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Everything posted by TATER

  1. Thank you for the replies but nitric acid is the problem. This is why I was wondering if some kind of displacement reaction was possible. I already tried dissolving copper ii hydroxide in nitric acid made from a neon sign transformer. The hydroxide did dissolve and to confirm that the reaction had formed copper nitrate I passed a small amount of acetylene gas through the solution but no precipitate was formed so I think my solution was too weak. Copper ii hydroxide is insoluble so if it did dissolve then why didn't any precipitate form after the acetylene was bubbled through. My only theory at this point is that so little precipitate formed that I simply couldn't see it
  2. The first time I tried to make copper hydroxide I used a copper anode and a cotter pin probably zinc coated as the cathode. I added about a gram or two of baking soda as an electrolyte. I switched on the power supply and blue precipitate started forming at the anode and gas at the cathode. After about two or three hours of operation I had about a 2-3 centimeter layer of Cu(OH)2 on the bottom of the flask. This was confirmed to be copper hydroxide by addition of sulfuric acid then immersing a piece of steel wool into the copper sulfate solution producing elemental copper.
  3. Hello, I would like to find a way to convert copper chloride to copper nitrate. Is there any way that a single or double replacement reaction would be possible? Or if you have any other suggestions any help is appreciated.
  4. hello, i just had a question about the production method of potassium carbonate. when producing using potassium hydroxides absorbent reaction with CO2. since potassium carbonate is soluble in water do you have to recrystallise the solution after the reaction has taken place? 2KOH+CO2->K2CO3+H2O i figured since water is produced you will have to recrystallise it, but i just want to know if the product will precipitate from the solution and is the carbonation method done by dry ice or by bubbling CO2 through the KOH thanks, TATER
  5. thanks for all the help and ill have to go and check a junk/scrap yard for such items but if i need to ill just go with yt's idea and spend a little money, thanks, TATER
  6. no, its a box of cement and tile dye. on the side of the box it states"this limeproof oxide is suitable for mortar, stucco, cement, water paints, shingle stain, etc."
  7. what is a prussiate? sorry, i just found one:potassium ferricyanide. right?
  8. hello, how do i tell whether a certain red powder is red iron oxide. I found a box full of red powder at a store which had household chemicals that people hadn't used. after careful reading of the box, i discovered that the powder was an oxide and couldnt figure out if it was iron. if anyone has any suggestions how to tell if it is iron oxide, that would be great thanks
  9. not a whole lot, just enough to do some experiments with. im located in california if that helps
  10. thanks, but theres one thing missing, what do i do to calculate the percentage of the acid???i get the process but what do i do when the Ph is at 7???
  11. i have the acids, i have the phenolphthalein yet the process makes no freakin sense at all. can you help explain the process a bit ?? :confused: also how can i figure the % of the acids from those charts?? thanks!!
  12. hello, i was doing some experiments and managed to make some nitric acid and i don't know the percent. is there an easy way to determine the percent???also, the sulfuric acid i used to make it, i also had no idea what the percent was. if any body knows a highly effective way to determine the percent of the acid it would be great. thanks!!!
  13. in my opinion: 1.hydroflouric acid 2.methyl mercury 3.nitric acid 4. sodium 5.any concentrated acid my top five
  14. did u see that on a shirt called h.e.m.p.???(help eliminate marijuana prohibition)my brothers got that shirt, anyway,it's been proven that drivers who are intoxicated with alcohol are 80% more likely to crash than a person intoxicated with marijuana
  15. TATER


    what do you mean by the process is a bit more involved than just mixing? is there something that they do that makes it more powerful?
  16. I didn't mean by buying it from anybody i meant any household items that were chock full of the stuff.
  17. Hello, i am having a little trouble finding magnesium. if anyone knows how to get magnesium(powder or solid form) without having to buy any ,please let me know. Thanks!!
  18. Try sodium iodide, and hydrogen peroxide. also works as a funny prank:-pif all else fails, try potassium permanganate, dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide
  19. i tried it again but this time i used both copper anodes. i used a test tube to capture the hydrogen produced and a strange blue residue appeared on the wall of the test tube:confused: i had also added salt to this mixture but i used no phenolphthalein.
  20. how much acid would you use?
  21. Hello, i've been looking at ads on ebay about how to make barium and strontium nitrate. does anybody know how to make these compounds without having to spend money on info that is sometimes completely bogus??? thanks
  22. just a little bit of leftover phenolphthalein
  23. does it matter if you use sodium carbonate or bicarbonate?
  24. Hello, i just electrolised a solution of water and salt using a copper anode and electrode. after i had electrolised that solution, i added phenolphthalein, it turned purple, turned orange after ten minutes or so, then turned clear. does any body know what this final solution is? thanks
  25. Who said it's for gardening?
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