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Everything posted by waitforufo
See, right there you proved that the gender pay gap is a myth. Simply reassign half the income of each married male to there spouse. Men make less and women make more. Problem solved. With regard to equal success with identical effort, people only have the right to pursue happiness, it's up to them to catch it. Well, I pay very close attention to one number. It's on my paycheck. It never lies. It also has great benefit to women. My wife, my daughters, my mother, my aunt and when they were alive my grandmothers.
You believe that what you "advocate yields a better and more prosperous society for everyone" but at the same time you claim that you are not making reference to "fairness." Interesting. What in fact you advocate is holding back high performers to no benefit to society or anyone. You seem to think that people like myself simply hang out at work unproductively, while looking busy in order to wrongly receive accolades, promotions, and raises at the detriment of others. What a joke. My peers and coworkers beg to have me on their projects. My projects are successful. They share in the success. That success benefits my company and thereby society in general. What you advocate is reduced productivity thereby producing less for society increasing suffering. You are happy to do that as long at it closes the gender pay gap so you can feel better about yourself. I have been married for 35 happy years. My significant other sits in the driver seat of a new car of her choice. Our marriage has produced happy, intelligent, ambitious, college educated children. They are ambitious because they have seen the benefits of ambition. Yet you find fault in that. Says a lot about you.
- 159 replies
I'm glad to see the dark heart of liberalism so clearly on display. What is that dark heart? It's the belief that if society fails one person it should fail all people. It is what the dark side of liberalism calls fairness.
Okay, I let the above sit for a few days just to see if anyone besides me would call bullsh*t on it. I can't read it without busting out laughing. I have been a salaried engineer for 30+ years. At least a decade of those years was working 10 hour days six days a week. Since I'm salaried I don't get paid overtime. Why did I do it? For success. How do you think I got to be a director. Why do you think I'm paid as much as I am? I remember once being in the work cafeteria just after the IEEE publish its salary survey. The survey results include a chart showing years of experience after a bachelors degree to income. Income included plots for mean and two standard deviations above and below the mean. One of my coworkers who was hired the same week I was at the same title but every day did his eight and skate complained that his income wasn't even on the chart. So I took a look, smiled, and said "mine isn't either." Two year later during my performance review I was complaining that my raise wasn't big enough based on performance and my boss told me that It wouldn't be fair to give me more money because I liked to work more than my peers. So a month later when I turned in my resignation for a job that paid 15% more the next manager up the line called me and asked why I was leaving. So I told him because of my bosses comment about liking to work harder than others. So the next day I was offered 25% more pay and my boss was reassigned. I love being an engineer and I like even more the greater pay that hard work brings. I love it when my managers screw up schedules. It gives me the opportunity to shine. Twenty one patents, promotions, and big raises. That hard work turned in to college educations for my kids, vacations all over the world, new cars and motorcycles, and in general a fabulous life. The reward for hard work is more pay. The reward for being a slacker is more slack time. You get out what you put in. But Overtone would make that illegal. If you are going to make that illegal why stop there. Why not make studying more illegal. Those jerks are skewing the grade curve. How about practicing sports more. Those a-holes are getting all the major league starting positions. Or how about practicing playing music more. Symphonies are full of those jerks.
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Well quit pussyfooting. Let's here those reasonable options.
Was that a picture of the Shah? The evil SOB put in power by Ike? The source of all evil that produced the Iranian revolution that put the theocracy in power? That's your example of the good life in Iran? No one is saying the Iranian people are a monolithic block. The Iranian theocracy, which controls all the power an Iran, is a monolithic block. I'm sure Germany had lots of liberal minded nice people living in it while Hitler was in power and the same could be said about the USSR under Stalin. Those nice west leaning Iranians are doing nothing to change the power structure in Iran. Like I said, If they get uppity you just have to publicly kill a few of them and they calm down quick. That's true everywhere. Even here in the USA. How many college campuses were taken over after four died in Ohio?
