Reviews are hard to access since my home computer isn't suscribed to any journals.
I do actually read these papers with a textbook next to me. Two, in fact. Janeway's Immunobiology and Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry. They both help to some degree but there are still terms, like LAT-Y136F mice and the HY thing, that are really only practical experimental terms and don't come up much in theory [and therefore not in these textbooks]. I use google too before posting it here; I'm obviously not asking for you guys to do my homework for me.
I figure that LAT is the mutation introduced, but what is a Y136F mouse
Here's a download link -
Haha! I figured out what LATY136F mice are! They're mice that have a mutation at the 136th amino acid, which is normally a tyrosine (Y), in their LAT protein! I'm guessing the F means that the mutation changed Y136 to an F136. Y136 is a binding site for PLC-gamma
Haha! I figured out what LATY136F mice are! They're mice that have a mutation at the 136th amino acid, which is normally a tyrosine (Y), in their LAT protein! I'm guessing the F means that the mutation changed Y136 to an F136. Y136 is a binding site for PLC-gamma