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Everything posted by waitforufo

  1. My guess is that Hillary's gender had no meaningful impact on the election. It was a wash. As many people likely voted for or against her for no other reason than her gender. I think the woman vote proves this out. If anything, I think many women were insulted by Hillary's "go girl" campaign and that worked against Hillary. Hillary was simply a very unlikable candidate from the get go. She had no charisma. She had a long and storied history of scandal. She enabled her husbands sexual assaults on women. She's famous for treating people viciously. Secret Service agents hated her guts. Her email scandal mostly boiled down to her considering the proper securing of classified documents as an inconvenience to be ignored by her royal highness. She thought of herself as being above national record keeping laws. Hillary ran a campaign with little substance. All of her adds were attack adds. To me this points to a structural problem in the Democratic party coalition. Any straight forward explanation of a Democratic agenda would infuriate some part of their coalition, so such an agenda cannot not be campaigned on. That leaves only attack. Trump, on the other hand, spoke clearly stated goals. He stated his goals repeatedly in each of his enthusiastically attended campaign stops. Each goal clearly intended to piss off some part or all of the Democratic party coalition forcing a Hillary response or dodge. By these means, Trump spoke to his targeted electorate. If you didn't understand Trump's campaign, it was because Trump wasn't speaking to you. He didn't care if he was pissing you off. You weren't going to vote for him anyway. It was a brilliant strategy that paid off.
  2. Then why is China planning to expand coal power production by 20%. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-07/china-coal-power-generation-capacity-may-rise-19-in-5-year-plan Democrats running a red scare. You people crack me up.
  3. I was simply pointing out that President Obama will be most remembered for putting President Elect Donald Trump in the white house. When President Donald Trump is finished, most of the rest of President Obama's accomplishments will be nullified.
  4. Bingo! Leaders of the Democratic party, Obama and Hillary, accept the outcome of the election. They are supporting the transition of power. They are acting like responsible adults. The cry babes and whiners are throwing temper tantrums. Wondering how blue they will get from holding their breath is hysterically funny. Why can't I wait for the inauguration? It should be like a Roman spectacle. The triumphant trump parading past his vanquished foes who are holding a national cry in. What could be better. Real history before our very eyes.
  5. No need to worry about climate change. Trump has Myron Ebell leading the EPA transition team.
  6. I find the protest highly entertaining. January 20 should be a memorable spectacle. I can't wait.
  7. "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won." - President Obama "“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward..." - President Obama They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind. - Hosea 8/7 So why riots and protest? Its the same as it ever was.
  8. Come on. Try a little harder. Show me something like this... or this... Here is more on the cry in at Cornell. http://cornellsun.com/2016/11/09/devastated-cornellians-mourn-election-of-donald-trump-at-cry-in/ Sorry to break it to the "not my president" crowd, but Trump will very soon be your president.
  9. I was at my local watering hole last night. The place was rather crowded. I have to assume a 50/50 split of Trump Clinton supporters. They had the protests on TV. The crowd thought the protests were ridiculous. Many were openly laughing at the protesters. CNN was doing person on the street interviews. All responders seemed to be clueless idiots. Maybe the idiots were simply attracted to the lights and cameras, and wanted their moment fame. On a similar topic, colleges and universities have their deans and chancellors sending out campus wide emails to there snowflake students that just can't bear the outcome of the election. Here is an example. http://view.communications.cu.edu/?qs=d34dddcf03abffcc3b84380b3e6995ec084753f1401c5fc9f19169e6b112118dbc09761b6b81f1525ba70053af9895207877903158b99a49e244b99e7f18b8b01403742d8eb8743c Can you imagine that the faculty would have had a similar response if Hillary had been elected? Students at Cornell held a "Cry in". Really? I didn't see any posters or shouts of "not my president" when Obama was elected.
  10. Canada is ready to renegotiate. https://www.yahoo.com/news/canada-pm-trudeau-says-ready-renegotiate-nafta-trump-165713892.html
  11. On the contrary, I'm looking forward to climate change. The climate just keeps getting better and better. Take a look around. The evidence is everywhere. My My. What a great post for demonstrating why Trump won. Agree with Obama and you're a enlightened genius. Disagree with Obama and you're a racist. Sorry, your race card has been Trumped. Gee, maybe you should think a little bit about what happened yesterday. You are painting a picture of sunshine, rainbows, and lollipops, but the electorate isn't happy and is not buying your list of wonderful statistics. Obama vigorously campaigned for Hillary. Hillary, Obama, and the Democratic party was selling Hillary as four more years of Obama. Doesn't look like the nation bought it. At the moment, Minnesota might flip to Trump. Minnesota for f**k sake. Yet you are bewildered by how anyone can challenge Obama's record of accomplishment. Well take a good look at it before it is gone.
