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Everything posted by sparticle

  1. Look I"m not a scientiest, I just read a lot. I'm fully aware that a great deal of that may be total BS. The reason I even came across that info on the extra rib, over and over actually and from some of my FB friends, is that I was looking up some of my own issues. I have really low blood pressure and low body temp, I came across the link with Rh- people and I am. Then I read some of the other common traits and I had others. I don't' have an extra rib that I know of and my hands were too cold to count, but I do have extra roots in all my teeth. So I thought it was interesting and passed it along. It's just for fun. I slink away to happier forums.
  2. I disagree with that and so does the world health organization: http://www.naturalnews.com/028379_cell_phones_brain_tumors.html
  3. People with Rh- blood typically have an extra rib.
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