wow i can relate soo much to what you are saying it hurts soo much and i feel like crying , what i usually do is try to rub it and it doesnt work so i lay back down and try to relax my legg and breath in and out like im having a baby kind of it sounds soo stupid but it kind of so afraid to flex my legs like both of them it hurts when i do and if i do it for like 4 seconds it runs up my leggs and kills and i am really afriad something is considering going to the chiropractor,i dont know if it has anything to do with the reason i have stopped swimming or something cause i never used to get these..and i just stopped swimming this year (aka working out ect)...tell me what i can do to make it stop and be able to not have to worry about it..if its never happend to you its soo hard to explain the pain you go threw..Also, after i have legg spazims my leggs hurt and it hurts to walk on them and if i just point my toes i get cramps in the bottom of my feet!