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Everything posted by waitforufo

  1. It appears to me that neither of you know very many muslims. I have know and been friends with several from the mid 1980 to the present. All of them would defend Sharia law, and I would always criticize them for it. You both act as if the promotion of Sharia law is only done by a small number of muslims. Yet you both seem incapable of criticizing even what you believe to be a small minority of muslims. From that I have to conclude that liberals do indeed think Islam should be protected from criticism. At least that is true for you two. Phi for all, Sharia law is not found in the bible. Where on earth do you find Christians or Jews in our modern world practicing anything close to Sharia Law. You see Western civilization figured out that church and state should be separated back during the enlightenment. The US constitution, even with it's flaws, is a shining example of that insight.
  2. No the goal is not to hurt their feelings but to communicate that their goal of implementing Sharia law in the modern world is counterproductive to promoting human nature. If that hurts their feelings, those feelings need to be hurt. They need to know that there will be resistance. The subject of this topic is "Do liberals think Islam should be protected from Criticism". I pointed out that those that promote Sharia law, generally speaking the followers of Islam, should be criticized. I left out other religions because of the subject of this topic. MigL included all other religions and I agreed with him. You on the other hand said. The implication of your post starting with "Change that" is that you are against living under Biblical Law and Mosaic Law but not Sharia law. You did not say "include" Biblical law and Mosaic law. My question was simply seeking clarification. So do you think those promoting Sharia law in the modern world should be criticized or not? You clearly are capable of criticizing the followers of the Westboro Baptist church. I completely agree with that criticism. Are you capable of criticizing muslims who promote Sharia law?
  3. While I agree with everything you said above, I think in our modern world, anyone who supports or encourages Sharia law anywhere should be criticized harshly. If that hurts there feelings, all the better.
  4. So you are saying that Sharia law is okay with you? You wouldn't criticize someone who believed your nation should be ruled under Sharia law.
  5. How about we all agree that no civilized nation would be ruled by Sharia law and that anyone that suggests a nation should be so ruled ought to be criticized.
  6. It's called a lie by omission. I'm just impressed by her money making abilities, particularly since she said "dead broke" after getting out of the white house.
  7. She sure made herself rich in the process of caring about our nation while lying. Nice job if you can get it.
  8. My position on the TPP is irrelevant. The question is can you believe Hillary. She as a long storied history of lying. Don't believe her. And excuse me, TPP.
  9. It doesn't disqualify her candidacy, its just that no one should vote for her. For example, some have said that Bernie Sanders has influenced Hillary's positions. Things like the PTT. Can you really believe her? She said PTT was the gold standard of trade agreements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpLQzeCoNnA. Do you really believe she is going to make significant changes to the PTT, or do you think she is just trying to get Bernie Sanders supporters to vote for her. Well she is a liar, so don't believe her. It's that simple. Edit after DrmDoc comment below: I meant TPP not PTT which is obvious from my link.
  10. Hillary's lies are contagious. They only harm her.
  11. People have been questioning her health for quite some time. When she coughed up a lunger on Sep 5 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B46oJlwqHWY],many people again questioned her health and were called conspiracy theory nut jobs. She had allergies we were told. So when she found out she had pneumonia on Friday, September 9, she should have announced her condition. Also on September 9/11 after her episode, her campaign, which she controls, said she was overheated, then Hillary her self came out and said when asked that she was just fine. I have provided that video as well. Then we get the truth about pneumonia. She lies even when the truth is better. A Friday announcement would likely have garnered her sympathy. Liars don't get much of that.
  12. If you would like to talk about Donald Trump. There is a separate topic for that. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/93445-donald-trump/ This topic is exploring Hillary Clinton.
  13. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/clinton-pneumonia-cover-story-proves-instinct-lie-article-1.2788402 Even though she knows that everyone is looking for her next lie, Hillary just can't help herself. Lying is an integral part of her nature.
  14. Here is a video of Hillary Clinton lying about her health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_RhcVXVwws She says she is feeling great. She also says its a beautiful day in New York. A beautiful day that some how caused her to "overheat" forcing her to leave the 9/11 memorial service. So add another lie. Here is that exit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRHf7cgtMeU Later that same day her campaign said she was cancelling events because she had pneumonia that was diagnosed the previous Friday where her doctor told her to take time off for rest. Instead she decided to point out to the word that 20+% of the nation were in a basket of deplorables, attend the 9/11 memorial, and then enter a Ozzy Osborne look alike contest. Too bad she missed the look alike contest. She was a shoe in. What is with the baskets anyway. At least Romney had binders.
  15. Thanks for bringing up travelgate. Travelgate is where Hillary tried to have an innocent man, Billy Dale, sent to prison so she could get her campaign contributing Hollywood buddies a crony capitalist job of running the white house travel office. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_travel_office_controversy Why is it that Hillary always has a problem with documents surfacing? Why do such documents surface so late? Why are her previous comments always being contradicted? So Hillary has been outed as at congenital liar since 1996. http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/08/opinion/essay-blizzard-of-lies.html As for Billy Dale... I know. Hillary Clinton supporters are proud of her for getting away with things like trying to get innocent people sent to jail in order to service there political friends. They consider such actions as a positive character trait.
