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Everything posted by Spacegata

  1. Hi everyone. I am doing a beginner chemistry course from abroad. I am in chile... and so I *think* I have found the right ingredients to complete my lab but my results are not what I expected. *the experiment is REALLY basic.....* Its a kitchen lab, where I was asked to put an steel (iron) nail a galvanized (zinc ) nail a penny and a nickel in vinegar. (and watch the reaction.) (There are no pennies in chile. and the only STEEL nail I could find was STAINLESS steel.) so. I saw the zinc reaction > releasing H2 gas. But the copper pipe, stainless steel nail and nickel (amazingly, I still had a canadian nickel in my purse ) didnt show any signs of reaction. *HELP?* I thought the iron would react more ? (but stainless steel.... because its STAINLESS - perhaps doesnt react ?) I know this is VERY basic for most of you.... Im really REALLY new to this. And puzzled. (and interesting in understanding !) any help at all would be appreciated. ! thank you in advance
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