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Everything posted by admiral_ju00
Ya. Lookie here dirtbag Ya. Lookie here dirtbag http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4630&page=5&pp=20
But that would imply........ I mean that this would mean someone had to had an initial taste of the manure. That would then have lead this person to like{edit: i meant to say LINK} the taste of Stella with manure, Horses manure to be specific
True, if the fossil gaps were much smaller than they are, it would have been possible to make one very large and complex tree.
Here's one more that may be of interest. Although I may just keep on adding more and interesting phylogenetic graphs here. http://tolweb.org/accessory/Trees_Based_on_16s_rDNA?acc_id=54 http://tolweb.org/tree/
I hear ya. Well, at least Watson is still alive and kicking. Anyone had a chance yet to read his latest book?
Another Evolution Question
admiral_ju00 replied to Mikel's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
He's partly right here. Most public schools avoid talking about that stuff in general or provide flawed and out of date info. My experience of introduction to evolution in High School Biology was a roughly 3 minute crash course. I don't think that the current horses are considered transitional. But there is fossil evidence of transitional horses. What the crap is he talking about??? You're talking about these guys: http://www.icr.org/ ?? -
1) Red dog(although it has recently dissapeared for some odd reasons) 2) Irish Killian's 3) Guiness 4) Heinekan 5) Corona
I don't particularly like their magazine, but this site is very good when it comes to buying quality books. I've now been a member for over a year and the books that they cary are quite good. Plus you get that introductory offer of buying the 1st 3 books at 1.99 each, ofcourse you don't get to see their Best selections 'till you're actually a member. The catch is the same if you've ever seen or been a member of those DVD or CD selling companies, where you buy these 3 books for 9 bucks(by the way, both Greene's books are there and can be had for 1.99 each), you'll need to buy 3 more books in the next 2 years at a regular Members price. That price is in itself a lot cheaper than Barnes and Noble. I despise Borders, by the way. http://www.sciambookclub.com/doc/club_url/club_url.jhtml;jsessionid=WZNN35YNGJTWMCTI4ENCFGA?_requestid=48747
Since you've created 2 of the same threads for some unknown reason, I'll answer it here. Most organisms, including some bacteria have what's known as the Internal biological clock - aka Circadian Rhythm. Other than that, there are other factors, many of which are genetic. A case in point is Puberty.
Well, unless you're moderately to very good in Algebra and Calculus, don't get the physics book. At least not yet till your maths are in order of being at least semi-useful in Physics. I vote for Biology.
Why is that form being submitted in an email format? What ever happened to the anonymity of the survay taker?
Here are some graphs for you. I merely provided you a compilation of graphs, but if you do it careful enough, you should be able to link the various graphs into one. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~rhmiller/chordates2/HominidChart.jpg http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/evol/s3amib2.gif http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/prehistoric/images/mr007171_lg.gif http://www.dinosaur.net.cn/j042.jpg http://www.exn.ca/news/images/1998/12/02/19981202-familytreebig.gif http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~macaulay/images/skeleton07-08-02.jpg http://www.nhm.org/exhibitions/dogs/evolution/Canid%20evolution_files/Phylogenetic%20tree/Phylogenetic%20tree.jpg http://www.sidwell.edu/us/science/vlb/class/animalia/animal-tree.jpg http://www.environmentaleducationohio.org/VirtualTour/images/cladogram.jpg http://www.biologiateorica.it/organiccodes/cap7/figura704.jpg http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Zoology/Animalclassification/Polygenetic/phylogenetictree/animaltree.jpg
Sorry for not posting these a bit sooner. But they should answer some of your questions. http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/IgnRx/Introigrx.html http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/IgnRx/Ighome.html http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/MetaRx/metasimple.html http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/MetaRx/index.html http://www.intel.com/education/unitplans/rockcycle/lessonplans/rock_notes.htm http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/vwlessons/lessons/Rocks/Rocks1.html http://www.science.ubc.ca./~geol202/rock_cycle/rockcycle.html http://www.fi.edu/fellows/payton/rocks/expert/index.html
No it wouldn't. Well, don't just take My word for it, here are some papers for ya: http://www.evolutionpages.com/chromosome_2.htm http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=52649 http://www.genome.org/cgi/content/full/12/11/1663 http://www.edwardtbabinski.us/articles/chimp_chromosome.html http://medind.nic.in/imvw/imvw7438.html http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/launchpad/chrom02.shtml#anmod {edit} I feel the need to mention this: The problem with the mule is that when the horse and the donkey mate there is a reduction in their Sex chromosome. They are perfectly healthy, except when it comes the time to breed. That rules out issues with Imprinting, recombination, etc. They end up with an Odd number of total chromosomes in their total genome. That being 63. Horses have 64 Chromosomes and Donkeys have 62 chromosomes(or 32 and 31 Haploid chromosomes respectively). The fusion in the Ape or better yet, the CA's chromosomal fusion occurred at a Non sex chromosome(X or the Y). Yes, that added stuff to the total junk DNA, so on and so forth, but if it had any detrimental elements to it, this new animal with the fused chromosome would have been dealt with by the Natural Selection. Since it hadn't, and we now exist, that means that there were no major problem after the event. But, I'm not going to do All of your homework for you, so if you still have doubts on this, research.
Since new members have a habit of NOT checking old threads before making new ones on the same exact matter, it will be my privilege to point the aforementioned threads for you. You be the judge of that, just make sure to read them all the way through. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4772 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4773&page=3&pp=20 On a side note, the answer to your question is No. However, the path to enlightenment is a two way highway. Not only do you have to talk(present your self and defend your self), but you also have to listen and consider the info given to you before try debunking as useless.
I've been a member with United Devices since '01
In that case, let me see what kind of graphs I can find(although I'm pressed for time, so nothing will happen 'till late tonight or tomorrow). In the mean time, I suggest you look up a man named Carl von Linne, and a bit of his work.
Uhm, for the moment ignoring the obvious fossil gaps, the charts you desire would be huge(size and lenghtwise).
If you're going for the same stubbornness and or ignorance as you've showed in a few other threads then, be my guest. However, all the evidence of chromosomal fusion that we have can not, nor should not be ignored.
Bah, looks like you beat me to it. But yes, what he and the pictures said.
The Official "Introduce Yourself" Thread
admiral_ju00 replied to Radical Edward's topic in The Lounge
You think so? Why? To a degree, yes, but Natural Selection is still at play, every day and all around you.
You're right, however, I believe that there is or can be such a thing as a Chaos Gradation.
That's what I thought, but had to make sure. Anyway, back on topic!
Uhm, maybe this is somekind of a British play on words, but what exactly are the "naked flames"?