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Everything posted by Moltensphereearth

  1. thanks mate.
  2. droped water acts like teardrops so the sun should too if it's moving. it is strange it's expanding like that. I'ts not really a bang. A bit hard to prove as the instruments needed to test this would be expanding too. Im a bit confused though with space expanding. Space has no sides so does not exist, so how can space expand? with my idea of space surrounds solid, that proves that empty space has ALWAYS never existed.
  3. IF the planets were molten when they were born spheres and the universe is expanding would the spheres not loot like teardrop shape due to the force of the expanding universe? Also, if the sun if a sphere and the universe is expanding would the sun not look like a teardrop shape too? If the universe is expanding why is this not true?
  4. store it in a capacitor, and use whats needed. one trillion watts is a lot of power per strike. im just saying it might be profitable.
  5. The average peak power output of a single lightning stroke is about one trillion watts. think that will keep me warm in the winter. 5 2Kwatt heaters in a house would be 10 kwatts. so that one trillion divided by 10kwats of houses. thats a whole country!! easily.
  6. Sorry. i now see your point, Im not sure but if an international matrix grid was created as it's probably lightning atleast somewhere around the world at any one time, it might be ok. I's an idea that i thought deserves investigating. 10,000,000 volts at say 1000Amps steped down to 240 volts would produce 41666666 Amps! at an average say 60amps per house that's 694,444 houses. A large grid of rods could cover a country. As some countries have a lot of lightning, might may sense producing.
  7. your joking right? a spark from your mains socket is pretty small, just think about a lightning bolt, could supply a city or more. The problem is more winding the possible 10,000,000 winds on to a transformer, that's a lot of copper, time, money and winder machine.
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