So is talk all this topic is going to be? Hasn't pay inequality been around far too long for us to just simply talk? I provide a concrete proposal to fix the problem and I get accused of trolling. What's a person have to do to get some action? So you don't like my tax proposal. Okay, here is another. The source of all good things, the government, should establish a ministry of salary, wage, and benefits. This ministry would participate in every salary, wage, and benefit decision for every single person in the country. The gender gap would be closed in an instant. Tom get's paid more then Mary? Well that can be easily be corrected. Maids get paid less than garbage collectors? Again fixed in an instant. Now this will likely require a large bureaucracy so taxes will have to go up, but think of all the fairness those taxes will buy. Think of the productivity gains. No need to go to all those affirmative action or cultural diversity meetings any more. Why stop at gender gaps. What about education gaps. People with high school degrees get paid less then those with college degrees? Students with low grades get paid less than those with high grades? The illiterate get paid less than the literate? All that can be fixed. What about political gaps? Liberals get paid less than conservatives. Can't let that stand. Conservatives get paid less than liberals. Well that one only makes sense. Race gaps, gone. The list just goes on and on. Here is the best gap to close of them all. The employed get paid more than the unemployed? Where is the fairness in that?
Obviously you don't understand fairness and governments role in correcting injustice. My tax proposal takes care of all of that instantly. It also has the added benefit of allowing the government to grow bigger and more intrusive thereby providing government a better understand our needs and allowing government to shower us with benefits.
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We obviously need a 25% tax on men. It should kick in on a male's 18th birthday and last there entire life. Then there should be a 25% minimum estate tax applied at the death of all males. There, problem solved.
Because those Ifs, make our actions dependent on their actions. Iran can stop this whenever they want.
No that is not what I said. Let's look at it again. You are missing two very important ifs in your interpretation of my position. If Iran made bombs Iran would be given the option to give up their nuke bombs and Iran would only be attacked if they appeared to be readying a bomb for use. Now do you understand? ***********Edit************ I also said the following. That control would have to be out of country for Iran. Your quote you are providing "Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has said that Iran would never develop a nuclear weapon", is a quote from President Obama not from Khamenei. Show me the fatwa. It's a myth. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/world-report/2015/02/18/irans-nuclear-weapons-fatwa-is-a-myth Who got it from Fox News right?
See, you just can't help yourself. There's no way a person can come to conclusions different from your without watching Fox News. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar. You must take comfort in being able to dismiss all counter points of view as mindless repetition of the talking points from the evil corporate spin masters at Fox News. Well heck, we should just get over these little inconveniences with Iran of about who has or wants nukes and just give them a fully nuke equipped trident sub and be done with it. Based on the above we are safe. I'm sure they would really be our friends then. It's so important to have friends. Apocalyptic cults can't wait for the end times. They try to bring it to the present through there actions. Doing so will produce the paradise of which they are certain. Nothing bad will happen to them. Allah will protect them because they do His will. Your wiki page opens with "This page has some issues." The fatwa is a myth. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/world-report/2015/02/18/irans-nuclear-weapons-fatwa-is-a-myth
I never watch TV news of any kind and never go to web sites associated with TV news. I'm sure you won't believe that but there is nothing I can do about your beliefs. I do find it curious that "watching Fox News" is such an important condemnation for liberals. All arguments can be dismissed with "you watch FOX News!" Well you watch MSNBC! So there! Secondly, for the record, I never said Iran had anything to do with 9-11. No Iranian leader, religious or otherwise has ever issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons. Its a myth. Besides we are the kafir. It's okay to lie to us if it promotes Islam. I'm sure the theocracy understands that.
First, this entire topic is becoming moot because of the lying, deceptive, devilish occupant in the White House. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/ayatollah-khamenei-accuses-wh-lying-being-deceptive-and-having-devilish-intentions_914336.html I have clearly stated my position and it is more than just sanctions. Here it is again. Will this keep Iran from building a bomb. Likely no. Will the lying, deceptive, devil's plan keep Iran from getting the bomb. Definitely not. The devil's plan will simply allow Iran to have a prosperous economy and a comfortable development schedule. My plan will at least has costs for Iran. The devil's plan only has benefits for Iran. One day when Iran incinerates a city I'm sure those like you will say "Oh shucks, I guess they really meant all that death to nations rhetoric. Who would have guessed? I least we tried our hardest to be nice to them so it's not our fault. We all know that good intentions is all that maters."
Nonsense. I'm calling for them to give up their nuclear bomb program. They can be a happy prosperous nation without nuclear bombs. I guess I hold my fellow country men, women, and children a bit more dear than others like you. If you think the US overreacted to 9/11 with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, just wait until a US city is nuked. The rhetoric of apocalyptic cults is not empty and should not be ignored. Oh you are so brave with the lives of others. Thinking like yours is not making the world a safer place. Your thinking is encouraging their madness.
