I have posted my mission statement here to bring to your attention the following remarkable insight into the world of atomic physics:
....to serve as a reminder of how atomic physics started out as a major cornerstone in quantum science, based on the simple observation that atoms will "glow" or irradiate quantal amounts of energy when energetically excited; and that it is this very "spectral nature" in atoms - a rare and unique property expected to be shared by all life forms, since all living matter is composed of atoms - that enables atomic physics to be scientifically recognized as the only true-path representing mankind's entire human endeavour towards achieving unification.
All life-forms will evolve the ability to irradiate energy - that is, "glow" - A scientific fact !
It would be interesting to hear or receive your views on whether you know of any scientists at all who have actually realized this most important fact about the nature of atoms.
In particular, how many scientists out there can actually recollect and list all the various unique properties of atoms? Since such properties will eventually shape the future of human evolution as we know it today!
Your opinions or any views are always welcomed.