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Everything posted by admiral_ju00

  1. Information. Forewarning. So that people will know what do in case something does happen. Thereby keeping panic at a minimum.
  2. Blast you, YT. I want to go and spend some time(years) in England/Scotland for obvious reasons, very, very bad. I think it's a good idea to for your gov't to do that, assuming that they are not keeping anything from the gen.public in terms of reasons for doing this now.
  3. Michaelangelo Him I admire as both an Artist(I'm big into drawing/artwork) and as a Scientist.
  4. Yeah, Great Idea. I think that we should create some sort of a test(kind of an IQ, but more challenging like a BAR or the MCAT's) that each NEW Potential member Must take in order to post here. I mean too bad for him or her that doesn't pass this test, after all, that would be a better to keep the site from being spammed by the Useless and Ignorant posts by the Gen Public? *Sarcasm Heavily applied and emphasized*
  5. Heh, no, not from a monkey anyway.
  6. Interesting story(IMO). http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/07/22/monkey.walking.ap/index.html
  7. I believe that Swansont said that to reach the Absolute Zero is to break either the 2nd law of thermodynamics or 2nd law of Newton.
  8. Do not confuse behavior that is Conditioned, Innate or one based on Instincts with Congnition.
  9. No. I wasn't around at the time. Even when I first registered, it took me another month or so before I started actually reading and posting here. It wasn't difficult to find though, especially since you mentioned it.
  10. admiral_ju00


    No, not what I said or Implied. Read that post again pls. Let's not go there for obvious reasons.
  11. You're talking about THIS?
  12. Well, how about this: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~port/teach/103/sign.symbol.html
  13. admiral_ju00


  14. admiral_ju00


  15. Going to make me work for that eh? Lol, alright, I may not have enough time to do it today, but if you want a place to start, I do believe that these concepts are emphasized by the (Socio)Cybernetics. This book by Prof Samuel Ichiy Hayakawa is one of the first things that easily comes to mind. He's(or rather Was) a Philosopher or something. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0155501208/wwwlink-software-21/202-7159993-6407024 I'll need some more time for other sources as I don't remember the names of other more prominent authors who emphasize that.
  16. Yes, I have heard of it, hence I revised my original statement. I'm afraid I won't watch that movie for 2 reasons: 1) Don't really like J. Depp 2) Something about that whole movie(Edward Scissorhands) is really getting on my nerves(trying to keep my composure here). By the way, the Only Johnny Depp movie I've seen(and it was pretty screwy) was Blow
  17. admiral_ju00


    Embryos and Bone marrow are NOT the only places that produce stem cells. However' date=' it is thought that the stem cells derived from an embryo are the Mac Daddies of stem cells, because they have the Potential to turn into any kind of tissue or organ, etc. That's why more people are interested in Embryonic stem cell/research as opposed to Adult stem cell research. Tell that to those Anti-Abortionists and other Human rights groups. Surely if they could have things their way, they could probably say that to waste sperm cells(you're a guy, so use your imagination here ) is a crime against humanity or something.
  18. What are you comparing it with or against?
  19. MacM, I think you took this far too seriously. In reality, that could have simply been an accident, or perhaps the dog was at the hospital too many times in the past so that the [Pain = Vet Clinic] was conditioned. That happens all the time. It's called Classical Conditioning or Pavlov's Conditioning. I suggest you check on/out Pavlov's K9 experiments.
  20. This should be a good read. Couldn't find my other linky damnit, anywho, I'll post it if I find it. USDA Report Exposes GM Crop Bleh, this is NOT what I had in mind(or somewhere on my computer), but I guess it'll have to do for now: http://www.csa.com/hottopics/gmfood/overview.html
  21. No they don't. They need each other to reproduce, but not necessarily for survival. In a Hunter-Gatherer society, females are the ones who provide the most food, either at gathering fruits or salvaging some animals leftovers which was killed some kind of an animal:eg: lionesses(sp?) unfinished meal. Male hunters are and were not always successful. Possibly.
  22. They do to an extent. Many studies have been done and are done with various forms of Cognition based skills/tests, etc. They can process Indexes and Icons. Humans can process Indexes, Icons and Symbols. Therefore humans can think in Abstract thought. Humans are the only ones capable of Symbolic(abstract) thought. Also, there is some(or a lot) of animal behavior that is simply innate, thereby it does not require much skills at say memory or cognitions. {edit} It's not that you're not special enough, you simply didn't scoll far down enought to see that Check mark to make this post into a poll
  23. I don't know if you're a gamer or not, but I guess this would be the other side of the pendulum. Take the gaming commercials/previews, for example Final Fantasy. When you watch it's preview, the game looks simply Amazing in all respects of it. When you play it however, you'll very quickly realize that the whole trailer and of course all of your expectations and reasons for buying the game was based Not on the game(play) itself, but rather it's cutscences. When it comes to Movies, I love the previews, and since I usually do not watch tv(for the lack of time) I dig previews. However when it comes to other shows on tv, I simply don't watch them. Well, OZ was an exception.
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