Interesting that you still have your double standard. Why should our threats produce opposition, but their threats should not? Will you feel that way if New York, Chicago, L.A, or San Francisco get nuked? What about Washington DC? They do wish our death and say so all the time. Yes we should. The youth have no influence over those in power in Iran. During the Iranian revolution that put the theocracy in power, daily local newscasts started buy announcing the names or number of local Iranian citizens who were kill in the name a Allah. People were simply rounded up shot for being apostates. Something quite similar to "The Terror" during the French revolution. Don't think it can't happen again. Those same people are still in power. You obviously have no appreciation for whom we are dealing with in Iran. If the youth get uppity, the theocracy will simply kill enough of them to shut the rest of them up. They will do it in the name of Allah, read there names on the news, and then cut to the celebrations in the streets.
But somehow we are supposed to be above all that "Death to America" talk. That talk comes from their supreme leaders all the way down to there common citizens. Why the double standard?
The US leads the P5+1 group. I have clearly stated my position. Iran can have no path to the bomb ever. This position is reasonable because Iran threatens to destroy nations. It even has a holiday to calling for the destruction of nations. They have also demonstrated no respect for human rights since their founding. Until Iran agrees to this basic starting position sanctions should not only be maintained but steadily increased. If Iran develops the bomb anyway, then sanctions should again be increased until they give it up. If they appear to be readying a bomb for use then we should destroy their nuclear arsenal and their ability to make nuclear weapons. All of this should be clearly communicated to them. Again, this is a reasonable position because of their often stated intentions and actions.
I'm not apposed to negotiating a deal. I said in a previous post that Iran can have all the nuclear power it wants if their nuclear material is controlled by others. Unlike you and our president I know when to walk away from a bad deal. This is a bad deal. So bad the president doesn't want congress to vote on it because democrats won't support it. Here is proof that Iran agrees with you that Obama is over a barrel. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/iran-calls-for-end-of-saudi-led-airstrikes-on-yemen-after-sending-two-warships/2015/04/09/8a0ab446-de8d-11e4-be40-566e2653afe5_story.html Obama and Kerry couldn't negotiate there way out of a paper bag. Just wait, Obama and Kerry will cave.
The above is more irrelevant nonsense in defense of your silly three choices. So lets go back and look at them again. So these are our only three choices? But wait, there are two parties in this negotiation. So what options do the above three choices give the P5+1 group. Based on your three choices it looks like Iran has the P5+1 over a barrel. So please explain which of your choices the P5+1 powers should select if Iran walks away from the table? The future in Iran will be dominated by the same theocracy they have now unless we show that the theocracy is the road to no where. The pro-west younger generation has no influence on the theocracy and never will unless we make Iran as a nation pay the price for their leadership. Iran's citizens are responsible for what there government does.
Were we doing nothing before the framework agreement? No, There were and are international sanctions. I say were because Obama relaxed sanctions to encourage the framework talks. Then we could increase sanctions further. If they want the bomb, they can also have a crippled economy. I'm sure they understand that life is full of trade-offs. With regard to them hating us, well they hate us now so who cares. With regard to copious negative down stream consequences, please list at least 10 and how these copious negative down stream consequences are avoided by letting Iran have the bomb in 10 to 15 years instead of now? Finally your youth comment is just silly. Iranian youth have no power to change their country from within.
Diplomatically Iran and Saudi Arabia are two different issues. The question should be are human rights in Iran better under the theocracy then they were under the Shah. US actions put both into power. So who had the better play, Ike or Jimmy? With the Shah at least we had a secular leader and a country with normalized friendly relations with Israel. The theocracy on the other hand has been an unmitigated disaster, with worse human rights to boot. Where would we be in the middle east today without Iran's proxies Hamas and Hezbollah? Now Obama wants to give the theocracy a financially comfortable decade long runway to building the bomb. Gee what could possibly go wrong there?
Yeah, there hilarious with all the hangings of gays and dissidents. Good thing Jimmy Carter decided to play comedian and make human rights the corner stone of his foreign policy. The theocracy is a punch line that never stops being funny. Of course it's our fault that, as you clearly point out, that hate us for good reasons. So your right we, the kafir, should now trust them in keeping their promises and intentions. Oh wait, they promise kill us and our nation.
Maybe that sit down could be scheduled on Quds Day. An Iranian holiday where the government sponsors marches and rallies where the participants chant "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quds_Day I think you are in dreamland.
Israel does threaten Iran's proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.