no past.
  12. Primary building blocks of what? That is also an assumption. You cant say past life on earth what chemistry is required in what environment really, but that’s mildly beyond the point. The environment as you point out with the vents is entire subject of its own, the abotic conditions. Whatever clocks geologic functions run on, which are usually forever to abrupt on up to the atmosphere are surely of massive impact. Your are then faced with the very real possibility at least in my opinion that geologic environments like the lithosphere or heck the asthenosphere or who knows may have been the breeding grounds to life on this planet. I agree fully with a historical approach giving the reality of organic evolution but I don’t know if I would look at it from any kind of a classical perspective really.
  13. I don’t know a whole lot also on the subject but really I don’t think its valid to just use dna. We have no idea what early life was or is or could be past microbes:D We can say protobionts but really what is that, a precursor to a possible prokaryote? What about RNA world and all that stuff. Its like the thermodynamic argument. Who knows exactly what all can occur in a giving amount of energy. I mean a simple point is just to flick a coin with the same amount of energy on a surface, to trying to digest what all can occur on the earth in time within the constraints of that system whatever it may be concerning the fact the earth is not isolated in any sense. Its also I think hard to program in the reality of time. Billions of years is something I doubt any person can come close to realistically considering. More so within say "biological" time. The mutation some individuals carry in Europe that makes them immune to aids is a perfect example of that. Lastly biology as studied by physical science is weird really. For instance electron density as related to photosynthesis is found to have easy properties to study by quantum mechanics, or papers exist on the topic. To me along with vision, the nervous system, chemistry and so on implies that such a theory can be applied to the theory of evolution. How hard do you think it will be to discovery all of what evolution and QM have in common alone?
  14. I think the software sounds nice but its I think outside of something a typical computer could really calculate at least. Also I think it would be pretty evidence that science does not posses some mathematical quantization of evolution that certainly satisfies for what has occurred, but to me that does not say much. I mean you could plug in some population genetics stuff really on a giving selection of genotypes of genomes, but without a way to actually see just that part of life in action with the rest, like the proteome for instance I also doubt would really be useful for solving evolution. I also don’t understand how you are equating the environmental relationships really. I guess some form of a probability might be able to generate results, but I doubt that it would represent really evolution past just showing a Darwinian mechanism. I am not thinking that you are trying to make some software that will automatically show various ways in which you might become a penguin, just that I don’t think you can really model evolution if you don’t have all the parameters in the first place. I mean tomorrow or next month some new discovery will come along that seriously hinders such computer based modeling if the modeling itself is not really scalable constantly. I was at a database site not to long ago on the web which listed just human biological processes and the current number of such was astounding to say the least.
  15. The point of the thread is that microbes are the closest living ancestor we have to whatever primordial life was in regards to origin of life, which origin of life implies biological system. As far as particular microbes go prokaryotic life arose before eukaryotic life, this can be evidence on a molecular level I believe with studies using horizontal gene shift, of course that’s not the only way. Also for what its worth the amount of life in the earths crust is to be a far larger amount of biomass then what is on the surface or oceans for instance. I would imagine that such also has its own unique biomes though I don’t know if you can apply such a word to it. I mean microbes are being found that are becoming increasingly different the common or known species. Plus the relationship between microbial life and flora is also very interesting to me. Tardigrada for instance is very unique. Not only in bauplan but in ability to survive extremes of radiation, temp, and basically I think it can survive in the vacuum of space. The reality of cryptobiosis is very interesting to me more so in an evolutionary sense of why it has come about through natural selection. Basically I think going past microbes really in questions regarding origin of life is somewhat pointless really.
  16. Well I don’t know if it were truly first thing to qualify under the current definitions of life. I do think again that its the closest living ancestor of such. More so with the prokaryote or bacteria. I think its the most bare organism for study with physical science alone if you will, or if that’s not a good way of looking at it, I think it at least has less overhead compared to say a much larger multicellular organism. Maybe its just human vanity perhaps that reduces the role of the microbe in the world, I don’t know really.
