Hi Folks,
I'm Richard, currently in Durban, South Africa.
I studied Chem Eng and Comp Sci way back when, and have a pretty good background in maths & science.
I love to learn, love to solve problems, and am always thinking about how things work. Someone earlier in this thread used the word "sponge-brain" ... I think that also fits quite well with me.
Loved maths & science at school - never had to apply myself much - things just seemed to make sense naturally and fit into a world-view framework. My thinking and learning is kind of network based - I lay down a few fundamental truths, and from there build a framework where I am happy playing and extrapolating between the bits of knowledge. I only add things that fit and are coherent - never was able to do the memory or parrot learning - and grow my understanding through linkages.
Although I've got the logical brain, I'm also intuitive as well - which plays hell with my personality
So I started off with a rational, well grounded education, but have since been devouring books on the metaphysical and philosophical side of the world view.
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I've been musing over "the emergence of a fundamental space" for the past 15 to 20 years - occurring to me first as a kind of nagging vision or image that refuses to let me go.
I've been trying to unravel the physics and maths behind the mental imagery ever since - which at times feels a bit like trying to wrestle an alligator and pin it down to the ground.
Around a year ago, I managed to put together a Gambas animation simulation of my visual concept - after finally being able to identify and come to grips with the maths and geometry that was necessary to describe what I was envisaging.
I can more or less explain my ideas to people who sit next to me at my computer, but it still requires them to sit patiently through a long discussion and demonstration, with a lot of wild hand-waving from my side.
So that's why I'm here, to get my concept down into a paper that I can share with people who are not physically located next to me, in a form which allows for constructive critique and discussion.
Thus far, folks have been pretty helpful and friendly.
Happy to be here.