  12. Yeah, I know, I'm deplorable.
  13. It's not what he can do, it's what he won't do. Also, our current president did many things by executive order. He can reverse most of that quickly.
  14. Nominations for stupidest political act of the year so far? How about nominating Hillary Clinton as the Democratic party presidential candidate. Sanders would have been a better candidate. Too bad Donna Brazile was feeding Hillary debate questions. Donna's debate cheating had to be the number two stupidest political act. Number three, Hillary calling Trump supporters Deplorables. All it did was fire them up. Number four, believing the pollsters. Pollsters never reach the silent majority. Number five, believing that Trump would be the easiest Republican contender for Hillary to beat. The liberal media literally thrust Trump into the Republican nomination. Joe and Jane six pack couldn't have been happier. Hillary also caught an unlucky break. Janet "baby burner" Reno died on election eve. A stark reminder of our past Clinton presidency. That couldn't have helped in Florida where Reno was famous for prosecuting innocent people for child molestation. Florida's Hispanics also likely have a long memory about Elian Gonzalez.
  15. Don't forget state governors. Republicans picked up three more of those for a new total of 34. 68% of states now have Republican governors. Republicans also perform as well in state legislative chambers.
  16. A picture says a thousand words. Stock market currently up 160 points. Enjoying my schadenfreude. Hillary to tired to give a concession speech last night. I wonder if they had to wake her up to tell her she lost? All Obama's executive order gone with one signature. Obamacare soon dead. Paris Climate Accord meaningless and fossil fuel energy development to begin in earnest. Immigration laws to be enforced. Borders to be strengthened. Supreme Court justices to be nominated by conservatives. What a happy day!
  17. Do either of you have evidence of law breaking by the FBI regarding Hillary Clinton or her presidential campaign? Your posts are just conjecture.
  18. So why ask me the question if you know the answer? It matters no when the order to delete was given, what matters is that the emails were not deleted when the subpoena was issued. I'm sure you know that. Hardly part of her team? Did she not have a contractual agreement with Platte River Networks? Here is an interesting read. http://www.denverpost.com/2016/09/08/a-fish-story-in-platte-river-networks-purge-of-clinton-e-mails/ Image if a similar situation would have happened with Trump? How would you feel about it then?
  19. Were the Trump emails you mention under subpoena? That would be illegal. BTW, Hillary's team has deleted emails under subpoena. Bleach Bit is quite proud of its program being used by Hillary's team to delete emails under subpoena. https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something
  20. Must be guilty of what? Please try to be specific. Thank you Delta1212, but I did provide a link to the definition of ex post facto which included further links to the US Constitution and Supreme Court cases.
  21. Interesting. I'm used to seeing a moderators comment in at least the parent topic when a split creates a new topic. Something like this. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/98833-humbling-at-hofstra/?view=findpost&p=947639&hl=split I'm curious why that did not happen with this split? With regard to the wheels of justice, perhaps you could get them rolling on Trump by listing the laws Trump has broken. Yes, I appreciate that we have laws holding our public officials to higher standards than private citizens. I think that's a good thing. Don't you? If you can point to laws broken by Trump, I'm all in favor of law enforcement pursuing them. I wouldn't want a crook running my country. If you reply please remember prohibitions against ex post facto laws in the United states. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/ex_post_facto
  22. I have looked through the thread "Hillary's Emails on Weiner's Laptop" and can find no post by you DrP. Can you please provide a link to where you "brought this up in the other thread." Perhaps I missed it. Here is the other thread if you are having a hard time finding it. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/100259-hillarys-emails-on-weiners-laptop/
  23. Thank you for the agreement. It's funny that no one on this topic has ever heard of the Patriot Act. Law enforcement can look at email meta data with out a warrant all they want. Its the same as them looking at the outside of an envelope sent through the mail. There was no need for "other sources." With regard to the delay, Comey had agents looking a the laptop for the Weiner investigation. During that Weiner investigation they found emails related to the Clinton server investigation. That took time. Once those agents thought they had adequate evidence to seek a further warrant they took it to Comey, who sent a letter to leading members of both parties in congress. While Hillary denied that Democrats were informed at the same time, all she had to do was turn the page. There was no delay. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
  24. So you believe the FBI read the emails without a warrant?
  25. The FBI likely read none of them. All they had to do was look at the email metadata to find out if any of these emails were to or from Hillary's private email server. That by itself would make them "appear to be pertinent." The FBI doesn't need a warrant to look at the metadata on each email. The FBI then went and got a warrant so they could read the emails to determine if a felony crime had been committed.. They are doing that now. They may all be personal and irrelevant. Time will tell.
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