  17. I don’t think so. I think you could just as easily as say become a geologist, or a physicist. Origin of life does imply life, while a microbe would imply chemistry its hardly just a redox reaction or what not. That’s sort of like saying well if you want to study chemistry, you should become a biologist, I just don’t buy it. Plus giving evolution in which natural selection and such would at some point become intertwined with whatever other physical mechanism that lead to life in the first place. You have to be able to apply or look for the biological aspect even if its precursors looked nothing like it. I mean what lead to life might have been certain inorganic clusters of materials at a certain depth or pressure or what not in the earths crust? So really to me using basic evolutionary thinking and going along on a history or timeline approach the microbe to me is the closest living relative to origin of life if not it in of course an evolved form like every other living thing, so to me the ecology of origin of life should satisfy using microbes.
  18. You are right on about the medical application of microbes, but they hold so much other promise in many other areas also, such as bioremediation to bioengineering really. I think microbes also hold promise for the application of physical science to biology more so then other biological systems, plus you don’t have some of the more common ethical issues such as blasting some animal in a cage with a concentrated gas to see if it dies or gets cancer or what not. I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot thought in regards to microbes. I am not saying just study them in regards to evolution, but I do think that they are the first line in trying to study origin of life questions using biological organisms, that is all.
  19. Quanta are discrete units of energy of specific values. So in regards to the thread basically to go from origin to life to human being, or using the human being as your prime target I guess for trying to explain life or the origin of such I think only degrades such a process when in all reality I don’t think a person should really go past microbes. So the point of the thread to me, I think is that using microbes is a better conceptual framework then trying to use just humans. I think it ignores evolution, and I think it misses really the reality of microbes. So if the use of words confused you, sorry, it was just figurative speaking really.
  20. I think a modern confusion over origin of life studies is perspective. I mean a small perspective. Microbes are not bony creatures, they do leave behind evidence but you have to remember the timeline you are looking for such combined with the fact similar behavior to what you are looking for very well may have eaten such evidence literally. Microbial life, its so tiny that getting much farther away from it can give you the title of not even being alive in the case of the virus. Giving the concept of evolution, time and of course natural selection it might be safe to assume that primordial life may have been not much more the viral like clusters of matter, to much most anything. When thinking of origin of life microbial life is the closest link we have to such, beyond that trying to go from origin of life to say human I think is almost a quantum leap that leaves out the middle and lessens the reality of the beginning with the microbe when thinking about such a question.
  21. Creationists were not right about much anything I can think of. On your program which sounds very nice btw, do you account really for the proteome and how do you go about such?
  22. So you could graph something like that pretty easy huh? *Is this the kind of stuff you are talking about? http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/abstract/282/8/5853
  23. So its an enthalpy equation?
  24. No. Basically in my idea if you subtract natural selection from evolution I don’t think anything makes sense. So from DNA to concepts like environmental physiology how does natural selection actually apply pressure? Say any multicellular organism or unicellular. I think unicellular provides a basic insight for how multicellular lifeforms survive as a total organism and of course from studies on such which bring about physical data like sugar phosphate backbones and what not to make things short. So from the success of physical science in biology I wonder how much of natural selection can be defined on such a small level, such as cellular molecular for instance. For instance can natural selection tend to favor the probability of mutation in certain places or rate of mutation to certain genes? I know the general idea is one of reproduction in time favoring traits in units or unit traits or what not from a fitness landscape, but with the concept of epigenetic networks for example and norm of reaction for another how well is natural selection wired into the smallest aspects of biology? Can disturbances in such lead to developmental issues? I would think so rather easily but in how many forms? Basically maybe you could trace selective pressure and map such. I think if that could be understood I think it would have huge applications, a person could learn exactly what behaviors to dodge to avoid triggering some gene or genes to become active or inactive possibly to concepts in biological engineering for another, I think it would also greatly enhance ability to understand environmental impact really.
  25. I don’t really know what you are talking about. In steel I don’t know if the bonding is qualifying either. As for your problem I don’t understand but it sounds interesting. Is it a reaction mechanism type thing or something about apparatus or environment if that stuff is separate from reaction mechanism. To be honest I don’t hold a total understanding for what reaction mechanism is to mean.
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