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Everything posted by deusexmachina

  1. Thanks for the reply: I will try to narrow this down . The plate is a second chance T-15 trauma plate (titanium 2.54mm thick 6" x8' wide the projectile will be from 1.74 gram to 2.59 gram in weight,no wider then a .226 cal no smaller them a .17 cal with a muzzel velosity of 900 to 1500 FPS max with energy = 85-150 ft.lbs max made of lead or copper jacket(a bullet) under 10 foot range given theses paramaters can you dent the plate between 1 to 10 mm in depth I dont think this small of a projectile can even dent titanium and if so to what depth given limits? I hope that clears it up a bit, what need is a comparason chart within margins of error. so I can look at it and say "ok a dent 10mm deep in this plate it can only be this type of bullet.or in this range of bullets"or somthing to that extent. thanks again. thanks for the answer i updated the info i hiope this helps a bit.
  2. Hi: To start off this is not a homework question. Here is my problem and the info I have,it falls under physics and engineering. you have a 6"x8" piece of Titanium 2.54mm thick. This piece of metal has dents in it from 1 to 25mm deep. What I need is a chart that shows the amount of kinetic energy required by a projectile to make the deformation at the point of impact. I think this info should be available someplace but I dont know where to start looking. I am sure a formula exists to solve this but im not a engineer. I dont know what other info you need to solve this problem. The projectile will vary that is why I need a chart to find the minimum amount required given an amount of energy put in. An exaple of a question is "can a projectile(with x amount of kenitic energy at point of impact) make a dent in titanium to (y) depth. I want to look at the chart and be able to say yes or no. I hope somebody can solve this or point me in the right direction. Thanks for all your help.
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