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Everything posted by ckstubbs

  1. Thanks. This experiment was not done yet. I have to design it and write it up and turn it in. The hypothesis I turned in after a 30 minute lab session was shot down due to 2 variables, the lecturer said. I am trying to design it and I do not know where to go after the first hypothesis.
  2. I am back in college after more than 10 years, to get a degree in Biology. The lecturer gave us this as a lab assignment. My hypothesis after 2 hours was shot down as it looked at 2 variables at once. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Design an experiment to determine the relationship of water properties & fish abundance (globally). Give: 1. Hypothesis 2. 3-5 predictions, & 3. propose a way to come up with a collection of data. Water properties - salinity - oxygenation - temperature {- pH} possibly I just need some help for old 'dummies', like those books. I have plopped myself in the thick of things, I can barely remember anything. Thanks ya'll
  3. Back in school after more than 10 years to finish a BSc in Biology. I am lost, and trying to recover, recoup what I was taught. I need help with the follwing experiment question Design an experiment to determine the relationship of water properties & fish abundance (global). Come up with a - hypothesis - 3-5 predictions and - propose a way to come up with a collection of data. Water properties I looked at 1. salinity 2. oxygen content 3. temperature *(possibly) 4. pH Proposed Hypothesis: The temperature will affect the salinity of the water and thus the abundance of the fish between a temperate and an arctic environ. Shot down by lecturer: REASON - Looking at two variables at once. Please help me to move on from here.
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