  16. Wow, so much to go through after taking a three day business trip. I had no idea my opener would be such a popular topic. Elfmotat, thank you for pointing out a few of the laws broken by Hillary. You did miss that the National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office. DrmDoc, no the 30000 emails that Hillary deleted were not recoverd. About half of them were. Thank you for at least acknowledging that at least three of those emails violated the federal rules requiring Hillary to preserve her work related emails. Evidence of three crimes right there. Also, the only reason the 30000 email were found was because a FOIA request was made on her emails was made and the National Archives had no Hillary emails recorded by the National Archives. Evidence of another legal violation. Why is it that only those irredeemable, not America, people found in the basket of deplorables find this so obvious? Now we all know that Hillary is confused about or can't remember about how clasified documents were marked. Perhaps she would have remembered if her training included the following image. Looking things up is always a great way to jog one's memory. I bet the Secretary of State could simply just ask someone about properly securing classified documents. Oh wait, she did, but simply didn't like or follow their answers. But I guess that's okay if Hillary can't remember.
  17. Do you remember the laws of physics? Things like Maxwell's Equations. You don't think its reasonable for a Yale educated lawyer to pay attention to the legal requirements of her job? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/hillary-clinton-fails-the-abcs-of-handling-classified-information/2016/09/06/70e4a920-7439-11e6-be4f-3f42f2e5a49e_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-d%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.2e82e0493aa9 Obviously I'm not the only one that thinks Clinton should remember simple laws regarding the handling and disclosure of classified information.
  18. Are you a Yale educated lawyer?
  19. A great description of Hillary Clinton. I think our primary interest is whether or not we can believe what they say. Based on Hillary's political ambitions, actions, and lifetime performance, the answer is no. By the way defending lair's doesn't do a lot for your own personal credibility either. You mean this one. All I had to do was google image "hillary clinton goofy faces." It's her signature look. How many of those documents that you signed said you would be criminally prosecuted if you violated them? You mention that that this is a science site that should have a higher standard. What about Hillary Clinton? Isn't she a Yale educated lawyer? Don't you think she should be able to recall at least the legal documents she signed that could land her in prison? Too much to expect? Really? Maybe you should go to this site, read the pdf and then see who signed it. http://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HRC-classified-NDA1.pdf Here is her signature. She also, as Senator, sat on the Armed Services Committee where she handled classified documents regularly. Somehow however she can claim to be ignorant of classified document markings. More amazing than that is that people believe her. I think those so called believers actually just believe in a cause, so they encourage and believe her lies. Forgetful, easily confused, extremely careless, and ignorant. What a candidate. Good thing Hillary had a material wittiness in her FBI investigation also acting as her personal lawyer. Yet there was not a peep from the Obama justice department. Move along, nothing to see here. http://www.weeklystandard.com/article/2004156/
  20. Well we all know Hillary is a liar very forgetful. http://www.weeklystandard.com/article/2004146/ http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/clinton-told-fbi-couldnt-recall-key-details-26-times/ And easily confused. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-told-fbi-she-thought-classified-markings-were-alphabetical-paragraphs/article/2600900 And is extremely careless. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/05/politics/fbi-director-doesnt-recommend-charges-against-hillary-clinton/ But lying to the people is what politicians do, so I guess she gets a pass.
  21. I figured since we had a Donald Trump topic, we should have a Hillary Clinton topic. I thought today would be a good start day with the release of the FBI investigation file. Hillary could find even one of those 13 mobile devices? Not one? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2600901 Hillary deleted 17500 emails. Wow, 17500. http://www.dailywire.com/news/8779/fbi-hillary-deleted-30-emails-about-benghazi-ben-shapiro At least 30 of those emails were about benghazi. Doesn't sound personal to me. I wonder what else she deleted. Maybe the NSA knows. http://circa.com/politics/accountability/fbis-hillary-clinton-email-probe-found-evidence-of-effort-to-evade-federal-records-law Hillary also the FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws. And to think Richard Nixon's big problem was 18 minutes of erased tape. Somewhere in the great beyond old tricky Dick must be shouting "You go girl!" Edit: Oh here is why she can't remember her briefings and where her mobile devices are. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fbi-releases-documents-related-clinton-email-investigation-174820715.html She had a concussion and a blood clot on her brain. Good thing she is in perfect health now. Now I'm sure we all know that this is all BS, but we will just have to cut Hillary some slack to support the cause. Right?
  22. Just a funny onion link. Not disparagement of Joe Biden intended. http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-chokes-while-describing-hardworking-american-53364
  23. Yes I understand it was for war, but the same system could be applied for the purpose of population control. Everyone is given a number at birth. Then once a year the population would be checked to determine if the population was above the magic number for sustainability. If it was above, numbers would be drawn and the "winners" would be disintegrated. Everyone would have the same odds for getting disintegrated so the system would be fair.
  24. Watch Star Trek, season 1 episode 23, "A taste of Armageddon". A lottery where "winners" are eliminated in disintegration booths. The population problem would be solved quickly. The only question is how low should we go?
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