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Everything posted by admiral_ju00

  1. what? this: eggs don't create eggs, they divide/multiply if and when they are fertilized by the sperm. if not, it remains 1 celled 'till it's ejected at that special 1 week a month thing. but i absolutely agree with dave in that this teacher was severly wrong because he's a chemist not a biologist.
  2. thanks i'll check it out. and no i haven't tryed googling for it as i was hoping for a human regurgitation roughly speaking especially one that i can ask more questions on
  3. yeah, an ideal(fastest or one of) way to get severe frost bite w/o being trapped under a ton of snow or running around nakked in antarctica for a while
  4. A: Meat Popsicle Q: Why do you ask?
  5. enough molecules of H2O + CO2 will get you glucose which is what gives the plant it's energy/food. not sure about the layer of water thing
  6. the media has a knack to overemphasize things making an elepant out of a flea. it is evident in all types of media. one of the best examples i can think of right now besides the tv is the magazines. i like mags like Maxim and FHM, but the women there are in pristine physical condition, not a single blemish on their body, etc. well, that's lots and lots of makeup and even more air-brushing.
  7. really? interesting. what then, would you say about these? http://perso.club-internet.fr/poissond/a42p23.jpg http://www.garot.com/travels/2002/2002_Nov_JoshuaTree/images/2002_nov_8_18_mini_skull_rock.jpg http://www.garot.com/travels/2002/2002_Nov_JoshuaTree/images_3.asp so i guess your elaborate physics problem/solution in post # 15 is now reduced to rubble, but thanks for playin. this is so funny, that it's true. only thing is, you must have been thinking of your own self when you posted that. and i guess these were created by aliens. http://www.transmitmedia.com/images/gallery/rocks.jpg http://earth.geol.ksu.edu/sgao/g100/plots/1010_sedi_example_Arizona.jpg http://www.chellman.org/~whim/octnov02/images/09-tent-rocks.jpg http://www.the-imagineer.com/images/Photography/AZ-Rocks.jpg http://www.discoveringromania.ro/gallery/img/picture/munte/27.jpg http://www.wilderness-wales.co.uk/urw/expedition11/dp14.jpg http://www.scsc.k12.ar.us/2002ArkNatHist/Projects/LachowskyR/Images/Lizard%20Rock2.jpg http://www.richardandjo.com/images/fishrock.jpg
  8. it starts as 1 cell but then it spilts into more and more. the hen egg at the point you're refering to is multicelled and differenciated. here's a quick rundown http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/tutorials/meiosis/page3.html
  9. ya post-whore
  10. if you want a fun way of dying is/are: some of the things i can think of are: A) taking a wild ride in a Funny car(must accelerate at least upto 350+mhp) and run into a wall as these things burn fuel very quick B) taking a Ferrari F50 to it's full speed (preferably those outside the USA so that it doesn't have a damn Governer ) and drive it for as long as you can before hitting the wall (which eventually you do) at one of those F1 tracks. C) stealing a fully armed F22, flying it as high as it possibily can before stalling and then ramming it into the ground at whatever is the highest mach speed. D) go out and party and laid as much as you can for about a year or so, having as many sexual encounters as you possibly can and then bite the bullit to avoid living with things like Aids, etc. i think i'd personaly go for option # B, C and D. and if i had to pick just one, it's definently be D. , but i'm just filthy that way
  11. i think this is a great idea for a Sticky, but at the current rate, the info it has is garbage. sorry guys, but i don't sugar coat. how about you either fix this thread or delete this and make a new one except that the new one should have info like: Name - First name would suffice Degree/Education - Area of science (studied and most likely to help) Area of science in interest in addition to the already obtained/working-on degree (and most likely to help) because the majority of the members do not fill out their Educational or Interest(science) fields in their profile and it angryfies me. i think that can help restore some of the chaos this forums currently sport, but then again, that's just mine opinion and since i'm not an officer here, it may be irrelevant. but still, it's a thought, no?
  12. i'm just curious, and don't take it the wrong way, but what are you a doctor of? MD or Ph.D? from your profile i get a feeling you're a chiropractor? but once again, this is just for my curiosity and not meant as an insult of any kind.
  13. assuming that there was or is a/an Inteligent civilization and not just the microbes or simple animals, it would not be deemed a Civilization w/o our recognition of them, their values and their country. roughly speaking. as it is, mars is open for grabs. so unless someone sees any ethical implications everything and anything is a go-for.
  14. let's start with this and move on. yes, yes, yes and yes. the last one being the Gaya Hypothesis. maybe not nothing, but contributins small or insignificant may be a better term to replace 'nothing'. we've conqured the whole planet, other animals - including ourselves. we've destroyed entire ecosystems - land(defforestation, ocean or land oil spills), and animal and even humans were wiped out because we thought that we had the right(by god in many cases) to do so. we use and usurp things that have been created by nature w/o it being specifically created for us(but we think we do and that it does belong to us) such as fossil fuels, metals, crystals, etc. we've significantly contributed to the greenhouse effect, as a matter of fact, we've created a whole new means of things that contribute to the global warming. nuclear and biological weapons test sites, etc. introduced unnatural object to the ocean such as the sunken ships and vessels of all kinds and types. etc. destroyed the hunter-gatherer societies, destroyed the human values and came up with new one. advances in medicine by means of obtaining the materiel from the world about us. constantly and significantly adding more goodness to our landfills, erected unnatural structures eg: buildings, cities, etc. on top of all that, we now have our sights on space. sending lots and lots of junk to space, etc. what have we done to replace or replenish many of these things we've destroyed? can we bring back from the dead many of the animal and plant species we've destroyed? how about humans - aka. native americans? hence the word that will best cover everything we've done to reprimand our mistakes is minute as compared to all the damage we've done for thousands of years. need i go on? oh and by the way, please do not label me as a 'tree huger' 'cause i'm not and i've made some contributions myself and still make 'em.
  15. that's just filthy. out of all the people in this thread who said pretty much the same thing, you've managed to make me want to explain myself. rofl
  16. not what i had in mind, but why? you want some? while i realize i can go in depth why i feel human can be related and or called parasites, but i won't and instead give this par·a·site ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-st) n. 1) Biology. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. 2) a. One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return. b. One who lives off and flatters the rich; a sycophant. 3) A professional dinner guest, especially in ancient Greece. courtesy of dictionary.com.
  17. say, are you trying to get a Darwin Award or something? j/k
  18. My all time favorite composer: J. S.Bach. Some of the others whom I love: Mozart, Bethoven, Vivaldi, Correli, Bhrams, Strauss, Mahler, too many others. Basically, I love anything that is erroneously deemed classical with the exception of English and German Operas.
  19. my favorite parasites are humans. more specifically the human female
  20. while this is slightly out of my field of study/interest, but you might want to look for a good Cultural Anthropology website. then again, old Nazi documents would also have such stats and studies.
  21. that's funny and absurd at the same time.
  22. oh come on, surely there are some physicists on this website that can give me a better idea on this
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