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Everything posted by mennans

  1. Learn about physics, and you can be an engineer or inventor. Learn about programming and you can build robots or design cheap computers. Biological study can lead to insights in the natural world and medicine. Science often takes place in isolation when one challenges status quo. These are specific examples, but the scientific process itself can show you opportunity for gain. I'm not home employed, but I make do with very little money (and therefore, time working and doing things I don't enjoy) by not paying more than I need to. For example, common items that I used to pay 3-8$ for, I can find identical replacements for at the dollar store. In a $20 bag I can have "$100" of merchandise if I pay the standard retail jab. It's all exported labor, but one is packaged and marketed effectively. You can apply reasoning and science it self to create opportunities for finance, and more importantly, overall satisfaction with life.
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